Sentences with phrase «to hear things like»

I think, in general, we need to be careful when hear things like «a lot of people are moving up there» without actually checking the statistics.
We often hear things like, «If heartworm could harm my dog, and heartworm prevention could harm my dog, then what am I supposed to do?».
We begin to feel like roommates with our spouse and many people hear things like «I love you, but I'm not in love with you anymore».
I vaguely remember that towards the end of the pushing hearing things like «heart rate dipping» and they were really encouraging me to push.
You have maybe heard things like its not safe or that you wont find a long lasting relationship online.
When you look at «typical» book promotion methods, you've surely heard things like get onto social media and build a fanbase?
When lawyers share their strengths with me, I commonly hear things like: passion for a certain area of law, extremely loyal, well connected or very charismatic.
I frequently hear things like «I am too old to change now», and «This is just how I am, take me or leave me».
They were expecting to hear things like good systems and customer service, or something like this.
Most traders hear things like «the market is bottoming» or «the market is breaking out» all the time.
In the speculation on the misuses of atomic weapons, we began to hear things like mega-deaths; more reassuring to say «one mega death» than 1,000,000 deaths.
we would have been deaf by now hearing things like «That's the coach we have been waiting for; instant impact; great tactics; excellent players motivation skills; the players are happy now; they weren't playing for AW» blah....
I also got tired of hearing things like, «You're no fun when you're not drinking.»
When I ask my prospective clients what their Main Health Goals are, I'm not hearing things like «I want to look good in my swimsuit on my beach vacation.»
When visiting struggling schools, we sometimes hear things like «some kids just won't do as well» or «it's just too difficult to catch those kids up.»
When I talk about Scrivener, though, I usually hear things like, «Oh I tried that and gave up.
He was annoyed that the first Mario Galaxy had a story of any kind, so hearing things like that I don't have much confidence in his ability to know what's best on a grander scale anymore.
However, all Alexa will ask is whether you want to hear things like bird noises or rain sounds.
You can also hear things like notifications and messages read to you, and you don't have to bring out your phone — so again, this is like Siri and AirPods, but naturally the Universal Translator style feature is a Google exclusive.
Did you grow up in a family hearing things like, «Because I said so!»
Through this book, our families were able to better understand our journey, better understand adoption (which can sometimes be met with hurtful comments and ignorant assumptions) and helped them grasp the importance of «adoption - friendly» language so that we could feel confident that our son would never hear things like «your birthmom gave you up for adoption» or «your real mom such - and - such.»
For example, Sales leaders who ask this question in their team meetings often hear things like:
I love hearing things like this:) Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for even more amazing recipes!
It was never an intentional sound I was going for, though I love trip - hop and electronic music so it's not surprising to find out other people hear things like this in my music.»
He's heard things like «really strong leader with great ideas,» and «I can't believe how much he's changed — he's a new person!»
When I work with companies, I often hear things like «takes initiative», «works well on a team», «great problem solver», «knows the business», «brings experience», or «fits with our culture.»
When you hear things like that, it makes you wonder how you'll ever find an apartment — and one that's within your budget, too.
When you hear a thing like that, you say, «Wait a minute, I have to be careful.
I heard things like, «I'm here.
Whenever I hear things like that, I realize how difficult it is for religious people to understand atheists.
From the unchurched, if they don't make a commitment to Christ, we hear things like, «I am growing stronger in my faith, but still in need of work.
People are taught to only be kind, and selfless during Christmas as if it's some kind of excuse, in many TV shows, or even maybe from people you know, you hear things like «well since it is Christmas,»
And religious people honestly don't understand why we hear things like this and think to ourselves «Wow, these people are completely insane!»?
I know that we are on the right track when I hear things like, «that church will take anybody.»
It is an outright riot in my sorority house when someone actually gets asked on a date, and I hear things like, «He must really like you,» «Oh gosh, are you guys dating?
And I know I'm supposed to feel «flattered» hearing things like that, but honestly, I'm not.
I hear things like that from my family as well when I'm baking!
How many times have we heard things like we played so well, crisp passing but Arsenal end up losing the game.
In the aftermath of form slumps we hear things like: «sell him off», «release him», «and tear up his contract».
It's sometimes surprising to hear things like that.»
«I'm hearing things like he was the one [who messed up] with Suarez.
It's sometimes surprising to hear things like that,» he said.
Often it's very comforting for kids to hear things like, «That happened to me when I was a kid, and I know how much it hurts.»
We often hear things like «Why can't you just be like your elder brother?»
Expect to hear things like, «If I'm home by curfew, why do I need to tell you where I'm going?»
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