Sentences with phrase «to have other children»

The deceased also had other children who, having long since moved away had no interest in continuing with the farming operation yet might have wanted a share of any disposition.
Do you consider that they may have other children in the home and a foster child's behavior or actions may be adding stress to the family?
Would you like the option of having your other children at this birth?
These emotions can become even more complex if you already have other children.
If the expecting parents have other children, consider getting something for them that makes them feel included in the process.
Your little guy's early years were spent around a lot of other kids, so I wonder if «normal» to him is to have other children around.
I feel like I got lucky with his temperament, but also have no other child to measure against at this point.
Many families enjoy having their other children present during birth.
These workers have other children not at the party that the parents may want to meet!
Part of the process may be to have your other child get involved too.
During this stage of sleep is when it should be safe to run the vacuum, dry your hair, or have your other children make all the noise they want.
Other examples include a birth parent's wish that the adoptive family possess certain values, or that they do not yet have any other children.
Have other children over one at a time when your children are young.
You might have other children who are coming into adulthood.
There's nothing better for kids than to have other children in the neighborhood.
Although some parents understand the role that too much cow's milk, a diet low in fiber, and not drinking enough fluids have in contributing to constipation, they may have other children with the same diet who aren't constipated.
You may have started homeschooling with one child, but by the time you have a highschool student, you may have other children whose education you are also responsible for.
Very likely, Joseph and Mary had other children at this point, which they were looking after.
Unless you plan on having other children, because your infant cloth diapers will be in almost pristine condition for successive children, making the need to buy additional diapers unnecessary, thereby multiplying the margin of savings.
Sometimes it's inevitable for one child to fuss and cry while you get the other one to sleep — it's all part of them learning patience and getting used to the reality that Mommy has other children to care for.
Other factors to consider while determining the size of the playhouse include the possibility of having other children playing with your toddlers.
Similarly, the question whether Mary had other children besides Jesus can be investigated historically, and the answer makes a difference to the faithful even today.
«Besides the new children God gave him, he still had other children who were with God.»
Maybe they can do that on Planet Boob where most of the lactivists hide out, but here in the real world, most nursing women have OTHER CHILDREN.
Both Hinton and Hahs have had other children since their HELLP pregnancies.
PROs: Your baby will eventually have other children to socialize with; the care is reliable and fairly affordable with qualified supervision.
They have a baby, who dies shortly after Edna discovers that she can never have any other children.
Had her other children distracted her — Margot, who was older and perfect, and Jamie, who was younger and troubled?
My fiance has a son with another woman who lied to her case worker and told them that my fiance had no other children he supported.
Deductions will be applied if the payer has other children living with them and for any nights that the child spends with paying parent.
Frequently, married couples who can not biologically produce their own children want to adopt, but more and more, there are single people wanting to adopt children as well as families that already have other children by birth or adoption.
Supporting children to explore the world safely, making sure that they are eating and sleeping well and establishing boundaries to assist self - control may have parents rushing around a lot, especially if they also have other children in their care.
There might also be changes to child maintenance payments if the paying parent has other children living in their household (e.g. stepchildren or children born to a new partner).
Sound advice... to anyone who doesn't already have other children (I didn't take it first time round though, clearly — I was running round doing all of these).
I was also grieving never doing it again because we weren't planning on having any other children — I'm pregnant now with our surprise baby, and I am so looking forward to nursing again... and absolutely not planning on it lasting three years this time, but who knows?
it's all part of them learning patience and getting used to the reality that Mommy has other children to care for.
But if you'd like to have your other children present, or your parents, or siblings, or best friends, or a photographer, you might find that to be a great reason to have your baby at home.
If you have other children, you need to think about how your decision to help one child will affect the rest of the family, said Mitchell Kraus, financial advisor and owner at Capital Intelligence Associates in Santa Monica, California.
Anne and Margot died in concentration camps and he had no other children.
If you have other children, they should also have opportunities to talk or play through their feelings — jealousy about special treatment of him, nonrational guilt about being unhandicapped, a sense of family stigma.
I replied with how about when a mother (who has other children) requires medical care that will require the fetus to be aborted as a situation.
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