Sentences with phrase «to hate something»

His argument is that the ostensible mass celebrations of free speech — that core liberal, republican value — really exhibited «a pathological need of the middle and upper strata to hate something or someone.»
Also, I can't hate something I don't believe in.
take the behavior of the stock market for example there is no science involved, when it comes to your emotions there is no science involved when you fall in love, when you hate something?
As far as being an Athiest, you can't hate something you don't belive in.
It would be folly to hate something that may or may not even exist.
You can't hate something that doesn't exist.
One can not hate something that does not exist, no no I have no feelings one way or another about any of the gods, especially the ancient Babylonian war deity, (Yahweh Sabaoth..
We don't hate something we don't believe in.
Why would we hate something that to us, simply does nt exist.
You can hardly hate something that doesn't exist.
I don't hate a god, it's hard to hate something that doesn't exist.
how can I hate something that isn't there?
It's hard to hate something you don't believe exists... so, not sure what you don't understand about the word «atheism».
I am amazed that so many people hate something they don't believe exists.
Come on, TheKnowerseeker, explain to us how someone can hate something in which they do not believe.
You can't hate something that you don't believe exists.
Not agreeing with something, and hating something are 2 different things.
How can we hate something we don't believe in?
You automatically assume we hate something that has yet to be proven.
There is no point in hating something that doesn't exist.
I tried to explain to him that is was not possible for me to hate something that I did not believe existed in the first place.
Atheists don't hate god — you can't hate something you don't believe in.
You might like something and that might be bad for you, and you might hate something and that might be good for you GOD knows the best because he is the all - knower, all mighty.
Even if someone hates something (which makes me sad but I'm ocd so I'll actually walk anyone through a recipe if need be) I'll still respond.
You can't hate something you don't think exists.
Some folks think we lack a moral compass (we don't), hate god (can't hate something you don't believe in) or eat babies (YUM), but honestly, we're just like everyone else.
Parents whose preference is for Thinking are often totally mystified by some children who declare in one instant that they hate something, but the following day declare the opposite.
They're too cool to admit they like a gift you give them, but not too cool to let you know when they hate something you've bought for them.
Also, my son can be a bit destructive, so I'd hate something to happen to this!
«When a child says they hate something, we see a huge mountain in front of us,» says Dr. Chansky.
If you hate something that is happening now, don't worry because next week it'll be completely different
I always thought this was a problem for Scotland because if you are going to hate something, you should really expect it to hate you back.
We talk about having a «gut feeling» or hating something «in my guts».
And history if nothing else proves to all of us one thing — it's easier to hate something than admit that your afraid of it.
But you know how it goes, one minute you hate something, the next minute you love it.
Often times he'll hate something on first glance, but then compliment me when he sees it worn in the context of a fully styled outfit.
Molly hates something?
After all, can you really say you hate something if you haven't tried it?
If they hate something, they hate it, and that is all that is about that thing.
When we don't even sit through an entire episode, you know we hated something, because usually we try to allow shows to find their
So if I hate something, I will do my best to forget about it and move on rather than waste energy and time writing about it just to be mean and negative.
If you think you'll hate something before you see it, more likely than not you'll just create a self - fulfilling prophecy.
But when they (the fans) hate something, they hate it.
In his scathing review, Roger Ebert took a cue from the song «Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh,» writing: «Wow I hate it something fierce / Except the astrophysicist David Hyde Pierce.»
It's a lot less cool to like something that everyone else hates than it is to hate something that everyone else likes.
If you hate something in yourself, and are aware of it, that's wonderful... it means you're human, and you can use that in your fiction.
When everyone else hates something and people are too scared to act, jump in.
3) You will always hate something in your portfolio.
Over time, the ones that hate something have had their reasons posted in cyberspace and have had dozens of rounds of rebuttals from the ones that love it, and vice versa.
Gleefully claiming to hate something and then admitting just a gleefully that you never played it... you have already relinquished your right to have your own opinion..
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