Sentences with phrase «to hold onto fat»

If it seems like you're holding onto your fat in your belly or your butt, but losing it everywhere else, this is just an illusion.
Not to mention, your body will actually hold onto the fat it has because it thinks you're starving.
In other words, the sleep deprived people held onto their fat tissue, and instead lost muscle.
This causes their body to hold onto the fat produced by carbs.
It is known that leptin resistance cause the body hold onto fat and therefore weight gain.
If you eat too little calories, then you risk putting your body into starvation mode, meaning that you actually hold onto fat to survive, rather than losing weight.
900 calories is way too low — definitely don't go lower, and I'd consider increasing to at least 1200 - your body may be in starvation mode and holding onto fat for preserves!
When SPM begins, Cruise says, the body tenaciously holds onto fat stores just as it would during a famine.
In fact, high stress can specifically cause you to hold onto fat around your midsection.
The endomorph typically gains and holds onto fat easily and has a harder time losing it.
The Big 5 can publish all of the misleading data they want to hold onto their fat paychecks a little longer, but it won't change their doomed reality.
There are a number of factors that could be stalling weight - loss including conditions such as perimenopause, hypothyroidism, and neurotoxicity, but often times it's as simple as the foods you're choosing, still too many carbs for your genetics or your body's instinctive ability to hold onto fat for survival.
Some people swear that drinking coffee can cause you to hold onto fat — and a 2005 study published in «Psychosomatic Medicine» found that too much caffeine can increase levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that triggers fat storage.
It will hold onto fat and fluid to dilute the poison coming in,» she says.
But this actually depletes your body and can have the opposite result because your body thinks it's starving and it will hold onto the fat you have.
Carbohydrates are needed and in this case, slow digesting carbohydrates are best so that they do not cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels, which would cause the body to hold onto its fat.
Even if you're eating healthy foods and avoiding the inflammatory ones, it's still important not to starve the body and trigger the famine response that holds onto fat.
It is a known fact that too little food makes the body go into starvation mode and therefore will hold onto fat.
Your body uses more calories to make and keep muscle than to hold onto fat.
However, research has shown that chronic dieters have a 20 - 40 % lower BMR than expected (the body thinks it's starving and holds onto fat).
They're bodies starve for complex carboydrates and hold onto all fat.
EATING LESS makes you hold ONTO fat!
Some bodies are simply conditioned to hold onto fat, and that becomes a problem when you're working hard to sculpt a strong, lean form that looks good inside and outside of the gym.
I have tone in the midsection 3 distinct lines but I hold onto fat in my thighs (luckily not much cellulite but some in the upper regions).
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