Sentences with phrase «to have a positive effect»

To have a positive effect means to produce an outcome that is beneficial or favorable. Full definition
Animal companionship also has positive effects on child development.
The study reveals that professional development programs and partnerships with classroom teachers also have a positive effect on the artists.
Being a free lawyer can also have a positive effect in helping settle a case.
The debate surrounding homework's usefulness wages on, and depending on the study you come across, you'll read that homework does and does not have a positive effect on student achievement.
That is because I do know that sunlight does have a positive effect on people.
Although some programs have positive effects on student achievement, not all students benefit equally.
People who can relate to others and understand how they're feeling tend to be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intelligence.
The evidence suggests that use of private school vouchers by low - income students actually has positive effects on racial integration.
It can even have a positive effect as long as two hours after ingestion!
The evident connection between sharing content and generating leads has only had a positive effect on lawyers who find more incentive to create more.
Results showed that the intervention had positive effects on children's self - regulation in kindergarten as measured by teacher and observer reports.
Fifty - nine percent of teachers now report that teachers unions have a positive effect on schools.
There is no evidence that prayer has any positive effect upon other people or events, anymore than there is that placing a curse upon someone or something has any effect.
Studies done in the 1930's and 1940's give good indications that IF has positive effects on life expectancy and these studies seem to have been confirmed in more recent studies.
That combination would very likely have a positive effect across all the student's subjects.
Studies indicate that parent involvement in education has a positive effect at all grade levels: elementary, middle, and high school.
He realized that progesterone probably had a positive effect on bone health and began to get bone density tests for his patients on progesterone.
The overall conclusion of this synthesis of the reviews of the literature is that computer technologies generally have a positive effect on academic achievement.
They certainly have a positive effect on sales rankings as you can also see in the graph below.
These are great products and have really had a positive effect on my life.
That being said, there are hundreds of positive reviews online for the treats like those linked to above, so many dog owners believe these do have a positive effect when used.
Many studies have proven that exercise has a positive effect on the brain.
Studies have shown that caffeine has a positive effect on your driving skills.
But just 42 per cent of the academy leaders surveyed said the additional autonomy has a positive effect in their classrooms.
The possibility of sharing your opinion online suggests that someone is interested in what you have to say, which in turn has a positive effect on your sense of self - worth.
Nursing homes using animal therapy reported that pets have a positive effect on patients.
The increase in circulation, growth hormones, and other factors during wave therapy has a positive effect on bones.
If you are not able to brush daily, brushing every other day will still have a positive effect on your dog's dental health.
The exercise programme had a positive effect on ten of the twelve side effects.
His influence and drive is most definitely having a positive effect across the business.
Many driving schools offer programs and techniques to have a positive effect from the beginning of the training until the end of it.
Second, there is actually pretty good evidence that encouraging people to engage with support to get back to work has a positive effect on people's chances of getting a job.
Studies have shown that frequent interaction with animals has a positive effect on stress levels and can even lower blood pressure.
We know a faster user experience has a positive effect on conversions.
Studies show that welcoming refugees often has a positive effect on a host country's economy and wages.
Losing weight is generally beneficial for human health, but when one partner in a romantic relationship loses weight, it doesn't always have a positive effect on the relationship.
This then has a positive effect on their mental health and wellbeing.
A really good constitutional remedy should begin to alleviate symptoms fairly quickly, sometimes within days, and then continue to have a positive effect over time.
A strong creative industry has a positive effect on the city's residents and visitors.
The project has a positive effect on the status of the subject both in school and in the eyes of the young people.
However, researchers continue to seek a consistent, integrated explanation of «why» small classes have positive effects.
Teachers and principals felt that the policy had positive effects on parental involvement as well.
This social capital has positive effects beyond the four walls of the schools.
Overall, only 33 percent found social media had a positive effect on democracy, against 60 percent who believed the opposite.
A number of studies have shown that massage has a positive effect on sleep.
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