Sentences with phrase «to have serious side effects»

The way you choose to use your technology, or rather the frequency of use can have serious side effects if you're not careful, and you may not even see it coming.
They can also have serious side effects due to long term use, and should always be used under the supervision of a veterinarian.
Diabetes is commonly treated with medications but diabetes medications have serious side effects.
Furthermore, over-the-counter cold medicines can sometimes have serious side effects.
Just like any medication, over-the-counter meds have serious side effects.
The dog starts having some serious side effects by displaying signs of destructive behavior.
Because steroid drugs have serious side effects, they require a prescription, and your veterinarian may request periodic blood tests to confirm your pet's liver remains healthy.
They also have serious side effects and require monitoring.
Since most ADHD medication has serious side effects, it is no wonder why so many are hesitant to take the medication on a long - term basis.
These drugs are effective but have serious side effects on normal dividing tissues.
In addition, steroid creams have serious side effects such as blurred vision, seeing halos around lights, uneven heartbeat, sleep problems, and weight gain or puffiness.
For those suffering the debilitating impact of colitis, accelerating tissue growth could heal colon ulcers more quickly, which in turn could allow patients to take lower dosages of other medications that treat colitis — some of which have serious side effects.
The Dr Natura Colonix program does not have any serious side effects.
I've considered taking Mike Mahler's Aggressive Strength testosterone supplement, but I've read that the main ingredient, bulbine natalensis, has some serious side effects associated with it.
These have been know to have serious side effects including causing cancer, respiratory distress, asthma, skin irritants.
Wearing varicose vein compression socks had no serious side effects.
On its own, boosting glutamate on a large scale has serious side effects, including seizures and nerve cell death.
In the 2012 trial, for example, eight people had serious side effects, such as a sharp decrease in immune cells called neutrophils, and 14 people had comparatively mild side effects like nausea.
«In the past there weren't any alternatives that we could really offer these types of patients,» said Roger Fan, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Director of Arrhythmia Consult Service, «The LARIAT is a great alternative to the possibility of a lifetime of blood thinners which can have some serious side effects like GI bleeds, as well as an alternative to invasive open - heart surgery.»
In the recent past, IL - 2 was the most common first - line therapy for advanced kidney cancer, but because it can have serious side effects many doctors now only use it for cancers that are not responding to targeted therapies.
I've had clients who have been on antacids for years, and nearly every single one had serious side effects as a result.
While this advice deserves consideration and further research, Dr. Lee and Dr. Zava point out that Tamoxifen and other estrogen inhibitors have serious side effects that should play a role in any decision about their use.
If you remember, earlier in the movie Pym warns that exposure to the Quantum Realm can have serious side effects mentally.
Repeatedly using steroid injections or oral prednisone has serious side effects, doesn't cure anything and can actually make matters worse.
Because corticosteroids have serious side effects, they require a prescription, and your veterinarian may request periodic blood tests to confirm that the liver remains healthy.
Chemical dewormers typically include ingredients such as fenbendazole, pyrantel and praziquantel which are known to have some serious side effects ranging from weakness and lethargy to anaphylaxis and death.
Like dedicated analgesics, however, these can have serious side effects so your vet's advice should always be sought before giving your pooch any of these drugs.
Overemphasizing one at the deficit of another can have serious side effects on communication, teaming and performance.
The first line of defense for mental illnesses like schizophrenia is usually antipsychotic drugs, many of which have serious side effects.
McCabe and Kalra agree that leptin, which has been used as a treatment for some rare metabolic diseases, probably wouldn't have serious side effects, although weight loss is a concern: Leptin significantly dampens appetite, and Unger's mice ate 50 % less than normal.
MSM is a naturally occurring chemical derived from green plants that is safe for human consumption and has no serious side effects associated with it.
Left untreated, STDs can have serious side effects including infertility.
Spinosad (sold as Comfortis) is a fast - acting neurotoxin that can have serious side effects in some animals but is very effective at killing fleas for an entire month.
These medications can help some dogs, but many of these medications have serious side effects.
The existing drugs have serious side effects, and the parasites are developing resistance.
If your child does have a serious side effect that is associated with taking an antibiotic, you can report it to the FDA through their MedWatch online voluntary reporting form.
South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Bithumb is reportedly re-evaluating its strategy to launch its own coins through a corporation in Singapore, following news of fraud that could have serious side effects to both companies.
My body didn't react well to the spinal tap, I had some serious side effects that not only didn't allow me to play basketball, but really put my life in danger.»
Using this drug can have serious side effects, so talk to your provider before considering this method.
While many medications, generally stimulants, are in widespread use in treating children with ADHD, they can have serious side effects.
Doctors don't recommend them for children under 6 years old because they haven't been shown to help and they can have serious side effects.
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