Sentences with phrase «to hang items»

However, hanging the items on a clothes line so that they face the sun is also effective.
Put bedding through at least one hot wash cycle, with bleach if possible, and use the high heat setting on the dryer or hang items in the direct sun.
Hanging items from cages is third way to have you bird keep an eye out for unexpected food opportunities.
It is not the most heavy - duty tent, so avoid lots of hanging items, but otherwise can give you a lot of room to work with for a great price.
Another idea is to create two levels for hanging items — for instance, one for children and one for adults.
For example, hang items such as dresses, skirts, and button - downs.
This is about hanging an item, ANY item, on common property.
Another option is simply to hang the item outside for a few days.
I would have never thought to hang items at different lengths / heights.
→ Go ahead and pack away seasonal clothing, organize hanging items by size or color, and get things off the floor.
I have finally begun my gallery wall I started hanging items using command hooks since I'd rather not damage the walls with nails and such.
And it would be more stuff if I could hang items on the wall!
Such a cute idea for hanging items that you don't want to frame!
According to the article, this woman is violating the rules of her condo by hanging an item in a place where hanging ANYTHING is prohibited.
Do not let children hang any items, like belts or jump ropes, to any part of the bunk bed, as it could pose a strangulation hazard.
Kids have an exceptional ability to land in hazardous zones and they are likely to knock themselves into the walls and hanging items if you put them in mobile exersaucers.
While stroller manufacturers typically discourage hanging items from your stroller handle, it's best to use your instinct with this one.
Rinse and then hang the item in the sun for extra bleaching power.
It makes sense to hang items like towels and such behind the door of your bathroom, but it's a big feng shui no - no when you can't open the door more than 90 degrees.
Forth Step: Hang the items back on the rack by facing everything the same way and color coordinate.
Secure hanging items, put away your breakables, secure electrical cords, stow away cleaning supplies and anything poisonous to puppies.
«Use the valet look in your closet specifically for this purpose, as hanging items there regularly will likely prevent you from seeing and accessing your garments,» Kumar says.
In the process of putting the desk there, we also re-arranged the height of my hanging bars to accommodate some of my long hanging items to be with my shirts, and the rest go in the hall closet with our coats.
But still, sometimes I haven't been able to hang the item exactly where I wanted it, or I ended up hammering permanent hole in my wood door or mantel that I later regret.
I now use the Command stickers to hang items without nails.
Can be hung up (hanging items included) or stood on its side.
Any remaining stains can be re-treated after a wash in the same manner as above or you could try lightening the stains au naturel, by hanging items on the washing line in the sunshine.
These simple solutions are easy to fit and add instant extra storage in your utility room — and they make a great place to hang items such as teacloths, feather dusters and brushes, too.
I used Command strips and hooks to hang the items on my gallery wall.
Finally, if you do still need to store garden tools in your shed, make a feature of them by hanging each item from a beautiful peg board or rail.
Hanging items in something like a DriBuddy however is a good way to air dry our range of clothing quickly, reducing the need to iron an enabling you to get the top back in use quickly!
Adjustable Hanger — The adjustable hanger expands and contracts, making it easy to hang items, no matter the size or clothing type.
To prevent entanglement, be sure to remove all mobile or hanging items by the time your baby is 4 months old or begins to pull herself up.
Fold things well, and hang the items that shouldn't be folded.
I flipped through all my hanging items.
If you don't need a robust closet solution but are looking for extra room to hang items, the Turbo clothes rack is your go - to.
This travel bag that comes in a pale grey blue with a black and white striped inside has spots for you to put or hang each item, so they'll arrive safely to your destination.
When you arrive, all you need to do is open up your package, hang the items and steam in the shower if necessary.
I've seen 2,200 - square - foot stores with 16 linear feet dedicated to treats with baskets on the floor under the hanging items, and the same with toys.
Hang items to dry.
Choose a room to keep your dog in in the meantime that's free of any wires, hanging items or shoes that your dog may go after.
It would be good if the bathroom had more hooks and handles to hang items.
You have your belt which you can hang your items and easily put and take them out when needed.
These conditions may include liquid spills, hanging items, broken glass, rusty equipment, and extremely hot machinery that can cause burns.
Hang items that require easy access on the front of a cupboard with a selection of pegs, hooks or a pegboard panel.
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