Sentences with phrase «to have a higher risk»

Certain breeds of dogs have a higher risk of developing cancer at a young age, but most often cancer is diagnosed in middle - aged and senior pets.
The study also found evening types also had higher risks for conditions such as diabetes or psychological disorders.
That makes the aggressive mix ideal for investors who have high risk tolerance and who are investing for the long term — say, retirement.
For four years British scientists have been planning a trial to find out whether the drug might also help to prevent breast cancer in women who have a high risk of developing the disease.
Your baby also has a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later life, but breastfeeding reduces that risk.
The entire pregnancy I was scared... miscarriage... early labor... complicated labor because I was considered to have have a High Risk pregnancy.
Some earlier studies have also suggested that women have a higher risk of death after a heart attack than men, but it is unclear why.
[1] Borrowers assessed as having a higher risk of default are assigned higher rates.
But these kids do have a higher risk of problems.
Still, if wanted to see which schools have higher risk factors for lead contamination, we'd compare schools by the age and type of their plumbing.
It's true that certain breeds have higher risks for these conditions; however, that doesn't mean that your pet, if not one of these breeds, is risk - free.
This is because although they are both low risk in their categories stock funds have a higher risk / return potential than bond funds.
If the investors have higher risk appetite then opting for mutual fund pension schemes is the right choice to make.
Puppies and senior dogs have a higher risk of dying from the disease because they have a lower amount of body fluid, in ratio to their body weight.
For one thing, many recipes include corn - and wheat - based ingredients which have a high risk for triggering food allergies or sensitivities in dogs.
Stocks have a higher risk of short - term losses, but since you won't need the money for several years, you have time to wait for your balance to recover.
Studies has shown that formula fed babies have a higher risk at developing diabetes later on in life.
Most obese people have higher risks of heart attacks, strokes and other catastrophic events.
If you are overweight or have a high risk job, your premiums aren't going to be much different than someone who is in good shape and has a low risk job.
Because the ingredients are so natural and don't have high risks associated with them, we weren't sure the cream was the culprit of the outbreak.
These patients had a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
Without proper weight management, cats have a higher risk for diabetes, arthritis and other conditions.
Similar to humans, obese pets have a higher risk of developing diabetes.
He also notes that other studies have found that obese men have a higher risk of having children with autism spectrum disorder.
Puppies have a high risk for nutritional deficiencies so it is extremely important that your puppy's diet provides these items.
According to a new study, people who sleep more than eight hours a day have a higher risk for a stroke compared to people who sleep between six and eight hours.
These funds typically have higher risks with higher returns.
Every individual has a high risk of being affected by various health related issues.
Small - cap companies have a higher risk of default (complete loss) than larger companies.
And because people with high blood pressure already have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular problems, lowering sodium intake is especially important for them.
They also have a higher risk when they have surgery and are at higher risk to expensive and painful injuries.
They also demonstrated that older parents have a higher risk of having a child with a developmental disorder caused by a new mutation.
When you're applying for life insurance and have a high risk issue, most life insurance companies are hesitant to offer certain types of coverage.
Babies born to low - risk mothers had no higher risk of death?
First, your insurer may have a higher risk pool of drivers in the state so their rates may be higher.
If a big brand name doesn't matter to you and you want the simplest coverage at the most affordable rate, then you probably have a higher risk tolerance.
At the time, isolated reports suggested that the youngest children in families have the highest risk of developing schizophrenia, but the reason for the trend was unclear.
This sort of investment has a higher risk than a savings account but will usually provide higher returns over the medium to long - term.
Researchers found that the participants who followed a typically Western diet had a higher risk of depression than those who were eating more plant - based.
And babies born at home with the assistance of these midwives had no higher risk of death during delivery and after birth than low - risk, hospital - born babies.
This was particularly true for movement — patients who were not moving after injury had a higher risk of death.
Most people consume more salt than they need and therefore have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the two leading causes of death worldwide.
A: We know that teens and young adults with untreated ADHD have higher risks of driving accidents and unwanted pregnancies.
Researchers maintained that those who lived less than half a mile from a gas well had a higher risk of health issues.
If so, it seems that they would have a higher risk profile than buying and holding the underlying bonds to maturity.
There are different jobs on a construction site, and some construction workers have a higher risk of suffering an accident than others.
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