Sentences with phrase «to help prevent tooth decay»

In this article, we will look at how you can use oral probiotics to help prevent tooth decay naturally.
Additionally, breast milk's bacteria fighting cells actually help prevent tooth decay.
All surface and ground water entering New York City's drinking water distribution system is currently treated with fluoride (pdf) to help prevent tooth decay as well as chlorine to kill deleterious microbes as designated by the New York State Sanitary Code and the SDWA.
«Proper dental care helps prevent tooth decay and dangerous gum infections.
A little fluoride found in tap water can help prevent tooth decay.
The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend switching your child to a cup around his first birthday to help prevent tooth decay.
To help prevent tooth decay, do not put your child to bed with a bottle.
This will help prevent tooth decay or bottle mouth.
To help prevent tooth decay, the American Dental Association recommends switching to a regular cup by your child's first birthday.
Plus, saliva washes away food debris in our mouths and helps prevent tooth decay.
Many communities in Canada add fluoride to the local water supply to help prevent tooth decay.
Formulated with xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol, that has been shown to help prevent tooth decay.
Soon after, in 1962, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) recommended that public water supplies contain fluoride to help prevent tooth decay.
Green tea also contains fluoride and can help prevent tooth decay.
We can help them prevent tooth decay and gum disease, but we can't stop their teeth from growing crooked.
While the Government fluoridates are water to help prevent tooth decay, many people believe the chemicals work to dampen the natural abilities of our mind and induce a sleep like state of consciousness in the American people.
This includes the removal of harmful tartar, polishing, and a fluoride treatment to help prevent tooth decay.
Most vets recommend an annual cleaning for all dogs to help prevent tooth decay and lost teeth.
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