Sentences with phrase «to have a vaginal delivery»

Mine should have been a c section and not try to have a vaginal delivery for such a small child.
I was worried that I'd have a vaginal delivery with my first and then have to have an emergency c - section with the second baby.
And this doctor is actually saying she could have a vaginal delivery after two sections?
Finally, how would vaginal delivery help a baby's immune system if the baby does not survive the delivery?
I can't imagine having had a vaginal delivery without this stuff!
Doctors told me I would need to have a c - section because of how badly damaged my spine was, but I was determined to have a vaginal delivery as my others were.
Furthermore, the report found that among women who had a vaginal delivery at second birth, the rate of a severe tear was 7.2 % in women with a tear at first birth, compared to 1.3 % in women without, a more than five-fold increase in risk.
She ended up having a vaginal delivery at 36 weeks with her second child out of labor pain confounded with passing out a renal calculi (she had eliminated 1 tiny stone of 2, two weeks earlier spontaneously.I think the doctor missinterpreted the second pain around).
Just because someone had a vaginal delivery does not make them better than someone who had a C - section - which is the sense when I read a lot of the comments here - whatever the reason was for the section.
Since I'd already had a vaginal delivery the first time around and now had a midwife and a doula, I felt confident about my ability to have a VBAC if my baby was in the right position.
Most women who have had a caesarean section can safely have a vaginal delivery for their next baby, known as vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC).
The study used a cohort of 639,402 first - time mothers who had a vaginal delivery of a single baby between April 2004 and March 2011 and a second birth before April 2012.
DR. TEVY TITH: Having a vaginal delivery for multiples is not always the first thought for expectant moms but it can have its advantages.
Then when asked if this mom gets pregnant again and has a «normal size» baby if she can have a vaginal delivery?
Dr. Snyderman adds, «And those are two indications that a Cesarean section is a lot safer than having a vaginal delivery
If you've had a vaginal delivery that has gone smoothly, your baby will be placed directly onto your tummy after birth and dried off there before being covered with a warm blanket and cap to keep their head warm.
But, for example if your Anaemia of pregnancy where your blood gets thinner, that is going to be much more pronounced with twins rather than with a singleton and after delivery when you lose some blood, even if you happen to have Lochia and have a vaginal delivery with twins or if you have a C Section, you're going to lose more blood.
Every woman has the «innate capacity» to have a vaginal delivery, but that doesn't mean that the baby will fit or that the baby will live through the process.
Chief among these is if you have a full - term baby without any medical problems who can room with you or stay in the well - baby nursery and whether you had a vaginal delivery or c - section.
A C - Section Can Cause a Delay in the Production of Breast Milk: If you have a cesarean section, it may take longer for your milk to come in compared to if you have a vaginal delivery.
Of our students that had vaginal deliveries, nearly 80 % birthed WITHOUT ANY pain medication!
«If you have a vaginal delivery, a tampon might sit differently or feel different,» adds Siobhan Dolan, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Montefiore Medical Center, in Bronx, New York.
I had a vaginal delivery and they used a vacuum because my son's heart rate dropped to 58 so they had to rush him out.
And, it's good to know that most women who have had a c - section can, and are encouraged, to have a vaginal delivery the second time around so if this is what you want you should be able to have the birth experience you desire.
If you have a vaginal delivery, you can expect to go home on the first or second day after you have delivered your baby.
If you had a vaginal delivery, you'll probably be quite sore.
As with those who've had a vaginal delivery, you'll want to avoid straining on the toilet, and you may need to take a stool softener for at least the first bowel movement or two.
If you've had a vaginal delivery and you and your baby are both in good condition, he should be placed directly onto your abdomen and dried off there.
I also think it's important for pregnant moms and dads to look at the strength that it takes to have a vaginal delivery and the strength that it takes to have a cesarean section delivery.
If your period does return quickly after giving birth and you had a vaginal delivery, your doctor or midwife might recommend that you avoid using tampons during your first menstruation post-baby.
Many doctors and hospitals will refuse to allow women who've had previous c - sections the opportunity to have a vaginal delivery.
We encourage all families to rest after the birth, and if you had a vaginal delivery it is important to get off your feet sometimes.
Among the 91,208 primiparous women in the Consortium on Safe Labor database, 28,116 had a cesarean delivery and 63,092 had a vaginal delivery; thus, the primary cesarean delivery rate for primiparous women was 30.8 % (28,116 out of 91,208).
Women who had a vaginal delivery (n = 142,592) or underwent a repeat cesarean delivery (n = 27,619) were excluded, leaving 38,484 women who had a primary cesarean delivery as the study sample.
«I can almost say that every woman who's had a vaginal delivery has some degree of prolapse, but they most likely have no symptoms.
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