Sentences with phrase «to have the real thing»

Looking back on this past fall and winter, I will admit it: I've had a real thing for velvet!
The only time I use the canned stuff is during the winter for hot cocoa or other drinks, IF I don't have the real thing.
But since they already have the real thing (and likely a long list of add - ons), you have to get a little creative.
I've never had the real thing, but your's looks like a great veggie version!
I have never used artificial sweeteners as to me they are still sugar so I may as well have the real thing.
I have some in my house as well, it does add color for when you can't have the real thing, which is here most of the year.
At least we know Thanos had the real thing in his possession all along.
Not because of germs (my grandmother had a real thing about germs!)
If you're set on having the real thing, OAK's LA Rider leather jacket is one of our faves, and it offers lots of edge at a more accessible price point.
I have been eyeing these for months now and was going to try and make them on my own, but I'd much rather have the real thing!!
He found he enjoyed master — bating to po — rn then having the real thing (and said so and did so quite often).
«We get the occasional people who come in to prove it's not authentic and that you can only have the real thing in Spain.
I also think that Wenger has a real thing for proving people wrong, so the fans who want him out must keep shouting and making their point, even if it is only to be proved wrong.
Hi Lea Ann, don't think I've ever had the real thing, these do look delicious!
As in most of this class, the XF's base trim level has imitation leather upholstery and the higher ones have the real thing.
Others appreciate having the real thing sent on nice paper, especially if they don't have high - quality fax machines or copiers.
I live vicariously through all of you who have the real thing.
We know you'll probably have a few bat decorations flying about your house this Halloween but how do you fancy having the real thing to impress trick - or - treaters?
If you are used to carby pancakes or crepes these are very different, but when you haven't had the real thing in ages, these are like the most delicious thing ever!
«Why vote for a poor imitation that has overseen an increase in child poverty and the biggest increase since devolution of those people classified as poor despite being at work, when you can have the real thing in the progressive Labour party.
-LSB-...] What if your child already has the real thing?
In other words, if we have the real thing, Jesus Christ, why would we want to go back to the shadow?
«Once you've had the real thing,» she always says,» you just can't go back.»
I was totally craving meatballs this weekend, but had the real thing
On the other hand, if a nubby, little green carrot appears at your table, with a fine - toothed grater, then you can rest assured you have the real thing.
Ed DeBartolo, president and owner of Berto's for the past 10 years, says when he acquired the then -16-year-old company he knew he had the real thing.
my husband said he would have preferred to have the real thing but he is still a carb loader.
I didn't think I liked maple syrup until I had the real thing!
And if your child must have the real thing, mini American Girl dolls are worth considering — they also come with mini price tags.
Why would they want to drink from a bottle when they have the real thing right in front of them?
«Its all about having the real thing, but occasionally and in small quantities,» Lippert says.
However, as good as this information is, there is no substitute for having the real thing.
You can make it with full cream (real) cow's milk which is unpasteurised and unhomogenised and if you do, you will have the real thing, but I prefer either coconut or almond milk.
The Rebecca Minkoff Affair Bag... it's my affordable alternative to a Chanel (one day I will have the real thing — as soon as I stop having a beer budget hahaha)
I have a real thing for denim separates; they're comfy and they can make an outfit look casual enough to be everyday, even if the style itself is dressy.
I had a real thing for men's ties in the late seventies.
You know how little girls sometimes carry purses in the shape of puppies when they can't have the real thing?
I have a real thing against shoulder pads.
It's not worth wanting to scratch my ears off to have the real thing.
She has no use for butt pads because she has the real thing Thick, soft and attractive.
I have a real thing for Polish girls!
A Beverly Hills banker almost has apoplexy upon examining the check and Juan knows he has the real thing.
At first, Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner told real stories, however goofily (Young Frankenstein, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid), and had real things to say (Blazing Saddles isn't just parody but satire; it is about racism in the Western genre).
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