Sentences with phrase «to have snow»

If not having snow in winter and not having a taste of true summer in summer are not proof that global warming is real, I don't know what is.
Although we don't have snow on the ground yet, I know it's coming soon!
Today and tomorrow are bad weather make up days, but since we didn't have any snow days this year, I get them off!
We didn't have any snow here for the last month, but it finally decided to look like winter today!
Still have snow here and unfortunately spring we have high winds that would take away pillows, light décor and that lamp!
We might still have snow in the forecast but that doesn't stop me from dreaming of spring!
We are supposed to have a snow storm tomorrow and glad I already planned to serve it at a dinner party tomorrow night.
I don't know about you, but I've already had snow this season.
Use a litter tray outside when the ground has snow for cats that like to be outside.
Ideally, you should have snow tires on every regularly driven car you own, but if you can only afford one set, give it to the people you care about most.
I mean we just had snow this week and two days before that it was 85 degrees.
We don't have snow so I'm sure they will love this since they have been curious about from the movies we've seen!
We only ever get a 30 second flurry so to have snow cover for 3 whole days was pretty much unheard of before.
We haven't really had any snow at all!
If you don't have snow where you are at, you can still have a blast making one.
The advanced seven - speed automatic option now has a snow mode.
We also had snow a few days ago but it has finally melted away today... I just hope it doesn't come back.
I mean really, the graphics and game play are as exciting as having a snow day for school!
If you live somewhere that has snow during winter, chances are there is some salt buildup on the under - body of your car.
While we haven't had any snow yet, it is starting to cool off and this is a great piece to throw on before heading out the door!
My daughter, age 27, said that they never had a snow day when she was in school.
Bonus points if you make it and you don't have snow outside.
It's hard for me to wrap my head around this fact given that we still have a snow pile on our tiny front yard!
We have had snow once this year so far, and it didn't even stick.
I think I'd rather have the snow than this rain right now.
Since you routinely get so much snow, do you ever have snow days?
When it's winter for your, the game will have snow all over the town.
The transmission is the usual fluid - drive automatic with six forward speeds that can be shifted manually and has a snow setting to reduce wheel spin.
You should definitely have snow tires installed with plenty of time to spare before extreme winter weather arrives.
Why would snow need to be covered by renters insurance?
Like when everyone else has a snow day, but your «office» isn't closed.
I know this doesn't look like much but I don't usually have snow on my little porch at all.
I like it - our real trees have snow on them today!
I count myself to so lucky to live in an area where we have winter temps that stay just above freezing and we rarely have snow.
I figure if it's going to be winter, we might as well have snow to go with it.
I had recently had snow tires installed on my Jeep and I also take off traction control to allow for complete driver control in snowy / icy conditions.
Why would snow need to be covered by renters insurance?
This is the first time we've had any snow since last year, haha.
It can have snow drive option on standard trim.
There is no place to put the snow anymore and our front yard has a snow pile that is way over the top of my head.
The leaves have all fallen off the trees and we've had some snow stick to the ground.
We've had snow off and on along with cold weather for the last few months.
And I'm kind of jealous of everyone who has snow!
Most school districts have some snow days built into their calendars, so they don't have to make up all of the lost time.
It's as if his fur has snow - white roots.
Perhaps, I will have a snow picture to show by next week.
The house has a snow - covered roof; windows on the front, back and one side; and an open doorway on one side.
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