Sentences with phrase «to have a normal life»

Cats with this disorder should have a normal life expectancy unless they have other health issues.
Investors need things to scare them, or they don't have a normal life.
Having in consideration that Latin American countries are corrupt but Democratic and the illegal immigrant will have to live in the shadows while he can have a normal life in his original country.
In the worst cases, the victim will never have a normal life again and may suffer from paralysis or traumatic brain injuries that affect their ability to think clearly or remember their past.
So how do you make sure that your child still has a normal life?
You may have spent years believing that having a normal life just wasn't in the cards for you — but help is just a phone call away.
They would not allow their children have normal lives because they sometimes would not let the boys play basketball and the girls lead cheers.
No matter what you do banks are out to destroy you and make sure you have no hope at ever having a normal life or any sort of happiness in your future.
I think, sleeping 4 - 5 hours is not enough at any price, not only for building muscle mass, but also for having a normal life!
Healthy cells have a normal life cycle of approximately 120 days before they die.
If properly managed, diabetic patients do well and usually have normal life - spans.
There are some necessary supplies which you must purchase in order for the puppy to have normal living conditions.
«Those diagnosed early are likely to have a normal life expectancy, which isn't always the case with long - term illnesses like diabetes,» she says.
In case you have been identified with herpes, you have to bear in mind that you can still have a normal life.
They found that the tissue was well tolerated by the mice and the animals had normal life spans after the transplants.
21 African American clean cut, smart, college student who realizes this not the end of the world an still can have a normal life with children and looking for people who feel the same way
CMT is not fatal and people with most forms of CMT have a normal life expectancy.
Kawasaki disease may affect your child's lymph nodes, skin and mucous membranes (inside the mouth, nose and throat), but our goal in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease at Floating Hospital for Children is to make sure that it does not affect his or her ability to have a normal life as a kid.
When the girl's uptight grandmother wants to transfer her to a school for the gifted, the uncle fights back, arguing that his late sister wanted her daughter to have a normal life which, as he defines it, includes frolicking on the beach and dancing around with her cat.
So between Civil War and Infinity War, both Hawkeye and Ant - Man willingly put down their mantles in exchange for just one more chance at having a normal life.
Get your normal life back, get control over your time, and live stress free!For family members of patients with bipolar disorder or others who support these patients, and who have almost given up on having a normal life because of the suffocating demands of coping and dealing with a loved one with bipolar disorder... Unlike other books on bipolar disorder that speak to the person with the diagnosis, this book speaks directly to you and the unique problems you face as a supporter.
During our conversations, Valliere didn't miss a chance to remind me of all the help still needed on the island — of the magic they need to start having normal lives again, and how important it is for people in the 50 states to not forget how tough life is for hundreds of thousands of people living only a short flight away from their mainland homes.
I pray to God that he will not need a blood transfusion but if so I just hope it was well screened so that he can have a life free of other harmful dieses like Aids or Hepatitis cause I do know I will be so upset if he could not have a normal life due to this.
A «special type of women» (how they call ladyboys in Thailand), who have normal lives, and aspire to love and be loved, like all other women.
Before I go on, I need to give the disclaimer and remind you that many of these vloggers are busy, and have normal lives so they can't review ever single book that is pitched to them.
But keep in mind that not all conditions that can afflict senior dogs are terminal; with early intervention and proper care, your dog might well have a normal life expectancy.
Many Boxers with ARVC can live a number of years without symptoms and may potentially even have a normal life span.
Affected dogs generally have a normal life expectancy, but may have recurrent episodes of hemolysis after exercise and muscle wasting progressing to an inability to walk.
ADDICTIONS (Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Sexual Addiction) If you are suffering from addictions you need to learn how to cope and let go of the urges that are preventing you from having a normal life.
If you are tired of explaining that HIV is not that big of deal as it was in the 70's and that with the right treatment you can have a normal life just as anyone else, try going online.
Although in rare cases, individuals may have respiratory muscle weakness, CMT is not considered a fatal disease and people with most forms of CMT have a normal life expectancy.
But she doesn't have a clue who her father is, why her mother chose to live as a recluse with an invented name, or how she'll ever have a normal life.
Herpes Dating Las Vegas In case you have been identified with herpes, you have to bear in mind that you can still have a normal life.
They're playing and having a normal life again which is very rewarding.»
After six weeks he plopped me back in kindergarten, and just as it started looking like I might have a normal life after all, suddenly, in the second week of first grade, he walked right into the classroom and yanked me out once again, because he'd been overcome with the fear that he was leaving my impressionable brain «in the folds of Satan's underpants.»
Essentially, it gave him the ability to have a normal life with a normal functioning brain,» Stanley said in an interview.
Street Cats Rescue's veterinarian is confident if Stripes receives surgery, he will have the normal life span and life of a healthy cat.
But, she adds, if the condition is diagnosed and treated early, people with Prader - Willi syndrome can maintain a normal weight and have a normal life expectancy.
many a bad person has realised this and turned to God, as most were people who could not have a normal life and so they did bad things but when they found God they are able to understand many things and then put their lives right.
I think the USA needs a second Mayflower and this time all those religious fundamentalists which cry out loud about Sharia law but are discriminative on their own should leave this country so the rest of us can have a normal life.
Elizabeth Fritzel had tried to teach them and let them have a normal life in the cellar.
While it is affected by the wars of Europe and either as a belligerent or as an active sympathizer with one or another of the contestants has been drawn into each of the general European wars which have been fought within the span of its history, geography has spared the United States the full impact of these wars and the nation has not been so severely impoverished as Europe, nor has its normal life been so badly disrupted.
When working full time while blogging and health coaching on the side (and trying to have a normal life) I felt like I wasn't able to give 100 % to anything.
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