Sentences with phrase «to happen to one's child»

The law on child protection gives parents the right to be involved in, and have a say about, what happens to their child when in care.
69 percent of single parents have no life insurance... what happens to their children if mom dies in a car accident driving home from work?
What happens to children when their parents die while they are young?
3.4 What happens to children who experience parental separation?
Whatever the motivation, the question becomes what happens to the children of the relationship?
Unfortunately, little is known about what happens to these children in adulthood.
I have heard of things happening to these children that is absolutely horrifying, things that I could never have imagined happening to anyone.
Is there any question about what happens to children with similar problems whose parents lack that ability?
What happens to the children after the divorce process is completed?
The small fee is a small price to pay that gives parents some peace of mind and security in the event something tragic does happen to a child.
Keep the communication open and always stay interested in what's happened to your child from day to day - it will pay off in the end, I promise you.
If the unthinkable happens to the child during college, the income - tax free life insurance proceeds will allow you to take care of loans and other financial burdens.
Nobody wants to think about anything happening to their children and usually the financial implications of a serious accident can add extra stress to the situation.
5.4 What happens to children whose parents experience job loss?
This is the situation we all pray will never happen to our children, but it does happen, and Christian parents need to know how to respond.
It makes one feel that they are doing something wrong... like everything that is going to eventually happen to your child will be because you didn't breast - feed.
So, too, is the likelihood of something terrible happening to a child left alone in a car or walking alone to school.
But I have to say I completely agree with «the true test of the quality of your leadership is about what happens to those children afterwards».
There are so many things that can happen to children as they grow through the years.
It usually happens to children that have already been potty trained and can occur for a few different reasons.
There is a difference, however, to how many of us define and understand bullying years ago to what happens to our children today.
We need to focus attention on what happens to a child long before he or she starts school.
Considering 60 % of dog bites happen to children when they first wake a dog in a deep REM sleep.
Most bicycle accidents occur in urban areas rather than rural areas and almost half of all bicycle fatalities happen to children under the age of 16.
You don't think it'll happen to you child until it does.
This is truly sad it doesn't matter what religion you are or what school you send your kids to this could happen to any child anywhere.
Who would be blamed if something negative happens to your child, for instance in the case of an accident?
If this has already happened to your child and they fear it is going to happen again, then I would say taking along an insert is a must.
To see what can happen to a child wearing a winter coat during a crash, watch this crash test video from The Today Show.
I am willing to bet that the biggest nightmare of every working mom is that something bad is going to happen to her child while he or she is in daycare.
Low birth weight might also happen to children, and the possibility of congenital defects might occur too.
When something frightening happens to your child, it can be incredibly stressful on you, too.
Had no idea the numbers were so large and that what happened to these children so heartbreaking.
Over 800,000 bites result in needing medical attention and half of these cases happen to children.
While nobody ever wants to think about the unexpected happening to a child, the unfortunate truth is that illnesses and accidents can — and often do — happen.
If you are concerned about something that has happened to your child online, or if you have any concerns about child sexual abuse online or offline, call the confidential Stop it Now!
Rather, change happens to children, as the result of unavoidable life events (like transitioning to school) or decisions their parents make (like moving house).
They might worry what will happen to their child if something happens to them.
It also raises the question of what would happen to the children of anyone stripped of their British nationality.
Even considering other factors such as economics, policy, administrative structure, and method of service delivery, age largely determines what happens to children in foster care.
This helps to avoid the emotions that are involved when things happen to a child, and to solve the issue quickly.
Child riders let you provide life insurance protection in the event that anything happens to your children.
6.4 What happens to children whose mothers develop persistent health problems?
Something terrible happening to my children - usually involving falling off a high building.
What happens to children today has a direct bearing on their future as adults and our future as a community.
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