Sentences with phrase «to head to the hospital»

Also I try to fix a sandwich or two before heading to the hospital for the hubs and myself.
Heading to the hospital for a routine emergency room visit or purchasing an exciting new gadget could, in theory, result in a life - altering injury.
I would love to win this for myself since I will be heading to the hospital in a couple months to have my little baby boy.
I am heading to the hospital shortly and will likely not be around for a couple of weeks.
It's usually better to be safe than sorry, so if you can't tell the difference you should probably head to the hospital.
Don't get to the hospital too early Don't head to the hospital the minute your partner goes into labor.
If the sitter can't get there right away and your labor appears to be progressing rapidly, head to the hospital with your kids and have the sitter meet you there.
If you think you are in the «low risk» category, you should consider seeing a midwife instead of heading to the hospital.
If you develop any pregnancy complications, you should head to a hospital immediately.
No matter how severe the bleeding is, at any stage during your pregnancy you must call your physician or head to the hospital right away.
You'll wind up switching providers, heading to the hospital from your cozy bed at home or at a birth center.
This way, if you have to head to the hospital suddenly, your pooch's caregiver can find everything in a flash.
The health department urges citizens to contact their health care provider if they have flu symptoms before heading to a hospital ER.
The midwife came in and confirmed that my water «was definitely broken» and told us to head to the hospital ASAP.
But we called the nurse anyway before heading to the hospital.
After a very healthy and smooth pregnancy, I developed gestational hypertension and preeclampsia at 37 weeks, so in a whirlwind change of plans we were now headed to the hospital for an induction.
You may have already headed to the hospital or called the midwife when the contractions fizzle out and you're told to just wait.
Figuring I had nothing to lose because I'd be heading to the hospital anyway if I couldn't stop vomiting, I started slowly sipping a mixture of equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar and Water and chasing with 1/2 tsp activated charcoal mixed into applesauce.
I may come support you at home before heading to the hospital or birth center, meet you at the place of birth, or come to your home birth when the time is right for you.
I would seriously hope that all but the craziest of crunchies would head to the hospital for preterm labor!
Two big men drove up separately, saw us, and carried me to her car & we headed to the hospital.
We headed to the hospital.
Finally, Rachel decided to ignore the midwife and head to the hospital.
Of course, if there were any major complications, I'd head to a hospital, but I'd rather have my baby in a relaxed, comfortable environment than getting the impression that pregnancy is a disease not meant for the female body.
You may want me to come support you at home before heading to the hospital or birth center, meet you at the place of birth, or come to your home birth when the time is right for you.
With my first, I was hurting, but not too intensely for a few hours before heading to the hospital and was already dilated to 7 cm, after receiving the epidural I labored another 5 hours before delivery.
While it's a no - brainer that your partner will need to pack an overnight bag before heading to the hospital or birthing center, don't forget your bag, too.
I dropped my daughter to her God mommy Nicole And headed to the hospital.
Ana Paula Markel, Doula, explains the early signs of labor to watch out for so you know that you should call your doctor or head to the hospital
And we have already lined up people to watch our son when we have to head to the hospital!
Once your ready to head to the hospital, you'll know that your baby's carseat is ready to go!
During our visits we had discussed my stopping at the birth center to labor there before heading to the hospital, but she also knew that with having a long painful back labor the first time around (thanks to my daughter's posterior positioning), I might not have a good sense of how far along my labor was due to the difference in pain.
So, I called my doula and headed to the hospital.
When you head to the hospital, drive carefully.
But after hanging out around our house, confirming with a simple test that I was in fact leaking amniotic fluid, and consulting with our midwives, my husband and I headed to the hospital that evening to have our daughter.
So I began having contractions around 5 pm on February 2nd and so I headed to the hospital because, that's what you do, right?
In our delirium as we headed to the hospital, we completely forgot to bring the two cases of coconut water, hard boiled eggs, almond butter, energy bars, etc. that we had ready to go for labor at home.
The waiting game of early labor can be quite stressful when you have other children to care for, particularly if you have to wait for a sitter to arrive before you can head to the hospital.
... we loaded the car and headed to the hospital.
Maria and Michelle made eye contact, and Chris knew we were headed to the hospital.
It was a Thursday and I had hardly slept the night before, we headed to the hospital at about 5:30 am as my csec was scheduled for 8 am.
So when it didn't, we headed to the hospital, got some Pitocin, and two hours later without any other medication, I was holding baby number four in my arms.
To help you figure out when you're really ready to head to the hospital, check out these cues.
That was my cue to get ready and head to the hospital.
Thinking she was in labor, she headed to the hospital.
Wait until you are at least less than 5 minutes apart with your contractions before heading to the hospital.
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