Sentences with phrase «to have this weekend»

I feel like I actually have a weekend of rest.
The majority didn't think twice about it being an excuse to have a weekend off as their clubs make it clear that won't be tolerated.
I couldn't believe we finally had a weekend with downtime.
If you are a person like myself, who has weekends full of activity and don't have time spend days attending traffic school.
I'm speaking to the couple who hasn't had a weekend away since the baby was born because you're nursing, and you're wondering if it's worth it.
Have you decided to have a weekend away and want to combine activity and adventure?
But I did have all weekend long to celebrate, and had an awesome time in the city with my husband and friends!
Do you ever have those weekends where you just need some «me time»?
And I totally understand having a weekend at home - they are the best - especially after months of busy weekends!
I have been overwhelmed with work so having a weekend getaway to such a relaxing place was just what the doctor ordered.
I just helped a lady do just that, she only had the weekend to pull it together while her daughter was out of town!
Wow you are rocking that cute leather number and in my favorite and signature color — Have a weekend as lovely as you!
How are you and how has your weekend been so far?
I also have weekend availability for Moms who may have childcare support on the weekends.
I'd like to extend my office hours at night and have weekend hours.
I think I know what we're having this weekend while laying around!
Currently, 35 % of youngsters have weekend jobs, with 52 % of all parents thinking they are a good idea.
The organizers divided the participants into different teams, each of which had a weekend to develop a product or service aimed at reducing childhood obesity.
That's fine because you still have weekends to spend time with your family.
It was strange for him to have a weekend day in which there was not multiple events or appointment.
A lot of people have weekend cheat days, but that adds up to 104 a year!
With the backseat in place, I'd estimate there's enough room for a few people to have a weekend getaway.
Ever have those weekends that are just pretty darn perfect?
These people don't knock off work at five or even have a weekend off.
You can have the weekends start and stop whenever you want.
Many dogs are allergic to flea bites and will have their weekend ruined by itching if bitten by a flea, so don't forget this month's dose of flea and tick preventative.
We are certainly glad to have the weekend roll around — I am looking forward to doing some relaxing and not too much else!
: some animal shelters have weekend - only programs or short - term options.
Both locations have weekend classes and there is no need to call in advance to reserve a seat.
This way, it's more likely you'll have a weekend date scheduled on your calendar.
Both locations have weekend courses and friendly instructors that have been in the defensive driving industry for years.
And lastly having the weekend off means weekend breakfasts.
On the one hand, it means that most leagues and foreign based players have the weekend off and there are no league games available on broadcast television.
Luckily my hubby has the weekends off and lets me catch up on rest.
My mother was helping with toddler childcare and long - suffering husband had the weekend off work.
«It gives these people the opportunity to have weekend rentals every single week,» he said.
I'm also trying to periodically have a weekend where there are no «set» plans, that way we can simply stay home if we want to.
Is it ever too early in the week to be having those weekend vibes?
I just bought a navy vest this weekend, now I'm so excited to pair it with a dress!
Today I'm wearing this outfit (the sweater dress) again so was happy to have some weekend outfits to share with you instead!
Many breeders have weekends when they open their doors to their buyers to come and play with the puppies; again, respect the breeder's busy schedule and don't arrive unannounced.
You'll have enough bonus points to get a fourth free night at any category hotel, and it won't have the weekend use restriction.
So glad to have you linking with us... I agree about weekend parties — it's nice to have weekend traffic... lol!
You can go hiking, go have a weekend with your friends, get caught up at work, or even go on a date.
After another stressful week at work, I'm very much looking forward to having a weekend at home, for the most part.
It's the reason a lot of associates don't have weekends.
I just helped a lady do just that, she only had the weekend to pull it together while her daughter was out of town!
For example, you might be able to ask family or friends to care for the child so that you can have a weekend away.
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