Sentences with phrase «to hold things»

The pins are great for holding things together but they aren't very sharp so it takes a little bit of strength to push through thick fabric.
All whose faith had drawn them together held every thing in common: they would sell their property and possessions and make a general distribution on the need of each required.
I have a big bowl that I use for holding things like onions and lemons that don't need to be refrigerated.
I'm a very honest person and I don't hold any thing back.
He will forgive you and not hold a thing against you..
We can get into the habit of holding things in until we're in the safety and comfort of our marriage.
The great ones hold these things until the end and die with unfinished works and goals.
They actually held things in very impressively — still do when I put them on him.
We know judges should not outright hold these things against us, but does anyone really think they can prevent a bias from forming nonetheless?
They thrive on holding things together, often in an attempt to compensate for something that has made them feel less than adequate.
It works well for light duty applications and home projects where you need an extra pair of hands to hold things steady.
They also explained that the back of the tablet has been designed to give you extra grip when holding the thing.
He believed that people wanted to hold things again — things that weren't keyboards or tablets or smartphones, things with texture and personality.
It is what holds things together, and it also provides endless opportunity: both of which are goals of the center.
A great deal of our stress comes from holding things in.
Some dogs are cleaner than others and are much better about holding things in until the cows come home.
Your grandmother's chair is beautiful and hold all things near and dear.
For one, the knob is the only way to really hold this thing.
It allows for an individual to hold some things sacred, but it is easy for me to understand that my notion of sacred is not the same as everyone else's.
The trick is to make sure you have a «glue» to hold things down - mashed avocado, nut butter, hummus, ricotta, maybe a soft goat cheese.
The beets make everything super moist and combined with sugar held things together just fine.
The only other thing to note is that they're pretty thin and not very strong; they're going to be better for decoration than for holding things up.
The worn board books and the duct tape holding things together this time around just make them all that much more loved.
The 2 compartments hold things like sauces, yogurt, pasta, etc. perfectly.
The large basket under the seat is more than sufficient to hold all things necessary for your child.
I've allowed myself to accept help when it is offered, whether that means holding my things while I run after my child or helping me get my groceries to the car.
The sun canopy could be a little bigger, but it has a zip - out rear panel for additional air flow and mesh baskets beneath the seats hold your things.
A generous sun canopy has a zip - out rear panel for additional air flow and a mesh basket holds your things.
Many strollers have a basket underneath for storage, as well as cup holders and other compartments to safely hold the things you or your child may need on a run.
The baby's coordination is also going to improve significantly at this stage and he would start holding things in his hands.
Perhaps there was a cervical lip holding things up.
Perhaps the only downside to the tablet form is having to hold the thing all the time.
They may plan to hold your things hostage, or they may just disappear into the night with your down payment and never actually render any services.
To be fair, both consoles and PCs have borrowed more elements from each other to make a multi purpose, computer / games machine a much more house hold thing.
It took me a while to figure out how to hold the thing comfortably, as the weight and balance are at odds with any other controller I've used.
There's obviously some kind of barrier holding things up.
The top shelf hold things she doesn't use often.
Is that idea of holding things back — of control — important to you?
On the table, I put a skinny table lamp for extra light, plus a few small organizers for holding things like keys and mail.
I am flexible with it, but routine helps hold things together also.
Tiny back pockets actually hold things (not just decoration)!
These things do a truly amazing job of holding things in great condition but they are expensive.
It is clumsy, does not hold the things that I usually put in that area.
And it's got a nice little magnet flap to hold the thing closed.
They have a second - skin type fit — it's a thinner material but they're tight and hold things in place.
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