Sentences with phrase «to happen in the film»

What things happen in this film to help this superhero understand that principle?
The story's theatrical origins show in the way nothing much happens in the film: the focus is on the themes rather than the people.
The events that happen in this film make no sense at all and are just there for shock value.
He also the same thing happens in the film industry where he said many Nigerian actors are now up for roles in international film productions.
Things are gonna happen in the film where, as I said before, that I feel a sense of how these two — they're quite an odd couple, really.
I admire his attempt, but nobody can even comprehend what even happens in this film and every filmmaking aspect is absolutely terrible.
Some of their interactions raise mildly engaging questions, but nothing particularly exciting or interesting happens in the film for a long, long time.
It's a whole bunch of half - baked ideas happening in the film, but that's kind of the fun of it.
You could say that not much happens in this film, though the thin plot was more than enough for this viewer.
Do not be fooled by the title, enough bad and painful things happen in this film, and they will stick with you long after the film is over.
M. Blash (Director / Writer) doesn't give the audience enough material to stay interested in anything happening in the film.
This week, Neil Calloway looks at what films are celebrating milestones this year... With 2017 now underway, it's time to stop looking at what happened in film in 2016, and start looking forward to the new year by looking back.
Crudo's academic approach to the mechanics of the film's smoke - and - mirror wizardry are far more interesting than anything actually happening in film.
Found - footage horror thriller Unfriended was a welcome surprise back in 2015, when its commitment to a simple but ingenious premise — everything that happens in the film does so on the laptop screen of doomed teenager Shelley Hennig — managed to overcome a lot of the typical low - budget horror movie flaws.
The excellent blog China Film Insider (if you want to know what is happening in the film scene in China, this is the blog to read) reports that net box office revenue from China is still a «drop in the bucket» for the studios overall compared to revenues from North America and international markets ex China.
This reminded me of the opposite happening in the film «The Mask» my favourite part being where Milo the Jack Russell Terrier put the mask on and weed on the bad guys.
And this epic slo - mo hero shot from the trailer now annoys me, because it never happens in the film.
Then an event happens in the film that catapults him down a path that ultimately leads him away from his peers, his friends and family.
Astonishingly, even less happens in this film, which shuffles its characters from one location to another for no other reason than to let the audience get to see the different factions.
The actual attempt of Hall Pass barely happens in this film called Hall Pass.
The dance sequence is key to understanding what probably happened in the film, as it's so deeply stupid and self - contradicting that you can only think the screenwriter (David Leslie Johnson (Orphan)-RRB- had it one way and Hardwicke thought it would be cooler - looking all, y» know, heathen - y and shit with masks and a laurel crown on a wolf's head and stuff.
Nothing remotely momentous ever happens in the films of Korean director Hong Sang - soo, and The Day After — one of three features he premiered last year, arriving...
Whatever happens in the film, it's pretty certain Ren will have some strong opinions about it, and will probably be making a series of YouTube films to tell us all about them.
The Critic Speak Podcast, hosted by Internet film critics Danny Baldwin and James Frazier, is a weekly show about current happenings in the film industry and in film criticism.
This type of update or revisiting of a classic happens in film (see George Lucas's efforts with the original Star Wars trilogy), and is beginning to happen with video games.
When a film happens in the film world, it has to be 80 or 90 minutes, otherwise it can not be shown as a feature film in Cannes or Venice.
Nothing that happens in this film makes a shred of sense, while the Griswolds themselves are so naïve that it's a miracle they're able to function in their daily lives.
I lost my own father shortly before seeing this film, and I'm sure that my copious tears had as much to do with that as anything happening in the film.
An amusing anecdote about Hollywood egos and the urge to steal the limelight, it enters into a discussion of the abominable Corky Romano because a very curious thing happens in the film to its star, Chris Kattan.
This week, Neil Calloway looks at what films are celebrating milestones this year... With 2017 now underway, it's time to stop looking at what happened in film in 2016, and start looking forward to the new year by looking back.
We've watched it (read our review here), and have been thinking about what happens in the film and how it links to 2008's Cloverfield and 2016's 10 Cloverfield Lane.
A quick list of other things that happen in the film: he tells her what to wear and what to eat, he tracks her movements, he takes her back to his without her consent when she's drunk, he takes her virginity mere seconds after she's mentioned it, he demands her surrender and insists on being called «sir».
And mostly that's what happens in the film (with some added extra plot details).
The Extras The Franco brothers and screenwriters Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber join Wiseau and Sestero (appearing via telephone) for an audio commentary, which exists for two main reasons: Wiseau giving the true story about things that happen in the film and Franco pressing Wiseau for more behind - the - scenes information about himself and The Room.
So like idk what the **** was actually happening in this film but DAMN was it entertaining, like holy **** car chase and **** (Also a love romantic thingy was in there but **** dat), also ToeCutter confirmed the scariest **** ing villain of all time * goddamn those accents *
Why is anything happening in this film?
Everything that happens in this film is for a purpose, even if it brushes through everything quickly due to it's very low budget.
If any of this made you curious about what the hell is happening in this film, you can check it out for yourselves when Director's Cut comes to select theaters on May 10 and 11, and hits VOD and Blu - ray / DVD combo on May 29, 2018.
Nothing happens in the film that couldn't easily happen in real life, including the ending.
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