Sentences with phrase «to have a serious conversation»

We even have some serious conversation about on of this week's topics.
Obviously, I picked the brains of those in my immediate network during social gatherings but I did not have serious conversations with them until I was committed.
Are we actually having a serious conversation about accountability for sexual violence here?
I want someone I can just be silly with or have a serious conversation if need be.
It's pretty hard to have that serious conversation in public while standing in the country's capital.
Because having a serious conversation that will keep you up all night thinking about it never helped anyone.
«We're having serious conversations with more than one prospect,» he said.
But the only way to find out, she says, is to have a serious conversation about what's bothering you.
It's the obnoxious equivalent of trying to have a serious conversation with people who are high out of their minds.
I'm sure that if this happened today, we would be having a serious conversation with the neighbors about their aggressive dog, and my behavior would not be called into question.
Towards the end we started having some serious conversations about what we were gonna do, uh, but we ended up pulling it off, so we're very proud of that.»
Sen. Ruben Diaz: «It's time for Senator Jeff Klein and Senator Mike Gianaris to sit down and have a serious conversation before they destroy the Regular and Independent Democratic Conferences, taking everybody down with them.»
«You can't talk about long - range economic growth in this city without having a serious conversation about the future of our transportation system.»
«We're looking at it, having not had any serious conversations as of yet,» Steele said during an appearance on C - Span's Washington Journal.
We finished with Hood describing Helen Mirren's ability to intimidate someone two heads taller than she is, musing on the necessity of having serious conversations about the use of technology in warfare, and a heartfelt tribute to Alan Rickman, whose final screen appearance is as a general with a final speech that schools us all.
In his response to criticisms, Rey pointed out the obvious: You can hardly have a serious conversation about Catholics in politics and exclude representatives of a political party which regularly receives millions of votes in France.
«It's time to have a serious conversation again about the state's ongoing obligation to the city and other cities around the state in terms of the CFE agreement,» de Blasio declared, referring to the court settlement of a lawsuit brought by the Campaign for Fiscal Equity.
How many more mass shootings must citizens endure before we as a country finally have a serious conversation about the scourge of gun violence that plagues our communities?
«Start - Up NY has been hailed as a silver bullet and instead, it's just been a shiny object that's distracted Albany from having a serious conversation about what's necessary to make New York legitimately attractive to businesses.»
The absurdity of two grown men having a serious conversation is pressed further as the two, now teamed up to save the city from Hammer and Ivan's military drones, argue about who should apologize to whom.
If you are considering having your cat declawed, please have a serious conversation with your veterinarian about the risks and alternatives.
This mission is intertwined with a desire to continue having a serious conversation about art - making, and it made total sense for me to go to this school.
Apple says it hasn't yet had any serious conversations about opening or extending its wireless audio interfaces, but that it's committed to a wireless world, so let's hope the company moves quickly.
It's time for Senator Jeff Klein and Senator Mike Gianaris to sit down and have a serious conversation before they destroy the Regular and Independent Democratic Conferences, taking everybody down with them.
I took this picture to memorialize R having a serious conversation with the framing foreman, M, through the master bedroom window:
«Those planning to buy a home this spring should look into getting pre-approved for a mortgage now and start having those serious conversations with their real estate agent on what they're looking for in a home and where they want to buy,» says Mendenhall.
When parents haven't had a serious conversation with their adult children about how their estate is to be divided when they die, this can add confusion to the grieving... Read more
«I think we're at a point in the state where we need to have serious conversations about how we interact with one another in ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live independent, safe and successful lives, and really invest in those services and support.»
It's now become impossible to watch a baseball game in peace without one of these ads telling you to «have a serious conversation with your medical practitioner» or to «get your T - level checked».
If you're wrong by definition, how can we have a serious conversation?
Albertans need to have a serious conversation about revenue and taxation, including the potential introduction of a provincial sales tax.
How do you have a serious conversation based on such a ridiculous premise?
Let's go back to religion and have serious conversations about the heart of our belief systems.»
TWSYF, prove that your god exists, that The Babble is the true word of your god and that jesus was actually resurrected and we'll have a serious conversation.
To get greizeman I thinking you have to go over 75m to even start having a serious conversation.
If you're a dad, and your job demands traveling, then you and your wife should have a serious conversation about the effect that traveling has on your relationship.
Having a serious conversation with a tradesman?
Your child is old enough that you're likely to have some serious conversations.
She already knows that daddy is in pain and that sometimes he needs to cry and that often he goes to the doctor, but she is finding it hard to understand that daddy can not play wildly like before and that sometimes mommy and daddy are having serious conversations and sometimes we are sad.
Whether you draw up a contract or simply sit down and have a serious conversation, there are a few key things you will want to discuss.
They should sit down and put aside any personal animosities they may have for each other, and have a serious conversation about the future of the Senate Democratic Conferences.
«Every single one of our members is ready for a primary and ready to have a serious conversation and debate about who can best serve New York's working families.
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