Sentences with phrase «to help in any other way»

Obviously, sharing your home with a pet helps to decrease feelings of loneliness through companionship, but exposure to animals helps in other ways as well.
Rising domestic energy production also helps in other ways, by creating jobs, keeping a lid on gasoline costs and lowering production costs for energy - intensive firms.
Have your child set the table or help in some other way in preparing the meal.
Why not help him in other ways, like offering to look over her resume or send him job leads elsewhere?
They can help you lose weight, give you more energy, improve your bowel movements, boost your immune system, and help in other ways too.
I am finding that is is helping me in other ways besides loving my home, but also loving and taking time for myself as well!
If you know now that these hours or this commitment would be difficult, please consider helping us in other ways and / or becoming a foster parent.
Being around other babies of a similar age can help in other ways though.
Building a list allows you to promote your new work to people who are the most likely to want to buy it and help you in other ways such as by leaving a review.
Likewise, taking on bad debt can sometimes help you in other ways — most people need cars to get around.
If you are uncomfortable with the animals in the shelter please see a staff member and ask how you can help in other way at the shelter.
It indeed isn't, because those sensors help in some other ways as well.
You can go to a service in person, or get help in other ways.
While they may not be willing to buy your book, they can still help you in other ways.
Offer help in kind If you don't like the idea of giving your parents an allowance, consider helping in other ways.
And it works not just in terms of cash, since someone who's donated to a campaign or organization is now invested in its success, quite literally, and is likely to help in other ways if offered the opportunity.
On Saturday, the volunteers offered dog sitting services for dog owners who wanted to check out the shelter and help in any other way possible.
An increasing number of online consumers are bypassing traditional search engines and finding legal help in other ways.
By bringing up this subject, you give the Eastgate renters insurance representative a chance to help you in other ways where you can downsize your monthly Eastgate payment.
Seeing this young girl's face, her connection to her dad, and the simple joy of receiving a bracelet makes me want to send 1000 bracelets to these children (not to mention help in other ways) but I just wish our own American children would know the simple joys too.
g. Should you become aware of the mistreatment, abuse, or need for relocation of an American Staffordshire Terrier, make every effort to be of assistance by notifying the breeder of the dog involved, the local authorities and helping in any other way in which you are able.
Your circuit court judge can help in other ways too: «Often he can put you in touch with the SCOTUS Justice's previous clerks so you can talk with them about their experiences.»
Most will earn less in retirement and this action can help you in other ways as well.
A contrasting difference is that Peirce had a powerful mathematician as father who tutored him in that subject, helped him in other ways, but was almost brutally unkind at times and a possible cause of a psychosomatic illness in his son.
(Jn 14:12) So many have helped us in other ways in our lives, but it is to those who have guided us in the practice of our Catholic faith that we will be eternally grateful.
We are the only Christian family in the neighbourhood, but the local people respect our work, bringing food or helping in other ways.
Please let us know if we can help you in any other way and search our blogs, restaurant database and recipes for help.
We will gladly answer your questions, or help you in any other way we can.
Please let us know if we can help in any other way!
I tried my best to help in other ways.
However you handle the situation — maybe you offer donations to homeless people in your neighborhood, choose to help in other ways, or neither — sends a message to your child.
In keeping with increasing contact between mother and child, including increasing skin - to - skin contact, grandmothers should pull back and help in other ways.
Molinari says his health will prevent him from campaigning with Grimm but will help in other ways.
After giving us lifetimes of plagues, colds, and athlete's foot, microbes are being recruited and transformed to fight disease — and help us in other ways, too.
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