Sentences with phrase «to have the desired results»

If you encounter a question in which you did not have a desired result, respond by describing the steps you would take to do it better next time.
An objective makes us efficient for having desired results.
This approach doesn't always have the desired results for every child.
Well, cover letters are written to support the resume and have the desired results i.e. getting the employer to call you.
To have the desired result out of the cover letter you need some basic information about the hierarchy, of the recruiting personnel at least.
Purely rational approach to solving the problems of today's society will not have the desired results because it does not affect the foundation of the problem which is the fact that modern society and its education system ignores exploration of the fundamentals of the observer, that is, exploration of consciousness.
The Colorado example is only offered to illustrate the distinction between an approach that may ultimately have the desired result after litigation and one that is never questioned in the first place.
His signature long passes were the same as they've always been (which is to say ungodly) however they did not have the desired result.
But just keep smoothing and blending the colors together with the back of spoon until you have the desired result.
Though China's strict one - child - per - couple decree obviously has holes, the policy is having the desired result.
He suggests just starting with MTHFR (if you have the mutation), then exploring other genetic mutations if the supplements / lifestyle changes recommended don't have the desired results.
However, even after spending so much time and effort there is no guarantee that you will have the desired result.
Because this policy did not have the desired result, in 1979 the government enacted the One - child Policy, which restricted parents to one child, in some cases offering incentives to ensure compliance.
We then hope it will have the desired result: We hope learners are engaged and motivated to take the course; we cross our fingers and hope they apply what they learned back on the job; we hope we achieve the desired outcome we set out to target.
Here are three items Johnson shares that are present in schools where PLCs are having the desired results:
Of course it is far from 100 % certain that the company's growth initiatives will have the desired results, but so far it looks like they are taking the right steps.
The great thing about buttons - whether they're on your doorbell, mobile phone, game controller or even plastered all over an elaborate mech - simulation peripheral that comes with its own Allen key - is that when you push them into the recess and feel that satisfying click as the contact hits the mark, you can be around 99.99 per cent sure that your action will have the desired result.
The mere filing of it appears to have had the desired result.
In order to have the desired results, make sure that the resume helper has the precise resume template, the correct resume style and every feature that makes a good resume.
Looking for a job where my analytical and research skills would come of use, thereby helping the company to have the desired results
Tell me what's going on and we can practice different styles of communicating with your child to have the desired results you want.
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