Sentences with phrase «to harbor the virus»

"To harbor the virus" means to carry or possess the virus without showing symptoms or being aware of it. Full definition
Once infected, almost all cats harbor the virus for life but many remain healthy for years.
Research with a unique animal model provides new evidence that a class of immune cells not thought to be a primary reservoir for HIV can harbor the virus even following antiretroviral treatment (ART).
Even with excellent veterinary care, approximately eighty percent of the cats that contract the disease harbor the virus in their system for the rest of their lives.
Researchers have only indirect evidence that bats are reservoirs of Ebola, Plowright says, but the data suggest that the animals probably do harbor the virus.
Discovering which bat species harbor viruses will enable public health officials to teach local people how to avoid contact with the bats.
That raises the possibility that African or Australian bats harbor the virus and camels carried it to the Middle East.
Clark and Plummer explained today that although tests showed that the worker did not harbor the virus, that may reflect when he had a nasopharyngeal swab, the standard way to obtain a viral sample from people suspected of having influenza.
Although the find suggests that the insects still harbor the virus and may start spreading it anew when they go looking for bird and human blood, researchers can not be sure, because they only detected RNA fragments; another test that looks for live viruses came up negative.
The researchers identified 100 different CoVs and found that more than 98 percent of the animals harboring these viruses were bats, representing 282 bat species from 12 taxonomic families.
It turned out that the resistant sheep harbored a virus called a bacteriophage, or simply phage, that specifically preys on E. Coli bacteria.
Now, a new study suggests that snakes harbor the virus through the winter, but experts disagree on whether the finding clinches the question for good.
«One is understanding why some Ebola survivors harbor the virus and develop uveitis, while others do not.
Both vaccines also have the benefit of producing antibodies that are easy to test for, making it simple to ensure that no unvaccinated birds harbor the viruses within a flock.
«Monkeys in Asia harbor virus from humans, other species: Diverse astroviruses found in macaques, which commonly dwell with people in Bangladesh, Cambodia.»
Many studies have sought species that could harbor these viruses without suffering harm.
Researchers report that human guts harbor viruses as unique as the people they inhabit; the viral lineup differs even between identical twins.
The research shows the parasite Leishmania — which infects 12 million people worldwide — often harbors a virus that helps the parasite survive treatments.
The cells appear to physically harbor the virus, according to a new study.
Again, many healthy pets harbor these viruses and bacteria and spread them.
On national monitoring surveys of rabies, wildlife that commonly harbor the virus include bats, raccoons, foxes, and skunks.
Their previous studies steered them away from birds, which rid themselves of EEEV too quickly to harbor the virus for long, and from most types of reptiles — but not from snakes.
The prolonged testing process delays detection, treatment and real - time monitoring of viral loads in body fluids that can harbor the virus even after it's no longer detected in blood.
So scientists suspect that one or more animal species harbor the virus and are transmitting it to people.
Never introduce an untested cat of any age into your feline household until you know for certain that it does not harbor this virus or the FIV virus.
However, they still harbor the virus,» said Mike Murray, Ph.D., director of government business development for Southern Research's Drug Development division in Frederick.
It is estimated that 80 % of exposed cats can harbor the virus in nerve tissue, and 45 % of these cats may develop chronic recurrent disease.
The researchers also included data for A. albopictus — better known as the Asian tiger mosquito — which can harbor the virus.
But when it comes to the mosquito species that harbor the virus and the transmission cycle with humans, a great deal is known.
Abreu suspects that A. albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, which often straddles jungle and urban areas, might harbor the virus and could bridge the cycles by introducing cases into new areas.
But so far, they have no lab evidence that the man suspected of transmitting the H1N1 virus to pigs — the first pigs yet found to harbor the virus — was himself infected or even had influenza.
As these were the first pigs ever found to harbor the virus, this obviously raises the possibility that they infected humans and played a role in the origin of the outbreak.
One possibility would be to find herds where only some of the animals have antibodies; within these groups, the ones that have not yet developed an immune defense may harbor the virus, Koopmans says.
Two of the three previous outbreaks of Marburg in the wild have been traced to people who spent time in caves, and scientists have suspected that bats or cave - dwelling rats might harbor the virus.
Scientists have shown that a class of immune cells not thought to be a primary reservoir for HIV can harbor the virus even following antiretroviral treatment (ART).
(A reservoir refers to an animal that harbors a virus, allowing the virus to live and multiply between outbreaks in humans.)
Relapses are common and cats that harbor this virus are usually infected for life.
These cats generally appear to be in good health, but can actually be harboring the virus for years before they show signs of infection.
Once contaminated, these surfaces may continue to harbor the viruses for a very long time, increasing the odds of exposure and illness when susceptible animals are introduced to such an environment.
A dilute bleach solution will kill the virus but can not be used on all surfaces that might harbor the virus.
Establishments which house large numbers of cats (e.g. shelters and kennels) may harbor the virus.
Once this transformation or change in tropism (preference) has occurred, the body's immune system runs amuck with severe inflammation attacking cells that harbor the virus (liberation of pro-inflammatory cytokines).
Note: Cat should be tested for Feline Leukemia virus prior to vaccination (cats may harbor virus for long time without symptoms before becoming ill.If already infected, vaccine will not protect).
Rabies — Warm - blooded animals can harbor the virus.
Avoid taking them to parks or other public, outdoor areas where soil may harbor the virus.
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