Sentences with phrase «to have a low birth weight»

Numerous studies have been done to determine which moms are at greater risk of having low birth weight infants.
If you don't gain enough pregnancy weight, your baby is at risk of having a low birth weight.
Parents should also be more careful with babies who have a low birth weight or breathing problems of any kind.
Children of teenage mothers have lower birth weights, are more likely to perform poorly in school, and are at greater risk of abuse and neglect.
This can disrupt your baby's sleeping pattern, and may have other unconfirmed effects like possibly having a lower birth weight compared to others with the same gestation duration, etc..
Babies are considered as having low birth weight if they are under 2500 grams (5.5 pounds).
Twins usually have lower birth weights than single births, and therefore, they generally begin in preemie sizes.
All babies who come to our NICU are critically ill infants who are born prematurely, typically between 24 and 36 weeks, as many of these infants have low birth weights with multiple medical problems.
These amounts were shown to be safe for the pregnant rats, whereas their offspring had lower birth weights and later experienced early puberty and reproductive problems that didn't occur in control rats (10).
A survey of 600 impoverished women in Chicago «s Austin, Garfield Park and Near West Side areas showed that those who went to the doctor in their first trimester and continued their prenatal care throughout their pregnancy were just as likely to have low birth weight babies as those who did not.
Research suggests that taking zinc supplements during pregnancy does not reduce the risk of having a low birth weight infant.
The preterm births also result in multiples tending to have a lower birth weight compared to singletons.
Be sure to visit a physician for regular pre-natal check - ups to reduce your risk of having a low birth weight or premature baby.
These are essential for development preterm babies who have a lower birth weight and under - developed immune system.
Babies who suffer from reflux, were born prematurely, or that had a low birth weight will feed for shorter durations and more often, according to the Baby Center.
An analysis by the Tribune of birth - death certificates for 156,902 babies born in 1985 through 1987 showed that a higher percentage of the poorest women, black and white, had low birth weight babies than in a study of 1982 - 83 Chicago births done by two Chicago physicians.
* Low Birth Weight — Any baby whose weight at birth is below 2500 grams is considered to have a low birth weight.
While some babies will adjust better to a strict schedule and others will like a flexible schedule, if your baby was premature or had a low birth weight or other health concerns, she may sleep less and eat more.
She had a low birth weight being born because her mother was so worried about returning to prepregnancy body than the health of her child.
Untreated depression during pregnancy is linked to a higher likelihood of a baby being born early or having a low birth weight.
Babies born to mother who did not receive prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times higher risk of infant mortality.
If your baby was born premature or had a low birth weight, you may be able to get social security benefits for your baby.
Some of the convertible seats are not fit for smaller newborns with special needs such those as born too early (preterm) or have a low birth weight.
If your baby was born prematurely or had a low birth weight, then she probably won't have as much iron stored in her body as a larger or full - term infant.
Drinking alcohol, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and your baby having a low birth weight.
This was expected based on the results of the pregnancy outcome study from which these women were selected, ie, women with exposure to fluoxetine late in pregnancy were more likely to have lower birth weight infants and were also more likely to breastfeed while continuing to use the medication.
Babies will have low birth weights, and might be in danger of premature birth — or worse, death.
Plus, if a baby is conceived less than six months after a birth, chances are he / she will arrive at a smaller size than average and have a low birth weight.
Oftentimes, a baby who is born prematurely has a lower birth weight, but other times, a mother on bed rest could go to full term and still give birth to a baby who has a low birth weight.
Especially if your baby is born prematurely or has a low birth weight, skin - to - skin care is a simple way to help them.
Multiple pregnancy babies have a much higher risk of being born prematurely and having a low birth weights.
3 extra points may not sound like a lot, but if your baby is premature or has a low birth weight, these three points can mean a lot.
Women who gain the proper amount of weight are less likely to have a low birth weight baby (less than 5 1/2 pounds).
When ART babies were compared with the entire population they had a lower birth weight and increased risk of death around the time of birth, but that risk disappeared when compared with their siblings.
They found that infants born within 1 kilometer of a well were 25 % more likely to have low birth weights (less than 2500 grams or 5.5 pounds) than infants more than 3 kilometers away, they report today in Science Advances.
Hill found that the babies born to mothers within 2.5 kilometers (a little over 1.5 miles) of drilled gas sites were 25 percent more likely to have low birth weight compared to those in non-drilled areas.
One Dartmouth scientist, epidemiologist Margaret Karagas, had already found that babies whose mothers relied on water from wells drilled in New Hampshire's arsenic - rich bedrock — with contamination measured at levels as high as 1 ppm (1,000 ppb)-- were disproportionately likely to have low birth weight and might also be more vulnerable to childhood infections.
During pregnancy and childbirth, women with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a much higher risk of experiencing hypertension and worsening of kidney disease, and their babies are at increased risk of being born premature and having low birth weight.
Artificially conceived babies are more likely to be part of a multiple birth or have low birth weight, however, this study finds their family backgrounds «override» the possible negative effects to health that could lessen cognitive ability.
Single full - term babies were found to be 2.6 times as likely to have low birth weights as babies conceived in traditional ways.
«Kids conceived through ICSI or in vitro fertilization [IVF] can have low birth weight and higher chance of heart and respiratory issues, and may be at a higher risk for autism or attention deficit hyperactivity,» Samadi added.
Pregnant women who drank appeared to be 8 percent more likely to have a low birth weight baby.
PDD was very much linked to having a lower birth weight infant and also having emotional stress while pregnant.
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