Sentences with phrase «to hack into something»

Really hack into it so that the bones and marrow are exposed.
So if you loose your card or someone hacks into it; the Maximum loss is the amount of money stored on it.
Remove about 10 - 15 minutes before you want to slice it, orrrrr just hack into it with a knife and fork... like me.
I had to sneak a sliver before the kids hack into it tomorrow morning.
Our basement test server (my husband is in IT) used to have people (not just bots) trying to hack into it constantly, there's a constant flood of spam in by inbox, and I see truly deplorable comments on any place where comments can be left.
The Public Relations Officer of COCOBOD, Noah Ameyah, who revealed this on the Citi Breakfast Show, explained that COCOBOD had to spend that amount on the website because it had some special security features that would prevent anyone from hacking into it.
Whoever hacked into them merely leaked what Clinton and her crew was writing back and forth to each other.
So if you loose your card or someone hacks into it; the Maximun loss is the amount of money in your Bank Account.
Unlike the precise targeting of academics, companies were subjected to a broad technique known as «password spraying» that uncovers lists of company email accounts online and then tries to hack into them with common default passwords.
What's really scary, though, is that today's cars are connected to the internet, and some of them are programmed so poorly that it's possible to hack into them and turn off systems — including the engine — while you're driving the car:
I'd try to at least salvage this fabric even if you hack it into something else.
There are also those bisexual hookup sites that don't have these intentions, but their site security is so weak that hacking into them is a cakewalk for the hackers.
Additionally, like pretty much every Ubisoft game these days, revealing the map requires climbing a tower and hacking into it — but there's a twist.
Found by Aloy as a child, it opens up the world map, lets her see the weaknesses of the machines, hack into them (once the relative cauldron has been completed) and see hidden aspects of the world in front of her.
Two years ago, my online identity was compromised; I have an eBay account, and someone hacked into it and bought $ 1,000 worth of electronics.
Found by Aloy as a child, it opens up the world map, lets her see the weaknesses of the machines, hack into them (once the relative cauldron has been completed) and see hidden aspects of the world in front of her.
«Breaches most often occur when an attorney sends an e-mail communication to the wrong party; when they post client information on social media without the client's consent; when they leave a laptop unattended and someone steals it or hacks into it; or when office mates leave copies of client documents on the shared copying machine,» Wood adds.
If yours is a law firm of any size, there is a good chance someone out there is trying to hack into you, or already has.
This, of course, would require that someone steals the computer and has the capabilities to hack into it.
On one hand, if someone wants to hack into something, they can probably do it.On the other hand, establishing solid passwords should ensure that only great hackers can bust in.
You would have barebones software that runs well on the device, updates for two years (three years for security patches) and fast updates to hotfix all the messy ways people find to hack into it.
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