Sentences with phrase «to grind to a halt»

But the uniquely American process of expanding educational achievement and income compression ground to a halt in the 1970s.
At least it does not grind to a halt when the political winds change or when technological innovation lags.
Will all of your momentum grind to a halt as your mystery / thriller fans side - eye that fantasy romance you just published?
After an eternity, its expansion should grind to a halt with no subsequent collapse.
Your travel life needn't grind to a halt just because you've become a parent.
But there are also a lot of elements that simply do not work, and the show ends up grinding to a halt because of them.
Somehow in the fall, though it was 90 percent finished, the whole thing ground to a halt.
Without trust, all commerce on the planet would literally grind to a halt.
At corporate settings, there are layers of separation to prevent the entire team from grinding to a halt due to any bad news for the company.
Most affordable housing developers kept building during the financial crisis, when almost all other housing development activity ground to a halt.
No matter how cleverly designed, they will eventually grind to a halt without ever producing the desired free work.
Unfortunately, their talks ground to a halt over the fundamental issue of student performance targets.
When it was banned by an international treaty, most scientific work ground to a halt even though it was still technically allowed.
On a few occasions the game almost ground to a halt, though thankfully that was rare.
If you never know what people are really thinking, you could spend years spinning your wheels, only to see your business grind to a halt.
But when something breaks down, operations can quickly grind to a halt.
In a little over 2 weeks the country will grind to a halt whilst nearly everyone heads to their home village and town to spend a few precious days with their family.
Still, many millions were left in the dark and infrastructure such as train networks ground to a halt.
Shortly after these commercial successes, each found their careers grinding to a halt.
Things began grinding to a halt when word got out about the plans to build the mosque.
Control theorists, roughly speaking, try to understand how complicated things can run efficiently, quickly, and safely instead of crashing, exploding, or otherwise grinding to a halt.
But some modern biologists feel that evolution would indeed grind to a halt in the absence of environmental change — especially climatic change.
By 1975, the cycle ground to a halt — along with the rest of the British film industry — after a productive decade.
For example, the car breaking down when it's needed for work or the boiler grinding to a halt in winter.
After the burst, investment ground to a halt and consumers became reluctant to buy.
That being said, there are some fundamental flaws that bring the action grinding to a halt, namely the lack of a decent cover system.
Judges have been warning that their courts have been grinding to a halt because of the high percentages of self - represented litigants, particularly so in the family courts.
In 2009, investment sales volume ground to a halt, but volume slowly built up throughout 2010.
That search had ground to a halt in the 1980s and 1990s thanks to the moratorium on new nuclear plants in much of the world and an influx of fuel from nuclear weapons.
Without its friction - cutting properties engines would literally grind to a halt, failing in spectacular fashion.
Plus, the NHS would grind to a halt without them as they perform 85 per cent of the diagnostic tests in a hospital.
And I have to figure it out pretty quick so things don't grind to a halt.
However, work ground to a halt several years ago.
By the end of 2011 the judge's «early robust intentions» to establish contact between father and M ground to a halt and only one contact visit took place in early 2012.
Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said the government was in danger of running out of money because the economy ground to a halt in the wake of Hurricane Maria, which slammed into the island Sept. 20.
Then just two laps from home, to the surprise of nobody, his car ground to a halt after yet another Honda failure.
After grinding to a halt at the 67 km mark of last years Comrades Marathon, I vowed that I would never, ever run again!
Everything grinds to a halt for the speechifying — not that the pacing was terribly zippy to begin with — in a way that's so stilted and self - conscious, it suggests that the material might have been better suited for the stage.
In the early stages Daniel Ricciardo put on a show as he tried to pull off some ridiculous lunges on Bottas, but shortly after his first pit stop his car ground to a halt with engine failure.
Harbin, a frigid northeastern city of 11 million people, virtually ground to a halt on Monday when a pollution index showed airborne contaminants at around 50 times the levels recommended by the World Health Organisation.
It's also far too easy to lose a race entirely thanks to minor mistakes, as even glancing a wall can send your car careening into other obstacles before grinding to a halt, disoriented and often facing the wrong way or stuck in a corner, all while opponents either fly by or increase their lead to insurmountable levels.
Hopefully, the legal process finally grinds to a halt in the next few months, but we should also allow for the risk of the settlement itself (i.e. purchase of the stake by MMM / Wilson family) dragging on.
Though the opening act is packed with tension and mystery, the story grinds to a halt in the middle as its characters become stuck in a holding pattern of sorts, only to eventually limp towards its disappointing conclusion.
While some degree of recovery is possible — this varies greatly among patients depending on many factors, notably age — it's seldom complete, and typically grinds to a halt by three months after the stroke has occurred.
As the car industry grinds to a halt, one automotive supplier is focusing on supplying the wine industry with a solution to a longstanding and costly problem replacing arsenic - treated wooden posts with metal ones.
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