Sentences with phrase «to have a heart murmur»

That's because, while dogs almost always have a loud heart murmur (i.e., one we can hear with our stethoscope) indicative of heart disease, cats often don't have a heart murmur present.
He does have a heart murmur but it does not appear to slow him down or hinder him.
It is very common for these pets to also have a heart murmur related to their mitral valve.
That's very important to me, because as our younger cat has a heart murmur, anesthesia could be dangerous for him.
Whether or not your pet has a heart murmur, it's important to be aware of what signs to look for that may indicate heart failure.
The doctor concludes this auscultation with the pronouncement that your puppy has a heart murmur.
DeFrancesco is interested in cats 1 to 10 years old who have a heart murmur.
My 14 year old has a heart murmur and possible swelling near liver which makes digestion.
; one of the others has had a heart murmur for about three years and is still running round like the ginger lunatic he is.
It... Read Morewas later found that Haley has a heart murmur, and needed a special diet to keep her kidney's healthy, she also had a stubborn ear infection that was being treated.
Hello, my female husky (15 months old) has had a heart murmur from young puppy hood (I bought her from a pet farm in Singapore - don't do the same if you happen to be over here).
In my experience as a small animal practitioner, 90 % of the heart disease cases that I diagnose have a Heart Murmur.
My dogs haven't had heart issues that we know of, but I had a cat that had a heart murmur years ago.
Or if your child has a heart murmur, then she might need to be evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist.
The prevalence of heart murmurs in cats also increases with age, with around 60 % of apparently healthy cats older than 9 years of age having a heart murmur.
If your dog has had a heart murmur detected but is not showing symptoms of heart disease, it is possible that the heart disease may not yet have developed significantly enough to affect the normal functioning of the heart.
OTHER REASONS SHE»S SPECIAL: Patty has a heart murmur, which may require medications, extra vet visits and additional diagnostics throughout her life.
Seemingly healthy dogs can have heart murmurs indicative of cardiac disease.
Affected dogs often have heart murmurs, atrophied muscles, progressive anemia, stunted growth, rapid heartbeats, and swollen livers, hearts, and spleens.
It is still the case that 50 % of Cavaliers have a heart murmur by the age of five, and still far too many Cavaliers suffer and die young because of it.
I carefully reviewed the list of accomplishments from the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and I certainly do not wish to diminish it in any way, but years before Dr. Couto's heart murmur study, I knew that most greyhounds had heart murmurs and it hardly ever impacted their quality of life.
On top of the skin condition, caused by mites, Asia has a heart murmur, and Artie has some eye issues, but they otherwise seem healthy and playful.
We just learned that our eleven - year - old Terrier mix now has a heart murmur.
My 15 year old Chihuahua, my heart, has had a heart murmur since 2009 and has been loving this food for 7 years.
Rocky has a heart murmur, severe dental issues, cataracts, glaucoma, 90 % blind and limited hearing.
Also, it's hard to tell if an animal has a heart murmur if the pet is excited or anxious because rapid breathing sounds can mimic a murmur.
Breeding animals whose parents have heart murmurs before four years of age are not allowed to breed [11].
Using his stethoscope, he heard a heart murmur, but Scarlett always has a heart murmur because she has leaky heart valves.
Bella, for short, is a 5 month old blue Frenchie who was surrendered to the Village by a breeder after her primary vet suspected a Grade V heart murmur.
We've helped thousands of people apply for term life insurance, and many of those people had heart murmurs.
Even if your cat doesn't have a heart murmur, the test can serve as a baseline to compare future tests as your cat gets older.
Like many Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, this little girl also had a heart murmur.
In this scenario, the client notices their dog has bad breath, but is aware their beloved dog has a heart murmur, and lost their last dog under anesthesia at a dental cleaning, they consider seeing their veterinarian.
There is a relatively new blood test to evaluate whether a cat has a heart murmur.
He does have a heart murmur but he is not on medicine because he has no physical symptoms.
If your pet has a heart murmur or arrhythmia, or symptoms that suggest heart disease such as exercise intolerance, collapse or fainting, coughing, labored breathing and difficulty resting comfortably please speak with your family veterinarian to see if a referral to one of our cardiologists is appropriate.
At a vet check done by their vet it is determined that the puppy has a heart murmur.
While working at the veterinary hospital I met quite a few pets who had heart murmurs.
Cats can have heart murmurs for many reasons, and it is important to get to the root cause.
was later found that Haley has a heart murmur, and needed a special diet to keep her kidney's healthy, she also had a stubborn ear infection that was being treated.
Husky puppy with unusual echo finding Hello, my female husky (15 months old) has had a heart murmur from young puppy hood (I bought her from a pet farm in Singapore - don't do the same if you...
This beautiful seven - year - old has a heart murmur and some arthritis and will need a calm, stress - free environment.
When the Orland Park couple first received the diagnosis that Bandit, who was part beagle and part dachshund, had a heart murmur, they devoted a great deal of time to help their 13 - year - old dog recover.
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