Sentences with phrase «to have something for a long time»

We don't actually have a functioning defence at all nor have we for some long time now.
Probably every woman has them, but I haven't had them for a long time.
I've had them for a long time now, so I made a couple of different looks to see how I liked the quality of the shadows.
Just in case you still have the fillings in: Be careful not to remove the amalgams too quickly especially if you have had it for a long time because sometimes, it can trigger a massive release of mercury during the removal process that can trigger POTS.
Just port it already... Waiting for the Sony Pulse app took a long time too after USA already had it for longer time.
Buying furniture is so intimidating to me since I know we're going to have it for a long time.
If you buy the Britax stroller today, the single or the double, you are going to have it for a long time.
He told the Committee that the argument of tradition, that we should have Bishops because we have had them for a long time and it's best to leave things as they are, was irrelevant and insubstantial.
They've had it for a long time but recently confirmed they were putting it front and centre of their election campaign.
It might be trouble, particularly if you've had it for a long time.
I have had it for a long time and it has traveled from house to house with me.
and the sunnies are so adorable... I def need to invest in some new sunnies... I have only three pairs and I had them for the longs time now!
Most of the shoes in my closet are SW, and yes, they're well made so you have them for a long time.
We bought it at a very expensive gardening / gift store, but we thought we would have it for a long time.
I felt great about the price because I know for sure that I'm going to have it for a long time and I will get a lot of wear out of it.
Buying furniture is so intimidating to me since I know we're going to have it for a long time.
Hope to have it for a long time.
I have had it for a long time and it has 177,00 miles on it.
Additionally, canceling a credit account can also hurt your score, especially if you've had it for a long time or it has a high credit limit.
Cash back, low interest rate, and zero miles so you know you'll have it for a long time.
Don't automatically close unused or paid - down credit cards, especially if you have had them for a long time.
If you've had it for a long time and manage to get a substantial credit limit, it's going to bite off a massive lump of your credit history and increase your utilization, so expect a drop in the credit score.
Aside from the crash in 1987, only the depression era has had similar volatility, and they had it for a long time.
Don't close down your old account once you've transferred your balance from it, especially if you've had it for a long time.
We are lucky to have him in our family and hope to have him for a long time.
As to this teething chewing puppy toy, you can rely on the benefits that is designed for really powerful chewers, which means you will have it for longer time and your Yorkie's interest high as long as possible, too.
I have had them for a long time.
Maybe you had it for a long time, but I still don't have it.
Payments are a long - awaited feature on Android Wear watches (Apple and Samsung have had them for a long time), so to not have it on one of the two flagship Android Wear 2.0 watches is downright bizarre.
Above my stove I added more whimsy by placing a white flocked Christmas tree in a «Milk» bucket (I've had it for a long time).
I have had it for a long time and it has traveled from house to house with me.
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