Sentences with phrase «to honor students»

Most auto insurance companies are generous when it comes to giving discounts to young drivers who are also honor students in high school or college.
It's about a 16 year old honor student who gets pregnant, has an open adoption, and falls in love with the adoptive family with disastrous results.
This is essential for honoring student learning as well as whatever is being evaluated.
It is a great opportunity to build literacy skills and honor student voice.
I am a full time honor student as well as a full time employee.
The teachers and administrators at ACE realize that recognition is a large part of student success, and honor student achievements in core subjects like reading and math.
I've taught them all, from the highest - achieving honors student to the continuation kid on the verge of dropping out of school.
Both academic honor students played their sports clean and hard for years before sudden events changed their lives.
The adventures of a runaway capture a larger audience than would the daily routine of the local honors student.
Student projects are often of very high quality; students have been co-authors with faculty on a number of publications, and honors students frequently present their research at national or regional neuroscience meetings.
The nation's public schools have failed to adequately prepare students for life after high school, said honors students in college who participated in a recently concluded «national forum» series.
A great way to recognize and honor your students moving up to the middle school is to have a parade.
The girl was super ready and actually graduated from high school at 17... she will be a junior honor student in chemical engineering next fall.
Can we find ways to honor the student who showed the most growth over time in a particular content area?
She quickly informed me it was only for honors students, and since my grades were too poor and I was not in her honors science classes I could not join.
These include peer leadership opportunities, ways to honor student voice, and other methods of making schools a place where students want to be!
Here are ten ways that you can honor your students achievements.
So the 10th grade honors student at Ocean City High School in New Jersey did what she normally does when she needs help with an assignment and doesn't have time to consult with teachers or classmates: She logged on to the Internet and linked to an online tutor.
Perfectionism, academic engagement, and procrastination among undergraduates: The moderating role of honors student status.
Mr. Brazill, then a 13 - year - old honor student with no previous criminal record, shot Mr. Grunow, 35, in a school hallway as other students looked on.
Congresswoman Louise Slaughter spoke at Greece Athena High School during an assembly at the school honoring students who have excelled academically in the arts and in sports.
Anonymity is no longer an issue for the bubbly high school sophomore honors student from Centennial, Colo., who turned 16 on May 10.
Honor your students by displaying their work.
As schools chief in Chicago from 2001 to 2008, he was affected by the gun deaths of a 10 - year - old on the eve of her first day of 4th grade, a 16 - year - old boy shot in a city bus on his way home from school, and an 18 - year - old honor student killed outside his high school, among others.
McQuade's work with her ninth grade honors students at Los Gatos High School demonstrates that a non-technical educator and her students can produce and publish a book of student writings using only commonly available computing equipment and the free Smashwords distribution service.
The Indian Creek students, teachers, and administrators who chose to participate in Wednesday's event joined hundreds of thousands of students around the country to participate in the National School Walkout, a Walkout to honor the students killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and to call upon Congress to pass tighter gun control laws.
However, students who aren't all star athletes or honors students need not despair.
«My students are doing the same caliber of work as honors students at the magnet school across town.»
Following the week of orientation and training for the fellowship at AAAS headquarters, Ernst began working on a new idea: a course for freshman honors students focused on discussing concepts and information that are not disputed scientifically, but face public controversy.
The Student - Athlete Leadership Award honors student - athletes who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, sportsmanship, academic performance and volunteerism in their team, school and community.
Born in the Big Apple in January of 1987, Rothaar is a dedicated scholar in addition to an actor, attaining honor student status and becoming fluent in Spanish despite the young actor's hectic schedule.
The Kids of Character program honors students who best exemplify the Broward County School District's eight character education traits — cooperation, responsibility, citizenship, kindness, respect, honesty, self - control and tolerance — and patriotism as...
She was also a teaching fellow at the University of Maryland, where she studied and implemented uses of active learning and the «flipped classroom» to teach honors students about cell biology.
There is the sharp - shooting hitman Floyd Lawton (a bald and bearded Will Smith, regaining his movie star swagger), alias Deadshot, whose vulnerability is an 11 - year - old honor student daughter.
Getting the concept off the ground has produced some challenges, but principal David Chambers reports that the policy has produced more honor students, raised the average GPA, and improved teacher morale.
The Georgia Charter Schools Association honored student performers from three public charter schools with cash prizes at the Fifth Annual Charter...
The Georgia Charter Schools Association honored student performers from three public charter schools with cash prizes at the Fifth Annual Charter Schools Rock, and Charters Got Talent student showcase, held Saturday, May 2 at Liberty Plaza, just across the street from the Georgia State Capitol.
Ashley is a senior honors student in business and marketing at Indiana University.
Varied, Layered, & Strategic Assessments Best practices for ensuring that assessments guide instructional practices and honor student learning in the process.
People wander among the crosses on a mound in front of Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS, Feb. 18, 2018, where 17 crosses honor the students and teachers killed in a shooting spree on Wed., Feb. 14, 2018.
It leads to emotional problems like depression and anxiety, substance abuse (honors students taking Ritalin to stay awake), social isolation and shallow relationships (how can you form friendships if you don't have time for friends?).
The event at Francisco Middle School was lovely, and it was terrific that the USDA sent Ms Rowe all the way from Washington to honor our student nutrition program, but it feels like the federal government is on another planet sometimes.
With the 2014 - 2015 school year recently completed, Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino today honored students who met an academic challenge he issued last fall to Westchester County students in grades 6 through 12.
State Senator Tim Kennedy reads a proclamation honoring students at West Seneca West High School for their «chain of life» pledge, in which they vow not to drink and drive or text while driving.
I've watched him successfully co-parent his beautiful daughter Ashley — a Saugerties school system honor student and star athlete.
«We had an electronic database that was also supposed to serve as a tracking mechanism,» says Adolphus Toliver, who runs both the Bridges to the Baccalaureate Degree and the Minority Access to Research Careers program for upper - level honors students.
NORMAN — University of Oklahoma honors student Matthew Peters has been named a 2018 Goldwater Scholar, placing OU in the top ranks of universities nationally with 53 Goldwater Scholars since the competition began in 1991.
Scary yet comforting mix of horror, humor, monsters, scientists, werewolves, vampires, clueless cheerleaders and suburban honor students... They all up to no good, other than to keep you entertained.
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