Sentences with phrase «to help students excel»

Read a recent white paper that explains how individualized learning can help students excel in math.
To accelerate student achievement and capture the results needed to help our students excel in today's world.
The candidates shared their ideas on how to help students excel academically and personally while in a district working to address its share of challenges.
So they know which advisors help their students excel and which can make students» lives a living hell.
DreamBox Learning Math helps every student excel in math, by providing an unprecedented level of differentiated instruction.
Apps like DuoLingo are helping students excel in learning a second language.
States should use the flexibility provided by ESSA to increase transparency so that parents, teachers, and everyone who has a stake in education will have the information they need to make decisions that help students excel.
However, providing the safe space for these student behaviours would allow teachers to implement the necessary pedagogical practices to help students excel and succeed in the classroom.
Student data is crucial for educators, families, and policymakers to help students excel.
Dr. Sonja B. Santelises has spent close to 30 years focused on building high - quality teaching and learning to help students excel, including her tenure as chief academic officer for Baltimore City Public Schools from 2010 to 2013.
Although students vary in their abilities and interests, «hyper - individualizing» the curriculum in an attempt to accommodate these differences is not the best way to help each student excel, write Willingham and Daniel.
We are currently recruiting creative, compassionate, caring Special Education Teachers (what we call our Diverse Learning Teachers) to join our staff, eager to help our students excel academically...
Get tips on teaching strategies that will help your students excel.
RDLS features: — Highly - qualified and fully bilingual staff with diverse cultural and language backgrounds — Classroom teachers, specialists and support staff attend to each student's unique learning needs and work together to help every student excel — A warm, welcoming community extends genuine care and support to each student and family
In an outstanding school, teachers understand that they have the capacity to help every student excel, and they work collaboratively to make this happen — they share and discuss individual student data with their peers and with the principal; they observe each other's classrooms and ask for each other's suggestions.
«We intend to move quickly, to identify areas where progress is not being made fast enough, and to make whatever changes are necessary to help students excel
The principals could earn those bonuses if they helped students excel in reading and math.
«His extensive experience and data - driven instructional background will help our students excel.
Show Me the Data 2017 highlights strides made by states in their education data reporting and ways they can make their report cards clearer and more useful so that parents, educators, community members and policymakers have the information they need to make decisions that help all students excel.
In turn, these master teachers would serve as a national resource for other STEM educators, which would help students excel in math and science while allowing the master teachers to assume leadership and mentorship roles in their schools and communities.
Before Achieve3000 was on their radar, Lorra said their school had tried a variety of ways to help students excel, including walk - to intervention groups, reading specialists and other resources to assist with remediation.
Whether you're a teacher looking to expand your knowledge of a topic or a superintendent who needs to bring scalable professional development to your district, PD Online's intuitive design and embedded resources can support your learning goals and help your students excel.
She said that's a high rate that also factors into the District's struggles with graduation and helping students excel in their academic performance.
At the same time, teachers, schools, and districts alike strive for the same goal - to accelerate student achievement and capture the best practices needed to help students excel in today's world.
«It's a great example of how we can support teachers who want to incorporate education technology in their classroom to help every student excel
Our program is hands - on and uses a wide range of teaching methods to help our students excel in driver's education
If you love to help students excel in their academic career and contribute to the growth of the country, you can do so by working as a high school nurse.
I know how to help students excel and improve performance while also making sure they never lose their love of the game.I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this possibility further.
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