Sentences with phrase «to help manage one's symptoms»

In some cases, the right pet food might actually help manage symptoms of a disease or medical condition like heart disease and chronic kidney disease.
The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to help manage your symptoms while you wait for your body to fight off your unwanted friend.
My job as a physician is to go beyond helping you manage your symptoms in the short run.
Perfect for everyday use, the practices within will help you manage your symptoms as they arise.
Update the bookmarks bar on your Internet browser with tools and resources that can help you manage your symptoms on difficult days.
By using various therapeutic techniques I can help manage the symptoms related to the addiction and how to get past the anxiety, depression or other emotions that are involved.
There is no «quick fix» or «cure» for ADHD; rather a treatment for ADHD means implementing strategies and interventions to help manage the symptoms of ADHD more effectively.
Both symphysis pubis dysfunction and pelvic girdle pain can be easily treated with support girdles that offer an increased level of support to help manage symptoms resulting from a growing baby bump.
This injectable drug helps manage symptom flare - ups by helping the body fight inflammation.
I found that turmeric and collagen based golden mylks helped me manage my symptoms immensely, then a client of mine with adrenal fatigue asked me what brand of golden mylk I would recommend buying because she didn't want to make it herself at home.
Additionally, increased intake of the amino acid L - lysine, as is provided in supplements such as Viralys, helps manage symptoms affecting the respiratory tract, eyes, and coat.
I chose Gripe Water because it was a natural product that is safe and effective for little ones while helping manage the symptoms of stomach discomfort associated with gas, colic, hiccups and teething.
«Providing resources to depressed moms will help them manage their symptoms in a productive way and ensure their children reach their full potential.»
It is vital to make sure that your recovery plan involves a short - term plan to help manage your symptoms as well as a long - term plan to make sure that the core issue is dealt with and resolved, so there is no relapse.
It's been known to help manage symptoms of PMS, menopause, and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS); decrease levels of anxiety and depression, and improve prostate health in men.
Good news: There are options out there to help manage the symptoms of PUPPPS.
These tips can help you manage your symptoms and take back some control over your body's reaction to pregnancy.
If you have postpartum depression, prompt treatment can help you manage your symptoms — and enjoy your baby.
These doctors specialize in pediatric autoimmune disorders as are the most well - equipped to treat your teen and help her manage her symptoms.
Dr Lucy Clark, lead author, Queen Mary University of London, UK, said: «We found that a self - help approach to a graded exercise program, guided by a therapist, was safe and also helped to reduce fatigue for some people with chronic fatigue syndrome, suggesting that GES might be useful as an initial treatment for patients to help manage symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
There are treatments available for people with temporal lobe epilepsy, including medications to help manage symptoms and, in rarer cases, surgical removal of the temporal lobe, where the seizures originate.
While there is currently no cure for COPD, a combination of drugs and lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms.
Here, 31 strategies that can help you manage your symptoms and feel like yourself again, from taking medications like over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to lifestyle changes such as getting plenty of exercise, sleeping enough, and monitoring your posture.
«Like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, the only treatments for LBD are to help manage the symptoms, to really provide improvements that help with quality of life,» Taylor says.
But with the help of her doctors, Baker eventually found a treatment that helps manage her symptoms.
In many cases, it can be a great natural option to help manage symptoms either on its own or together with other treatments.
«While treatment can help manage the symptoms, currently available therapies can be time - consuming — requiring multiple daily applications — and costly.
Appointment after appointment I went, begging for answers or advice to help me manage my symptoms, but I never really received anything of great value.
Keeping track of what you eat with a diet diary, then using a rotation diet or an elimination diet will help manage symptoms and treatment.
It is an inexpensive treatment method to try, and it may help manage your symptoms.
In some cases these treatments may also be treated with supplemental hormones such as estrogen to help manage your symptoms.
Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your day and may help you manage symptoms of certain medical conditions.
More information on pain management for military personnel and veterans Cancer treatment centers with integrative health care programs may offer services such as what is zovirax cream used for and meditation to help manage symptoms and side effects for patients who are receiving conventional cancer treatment.
As mentioned above, prolonged inactivity induces pain, while exercise can help manage symptoms.
It was obvious immediately that Lynda is incredibly knowledgeable about all things gut, digestion and elimination and she was able to implement strategies (both supplementation as well as gentle lifestyle changes) to help me manage my symptoms.
Many people with eczema use products and practices that are outside Western, or conventional, medicine to help manage their symptoms.
She helped me manage my symptoms through a dramatically improved diet and appropriate supplements.
It helps make your thyroid stronger, it comes to you at no cost (and with very little maintenance), and it can help manage your symptoms and have you feeling better.
Thankfully, a number of available treatments can help you manage the symptoms and help you conceive if you are having difficulty.
Even then, if you want to follow that advice to see if a statistically and theoretically preventative diet will help you manage symptoms, the articles tend to focus on things NOT to eat — don't consume meat, or dairy, or alcohol.
Your gastroenterologist or nutritionist might recommend diet changes to help manage your symptoms; for example, they may recommend you eat foods that don't cause inflammation.
, doctor said eliminating carbs will help me manage the symptoms.
Research shows that increased SCFA's help reduce the risk of colon cancer and may help manage the symptoms of IBD and IBS.
Lifestyle choices and alternative therapies can help manage symptoms but having uncontrolled or high blood sugar can not cause a woman to develop PCOS.
To help manage symptoms, avoid:
There's no cure for celiac disease — but for most people, following a strict gluten - free diet can help manage symptoms and promote intestinal healing.
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