Sentences with phrase «to happen to a woman»

This is exactly what happened to a woman who shared her story in a different travel forum I belong to.
I have actually read that this is not due to breastfeeding, but just what happens to women in general as they age.
Becoming a mother is possibly the best thing that can ever happen to any woman in this world.
He then became curious about what happens to women after their late 20s and early 30s, when disappointment begins to settle in.
Many genre movies in which bad things happen to women end with them fighting back, but here they just take the money and run.
Personal attacks and negative feedback happen to any woman on the internet.
This is most common in breastfeeding women, but also happens to some women who are not breastfeeding.
On the other hand it may be the cause of something happening to the woman.
Maybe your pregnancy cravings were nothing like that, but they still happen to every woman experiencing the unstoppable hormones.
Many genre movies in which bad things happen to women end with them fighting back, but here, as people surely would in real life, they just take the money and run.
Those same effects happen to some women after they give birth.
What happens to the woman fleeing the crime of forced marriage, if the specialist refuge that understood her specific needs is closed down?
It's great to have that small reminder close by to remind you that there are invisible battles happening to women (and some men) all over the world.
Heavy use of slow motion effects try and capture the tragedy of the violence happening to women and children.
If you wait 20 years, see what happens to the women playing high level hockey.
«I think there's something that happens to women when you turn 30, that you enter into being a true woman,» she says.
This doesn't just happen to women who are taking estrogen.
Testosterone imbalance happens to women of all ages; those who are older are more prone to lower testosterone levels.
She has to trust that times are changing — that what happened to women like feminist Margaret Toscano won't happen to her.
If anyone was aware of the sexual assault happening to women on the MSU campus from the office of the President, Board of Trustees, athletic department, faculty & campus police, and didn't say or do anything about it, they should be fired.
Traumatic birth is happening to women all over the world, due to the intensified medicalization of childbirth, and the numbers are staggering — between 33 — 45 % of women perceive their birth to be traumatic (Beck, Driscoll & Watson, 2013).
Furthermore, when a woman drinks soy milk, it also helps them to reduce the risk of suffering from breast cancer which is one of the popular diseases happening to every woman nowadays.
The source of much of the confusion over normality found in medicalized birth is the mistaken idea that labor is something that happens to women rather than something women do (Rothman 1993).
What happens to the woman escaping a controlling relationship, if she can report it to the police but then must return home to her abuser?
Menopause naturally happens to women at some point during their adult life, typically between the ages of 45 and 55.
So some have argued that andropause will necessarily result in low testosterone, likening andropause to menopause, but andropause is not like menopause, which happens to all women and has a clear mechanism of action.
It doesn't happen to every woman, but when it happens it» s horrible.
The film becomes a lot less resonant, and less original, in the third part — partly because the horror is more explicit, partly because what earlier happens to a man now happens to a woman — and although what we see is strictly a repetition of Charlie's fate, it feels more generically punitive.
I've spoken to a few other women who swear the same happened to them
In this article, I address how body composition and hormones change in women as they get older and how women with PCOS differ from non-PCOS women (you can read a previous blog What Happens To Women With PCOS As they Age).
Learn why men get rejected when they approach women and start conversations, and how to make sure this doesn't happen to you
She was one of the best things to ever happen to women's MMA.
But the scenario just described is exactly what happened to a woman in Iowa, whose clinic refused to renew her prescription for birth control pills, not because of bills passed by lawmakers, but because of her age, 42, and the fact she smoked.
As for POP and SUI, these are common female medical conditions that happen to women of all ages, but particularly to those who have borne children or who have had abdominal surgery.
That's what happens to women when they protest, or even comment.
Extensive online pornography use, compulsive masturbation, seeking out anonymous sex, erotic literature, the use of sex - related online chat rooms and sexual use of webcams can all be symptoms that happen to women as well as men in a sexual addiction or a love addiction.
This can even happen to the women who «did their kegels» after childbirth.
Feelings of guilt, depression and going through with treacherous affairs, even when knowing the danger, are just a few things that may end up happening to a woman experiencing this kind of addiction.
She quotes psychotherapist Dalma Heyn in describing the «deadening of pleasure and vitality» that happens to some women after they wed:
Of course, pregnancy is wild physical, emotional, and mental journey where weird, weird things happen to a woman's body so it makes sense that there would be plenty of books to guide her on what's normal and what to expect.
Outsmart Disease: What happens to a woman with hypothyroidism and / or Hashimoto's disease when she has food sensitivities?
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