Sentences with phrase «to have sleep apnea»

Most people who have sleep apnea don't even know that they have it, although the people they live with would know, because people with sleep apnea snore very loudly.
For instance, if Bill does have sleep apnea complications but is treating them, he is likely to be offered a rate of $ 39 a month for a $ 500,000, 20 - year policy.
But they did, in one study, have lower social development scores at 12 months of age than babies whose mothers didn't have sleep apnea while they were pregnant.
91 % of the individuals that experienced a stroke also had sleep apnea and were also more prone to experience silent strokes as well as brain lesions which elevated risk of disability discharged from hospital.
It's estimated that up to 26 percent of all adults in the U.S. have sleep apnea, a disorder that involves shallow breathing or pauses in breathing while you sleep.
In excess of a third of people that had brain lesions also had severe sleep apnea and in excess of 50 % of patients that had silent strokes had sleep apnea.
Currently, up to 25 % of patients presenting for surgery in the United States have sleep apnea.
About half of the people who snore loudly have sleep apnea, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
Although the study found an association between having sleep apnea and experiencing less heart damage during a nonfatal attack, it did not prove a cause - and - effect relationship.
Home tests have higher margins of error, since equipment may be worn incorrectly or slip off during the night, which means you might have sleep apnea even if a test says you don't.
More than 18 million Americans adults have sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart disease.
People who have sleep apnea tend to snore and have upper airway collapse during sleep.
Other potential risk factors include large tonsils, a small jaw bone, a large tongue and having sleep apnea in the family.
«I am down 22 lbs in 30 days and no longer have sleep apnea and I really don't crave sugars and breads anymore.»
Because three of the original eleven identified subjects in this study meeting the Pigeon2 screening criteria had sleep apnea rather than insomnia, being able to identify and eliminate subjects suffering from sleep apnea was important for achieving accurate results.
Smokers are more than twice as likely to have sleep apnea as nonsmokers and former smokers.
However, people who have sleep apnea often have hypertension and usually also have a type of fatigue that mimics depression, which can lead to misdiagnoses.
It's simple: If you don't wear the mask, you will have sleep apnea episodes.
Enid Thomas has sleep apnea (problems breathing while sleeping) which she has managed well with a machine that blows humidified air into her lungs as she sleeps.
Over the years, many Choice Mutual customers had sleep apnea.
The autopsies noted he had suffered from asthma since he was a child and also had sleep apnea.
The reality is, the vast majority of funeral insurance companies are perfectly fine with an applicant who has sleep apnea.
This type of mobile thermal imaging could be used for monitoring breathing problems in elderly people living alone, people suspected of having sleep apnea or babies at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
So, the lesson here is that if you do have sleep apnea, you are still very much eligible for life insurance coverage.
The monitor helps babies who have sleep apnea.
Your pediatrician will recommend you to a pediatric sleep apnea specialist to undergo more tests if your baby is suspected to have sleep apnea.
Do not sleep with your baby if you are very overweight, have sleep apnea or if you have been drinking alcohol or using drugs or medications.
But if you suspect he may have sleep apnea, start by telling his doctor about it.
When snoring causes gasping and breathing pauses, the child could have sleep apnea.
You shouldn't co-sleep if you smoke, are under the influence of any drug, are very obese, have sleep apnea or are not the baby's parent.
Months after the deadly September train crash inside Hoboken Terminal, in which the engineer responsible was found to have sleep apnea, less than half of NJ Transit's locomotive engineers and a small number of conductors and signalmen have been screened for the disorder.
To determine whether sleep apnea is linked to the development of pneumonia, Taiwanese researchers followed 34 100 patients (6816 who had sleep apnea and 27 284 controls) for 11 years.
They also calculated that diagnosing and treating every patient in the U.S. who has sleep apnea would produce an annual economic savings of $ 100.1 billion.
People who felt their lives had meaning were 63 percent less likely to have sleep apnea and 52 percent less likely to have restless leg syndrome.
But if your IQ as a child was average, somewhere around 90 to 100, and you had sleep apnea that went untreated and lost 8 - 10 points, that could potentially place you one standard deviation below normal,» Gozal said.
In particular, this applies to children who have sleep apnea,» said Gunnhildur Gudnadottir, Researcher at Sahlgrenska Academy, in a news release.
March 17, 2017 Untreated sleep apnea in children can harm brain cells tied to cognition and mood A study comparing children who have sleep apnea to children who slept normally found significant reductions of gray matter in the brain.
People who have sleep apnea or insomnia can have an improvement in blood pressure and inflammation with treatment of the sleep disorders, Dr. Rapoport says.
The calcification risk declined steadily as the number of sleep hours increased, even after the researchers accounted for participants» age, sex, race, level of education, whether or not they smoked, and whether or not they had sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that interrupts breathing and raises blood pressure and heart risk.
Spouses or bed partners are usually the first ones to know if a person has sleep apnea, because they will hear him or her snoring loudly throughout the night — a sign that air is not flowing smoothly through the airway as it should.
Men are more likely to have sleep apnea than women; other risk factors include being older, being a smoker, drinking alcohol or using sedatives, and having a thick neck and / or narrow airways.
A Google search suggested she might have sleep apnea — a disorder in which the throat muscles relax, causing your airway to collapse or get blocked by your tongue.
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