Sentences with phrase «to identify the mark»

"To identify the mark" means to recognize or determine the specific person or thing being referred to or talked about. Full definition
The comptroller says the lack of identifying marks means the items could be stolen or disappear easily.
Firstly, the panel identified a marked increase in arbitration between African parties.
Make sure the pictures are detailed enough to show identifying marks, serial numbers etc..
Police departments have long been recommending that you obtain a cheap engraving tool and put some kind of identifying mark on mass - produced items like TV sets, stereos and computers.
In the parking lot Whip out your phone and take a photo of where you parked your car, including as many identifying marks as possible — the number youre parked on, a sign, a row marker, the color of the elevator door.
(Note: I did not identify Mark by name in the podcast itself, because when I recorded it last night we were still working on scheduling the telephone interview.
Researchers at the University of Florida are developing methods for identifying marks of shark scavenging on deceased humans and determining which species of shark left the marks.
Studies involving automatic morphological classification of Illustris galaxy images (e.g. Bottrell et al 2017, Snyder et al 2015) have also identified a marked divergence with galaxies in the real Universe below the same 1000 billion solar mass limit that we have found.
It is advisable to leave several identifying marks off your poster, and if the person who claims to have found your pet can not describe these features they may not have your pet, and may simply be trying to get the reward.
Current photos and a physical description of your pets, including identifying markings, microchips or tattoo numbers
The doctor would open the male dog up like a spay to look for those testicles, a painful and unnecessary surgery that could have been prevented with a permanent identifying mark.
Fair use may be asserted if the alleged infringer is using the mark to describe accurately an aspect of its product or if the alleged infringer is using the mark to identify the mark owner.
A final identifying mark of biopolitics is that it employs a method of creative synthesis.
By Aug. 15, bus operators will be fined for offenses that include operating without a permit, using buses without proper identifying markings, failing to display a copy of the permit and idling at an approved stop.
Rather than telling the system what to look for to identify each type of location, they had it analyse six bands of visible and infrared light recorded by the Landsat 7 satellite and come up with its own identifying marks.
Visitors are issued a visa form that includes spaces on which to note identifying marks on both their face and buttocks.
She said she hopes that identifying specific signatures will help other forensic anthropologists quickly and accurately identify marks they find.
He immediately alerted the museum staff, who identified the marks as fossils of a lycopsid, a «scale tree» that grew in the Carboniferous period.
Inspectors identified a marked difference between the quality of apprenticeships, according to the sector and the age of the apprentice.
3) The wheel lock key has 7 bumps, and 7 grooves on the inside 4) The wheel lock key has the number «10» as the only identifying mark.
If the caller does not include specific identifying marks or characteristics, he may not actually have your pet.
Omit one or two of the pet's unique identifying marks so you can make sure you have the true owner of the pet.
The black mask is a key identifying marking of the breed.
Unsocial cats are given an ear tip, a permanent visual identifying mark, at the time of surgery to identify them as an altered, owned, and cared for cat.
The Coleman campaign challenged this Lake of the Woods County ballot, saying the voter's declarations of mistakes constitute identifying marks.
We can capture images of the suspect vehicle's license numbers, enhanced imagery of the driver and any dents, dings and other positively identifying marks to the vehicle, and unless the alleged perpetrator has developed some type of infinite fuel supply to that vehicle, they ARE going to have to stop for gas.
To avoid imposters and scams, be sure to withhold several identifying marks and characteristics of your lost pet.
Mark or tag material with proper job number, piece marks, and other identifying marks as required.
But then I learned that, although information published by government agencies is public domain, certain pieces of government IP, including logos, identifying marks and slogans, can be subjected to copyright protection, just as they are in private industry.»
«If left unregulated, these would be weapons without histories — potentially no identifying marks or sales histories,» City Councilman Lew Fidler told the New York Daily News.
Branding has transformed into more than an identifying mark; it has begun to communicate a message — a promise about a particular product or company compared to another.
John 13:35 speaks of love being an identifying mark of these people who are actively teaching people to be peaceable in almost 240 lands.
Roman Catholicism tends to identify the marks of the spirit's presence with the marks of the authentic church as Catholicism understands the Church.
Even wholly absent fingerprints, however, don't eliminate all identifying marks whatsoever.
In other instances, parts may be sanded down to remove the existing part number, date code (which indicates when a part was made) and other identifying marks.
There are some other identifying marks of a healthy relationship which Cloud and Townsend mention.
Naturally, all the serial numbers and identifying marks were blanked out but what was clear was the magnesium / aluminium chassis, the rear ports and switches, the positioning of the camera and the size differences between the two.
This picture is of the login screen on a Samsung Galaxy S3 — unfortunately we can't show more due to identifying marks, though we are told that the software «isn't bad» and should be released in the not - too - distant future.
As long as BitLit can identify a mark of ownership on the copyright page, it can release an ebook copy of the book to the reader, either for cost or free, according to the publisher's wishes.
Certain part in the developing of ethnicities was also played by visual, or sex, selecting; occasionally ethnic traits might acquire the significance of identifying marks for residents of an exacting areal ethnic community.
Leave out one identifying mark or characteristic so that is someone calls you can verify that the person has your pet.
When you talk to them on the phone request that they give an identifying marks, what color collar they were wearing etc also ask them what the dog's name is.
That way only someone who really found your dog could describe the identifying mark.
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