Sentences with phrase «to have hard conversations»

We must be able to talk about what is messy or sad, to have hard conversations with colleagues who are driving us crazy.
Interested in knowing how to have hard conversations about fertility and babies?
There aren't easy answers but one thing is sure, we won't find answers without having the hard conversations.
They also have to have hard conversations with patients who aren't paying their bills.
In every school there are people who don't follow the rules or meet their obligations — and it becomes necessary to have the hard conversation about accountability.
Instead of sweeping it under the rug, or passing out drugs, we need to start having hard conversations, taking hard looks at ourselves, and move outside our bubble to each improve ourselves... and hold one another accountable in a loving way.
You're oversensitive; real family has hard conversations sometimes.
At the NYC Leadership Academy, we believe in meeting districts where they are, supporting them in having the hard conversations about the existence and impact of personal and systemic racism on students, and then helping them develop strategies for making and maintaining change that will work for their communities.
Life is just not that simple, it sometimes takes having hard conversations with the powers that be to make change, but instead you just write them all off as conspirators because it is easy.
«I'm here to have a hard conversation so that those who are suffering can have easier ones.»
Some administrators may not yet have the skills to evaluate instruction, give constructive feedback and have hard conversations with underperformers.»
It meant getting folks at the same table city - wide and having hard conversations about how to deploy resources.
It's better to have hard conversations than to allow problems to grow and resentment to build.
If the answer is no, you still need courage to live a full life — to have the hard conversations — to be yourself.
Managers need to have different skill sets and need to be willing to have harder conversations.
In a recent U.S. survey of HR executives, 63 % said their biggest performance management challenge is that managers simply can't --- or won't — have hard conversations with their staff.
There will always be a need to have hard conversations.
If it is you have to seriously consider taking action and having some hard conversations with your business partners.
I set up time to meet with someone, tell them the feedback in a passive voice while caveating it heavily, and then congratulate myself on having had the hard conversation.
Have the hard conversation.
After the manager has looked inward, given someone several chances and discovered that the problem lies with that employee, then it's time to have the hard conversation.
Case Study # 2: Put yourself in the right frame of mind and show empathy As Chief Personnel Officer at Booz Allen Hamilton, Betty Thompson, is accustomed to having hard conversations.
When family members can unite around common values and vision and learn to appreciate each other's individual opinions and interests, having hard conversations and approaching generational transition become easier.
If we're serious about taking care of fellow Christians, we need to have a hard conversation about some of our interventions in places like Syria and Iraq, and the impact they've had on the ancient Christian communities there.
Protocols such as the «Accountable Talk» guide used in my school can help kids find the words to have hard conversations.
people just assume too much... they fill in the blanks with what they want to believe rather than having the hard conversations to find out for sure... or they don't know themselves well enough to be able to answer truthfully if the right questions are asked
It starts with talking about it and having the hard conversations.
At 23, we don't really think about having those hard conversations, so don't beat yourself up.
Have the hard conversations.
/ Calling out abusers 28:55 Acknowledging your privilege and having hard conversations 33:33 Media that's inspiring you right now, Wil on Journey (the game) 37:13 Felix's history with video games 40:29 Wil on acting and writing 43:25 Intro to What's Your FREQ - Out?
And your willingness to have the hard conversations to make that happen, I appreciate,» he said.
CEL also taught Lowe and his peers at the regional level how to have hard conversations with principals about what they are seeing in classrooms and how to evaluate it more accurately.
«Race is not easy to talk about... but if we have those hard conversations, there's room for tremendous growth.»
We can't improve as a school unless we can have hard conversations about the things that aren't working.
But for the rest of us, we may be required to have a hard conversation with our children about college costs.
Managing someone means being a coach and having hard conversations that you can't easily have when you just went to the movies the night before.
It still might feel hard to share with your partner that you're having cold feet, but remember, this is the person you are agreeing to spend your life with — it is vital to be able to have hard conversations.
Your mediator must create a safe space for you to have these hard conversations.
If we can get couples feeling safe enough to have the hard conversations (no pun intended), many times the sexual issues fade.
Of course, having the hard conversations and facing the issues you have in your marriage head on will NOT be fun!
But regardless of those changes, Chavez says practitioners must get used to having hard conversations with clients about the challenges flood insurance poses to real estate markets.
(I had a hard conversation with Remy yesterday because she kept asking for an iPhone for Christmas.
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