Sentences with phrase «to have a leader»

"To have a leader" means that a group of people or an organization has someone who guides and makes decisions for them. They provide direction, give instructions, and inspire others to follow them. The leader is responsible for leading and managing the group towards a common goal. Full definition
It said the most successful schools had leaders who do not allow themselves to be distracted from the core business of teaching and learning.
We do nt have leaders in the team, we have not had one in a long, long time.
The same thing happens when sales or marketing doesn't have a leader dedicated.
Every top manager has leaders on the pitch, they are an extension of themselves.
In what ways do schools benefit from having leaders at all levels, no matter their formal title or role?
The game will add a ghost rider of the track leader to show you how to beat their time and also has leader boards all over the place.
We are blessed to have leaders with so much heart in this industry and community.
This group had leaders from many aspects of veterinary medicine, including private practices, universities and government.
Again, if that is the case, Why even have leader boards if you consider it a bad thing?
To help each brand maintain and enhance its identity, the company has a leader for each.
And the other nice thing about having leaders is that by definition you also have followers.
I am fortunate to have a leader there who I regard highly and who is held in high respect by the local and national community.
Each of these teams had leaders working as a team on accomplishing clear goals — centered and focused on priorities.
These villains don't really have a leader, or any real goals that make them worth defeating.
But when you have smaller groups of people pulling off surprise occupations in cities across the world, then each one of those projects will naturally have leaders.
Funny how almost every religion you can name has some leader who claims to be gods mouth piece.
Every pack has a leader, known as the alpha animal, who dominates and leads the other members of the pack.
Also if each level had a leader board so you could see who beat the level the fastest, that would be cool.
And this program is so important to me that I really want to have the leader spending 100 % of their time on it.
In today's always - connected, always - on, social media age, never before have leaders been under so much intense scrutiny.
If a school had a leader who knew the in's and out's of the API system, they could harness their school's resources toward API success.
Having a leader of each sex stimulates growth work.
He used to have leaders on the pitch who would die for the badge and the win.
The time has come to have leaders who understand the true meaning and purpose of a representative democracy.
After all, the training also has a leader, on - screen content, and (hopefully) engaged participants.
It will come as no surprise that each of these schools has a leader with valuable, hard - won knowledge.
They do nt have any leader to tell them what to do!
Personally buying a striker would not change anything until we do not have a leader like Adams.
Difference with this team and the team we hard about 7 years ago is that we now have leaders in key positions and players others can look up to (Cech, Mert, Kos, Nacho, Coq, Carzola, Theo (10 yrs is no small feat), Arteta)
If Labour have a leader from the harder left who is not a credible PM in waiting the leftish votes will drift elsewhere.
Perhaps Islam could repair its image with less drastic measures by having its leaders publicly denounce acts of terrorism and extremist sects.
Why in God's name would a leader want to tell jokes in a business setting?
And Mourinho then went on to respond to Drogba's recent comments about the club having no leaders by dismissing the 37 - year - old as having an anterior motive.
The Criminal, Civil, Civil Rights, and Environment and Natural Resources Divisions have leaders in vote - pending purgatory.
While it is unlikely that the Saudi record on human rights is much debated in the aisles of Lidl, voters may conclude that Labour finally has a leader who dares to say the unsayable.
Please think about the vision this country needs on October 14 and then cast your ballot for the party that you believe has a leader who can best achieve it.
Movements like these might have some leaders scared to get behind or comment on them regardless of how justified the movement is.
The best - run companies have leaders willing to take a stand on societal issues such as gun control, Bill George says.
The former federal minister is the perceived frontrunner to lead this new party fusing Alberta's Wildrose and Tory oppositions, but no matter which candidate succeeds, UCP will have a leader prone to jousting outside the provincial lines.
Just in the past weeks, hundreds of people have died in airstrikes and offensives that have leaders prepared to accuse Assad's government of war crimes.
If the organization has a leader who infringes their values, they should be able to have him step down because it compromises what they stand for.
The people of Jesus» day had leaders, but they were worthless, like many of our leaders today, who use their position to gratify their own selfish desires.
Provided the group has a leader of competence who is neither authoritarian nor anarchic, the following, in a rough and general way, are the stages through which such a group moves.
this is a good time to add that all the tax free super churches have leaders who live in mansions and drive luxury cars.
Consider that most creeds have both leader - bishop - theologians and faithful who, although less well - versed, still live out the implications of their faith.
Iran has leaders who think they're on a mission from god.
I used to defend Ramsey a lot and point to that season, saying if Ramsey can have a leader next to him who can control him and get him back defending then he could refind that form...
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