Sentences with phrase «to imagine the story»

To imagine the story means to create pictures in your mind and put yourself in a different world or situation that is not real. It is like watching a movie in your head, using your imagination to think about what the characters are doing and what might happen next. Full definition
People imagine a story of artists and writers rising up and demanding «protection» for their works.
The use of magic realism is seamless and blended into the novel in such a cohesive way I can't imagine the story without it.
Your child will have tons of fun imagining stories about playing in the woods with this cute set.
The nice chunky size makes them easy to hold, and it's easy for our kids to imagine stories with them.
My novels now often move with a flash aesthetic — I like imagining stories in a fragmented, elliptical way — so I think there's a little flash in all of my writing.
Although the windows are tiny, it's difficult not to try and imagine the stories playing out behind the curtains.
Just gazing at it you can imagine the story coming to life!
By imagining the story behind every pair of jeans, we're able to create a legit wear pattern that reflects how you'd live, work, and move in your denim.
One could hardly imagine the story stirring teachers in other fields, either, for it didn't validate the arts as an academic discipline.
The writing is energetic but also poignant, as many of these highly imagined stories engage with raw and disturbing realities.
I'm imagining the stories of some of the people who called that place home.
I can't imagine this story is going to end anytime soon.
Gambino imagines a story for each of «The Art of Tenia» pieces that is terrifying but captivating, precisely because of their unusual features.
The novel imagined the story from Joey's point of view and the stage play utilized large - scale puppetry to represent the horses.
Vaclav imagines their story unfolding like a fairy tale or the perfect illusion from his treasured Magician's Almanac, but among the many truths to be discovered in Haley Tanner's wondrous debut is that happily - ever - after is never a foregone conclusion.
Sharratt interweaves well - researched historical details of the 1612 Pendle witch - hunt with a beautifully imagined story of strong women, family, and betrayal.
Hard work sure does pay off and I can just imagine the story of it in a future publication!!!
Stick Man is a children's story written by the brilliant Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, the people who brought us the modern day children's classics of The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom and so many more beautifully imagined story books.
First loves imagining stories, while his daring sister, Second, wants to live them.
I spend ages imagining the stories behind every gravestone when I find myself in them.
If you don't, I could see how it might be hard to watch, however, if you do, you'll be rewarded with wonderfully imagined story - part homage, part fantasy, part success story, and part romance.
«The Journey» (Nick Hamm) An imagined story about two leaders on different sides of the Northern Ireland conflict, Ian Paisley (Timothy Spall) and Martin McGuinness (Colm Meaney).
Loach's characters breath and bleed such local color that one couldn't imagine their stories taking place anywhere other than their homes.
Though we did have a rogue roo at Melbourne international airport recently so I can only imagine the stories visitors have been saying about OZ.
Honolulu is the richly imagined story of Jin, a young «picture bride» who leaves her native Korea — where girls are so little valued that she is known as Regret — and journeys to Hawaii in 1914 in search of a better life.
Fletcher imagines the story of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables from the perspective of Eponine, including her changing relationship with Cosette and her love for Marius.
The Sea of Tranquility is a rich, intense, and brilliantly imagined story about a lonely boy, an emotionally fragile girl, and the miracle of second chances.
Bellwether Prize Winner Hillary Jordan's provocative new novel is the fiercely imagined story of a woman struggling to navigate an America of a not - too - distant future, where the line between church and state has been eradicated and convicted felons are no longer imprisoned and rehabilitated but chromed - their skin color is genetically altered to match the class of their crime - and then released back into the population to survive as best they can.
One can easily imagine a story where the mutability of the story, and thus the accessibility of multiple endings, is the point of the story itself, or, conversely, a story about fatalism that allows the player to take radically different paths to the same endpoint as a manner of demonstrating the inevitability of said endpoint.
I create obsessive compulsive environments from my own experience, while interlacing imagined stories that are left to the viewer to navigate and attribute their own meaning; as if building a vast space for the participants to exist and form their own story within the created world.
Have you even imagined the story of iconic Disney characters playing out in a city like New York; where would they be?
Andrew McIntosh is a painter who imagines the stories that old buildings try to hide.
In his text Touitou offers a newly imagined story from his personal experience of the work.
People fascinate me and I always try to imagine stories for them.
It's not hard to imagine a story in which the roles are inverted and a man (probably Liam Neeson) embarks on a violent killing spree to avenge the death of his wife and son.
just imagining the stories that any item of holds..............
«The pleasure comes from imagining the story behind each one — embracing the unexpected and enjoying the mystery.»
Hailed as the next Gone Girl, the book tells the story of Rachel (played in the movie by Emily Blunt), a woman who takes the same train to work and imagines stories about the lives of the people she sees on her journey to work.
He shares his discovery of his mother's old Underwood typewriter and how his storytelling evolved from «live» imagined stories with Fisher Price figurines to stick figure tales, then full length cartoons, and then longer text - based stories.
and then there is the cheesy line: «the lambs have come to the killing floor»... big LOL i just can't imagine this story having a great payoff... i might check it out as a rent; but, i won't be putting it at the top of my queue any time soon.
Imagining the Story of Abraham and Isaac by James Goodman (reviewed here) and The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son by Jon Levenson Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on «Noah» - seems relevant
Only humans struggle to think themselves unique, their tribe unique, their imagined stories unique and their gods unique.
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