Sentences with phrase «to immortalise someone»

His choice is a tribute to that peak as immortalised by Walt Disney.
The remaining supporting cast features a bizarre (and degrading) appearance by Temuera Morrison, and Jean Reno doing possibly the worst impersonation of a Frenchman speaking English ever immortalised on screen.
Blast from the Past Forever immortalised as a relic of the Conservatives» Europhilic past, Michael Heseltine here engenders a different kind of nostalgia.
This historic occasion is now immortalised with a monument featuring gleaming, gold, life - sized sculptures of Rizal and his accompanying Spanish guards now adorning the shores.
Speaking earlier this year at Norwich Gaming Festival 2017, Doak — who is forever immortalised in the game as famous NPC «Dr Doak» — gave an insight into the making of Rare's seminal first - person shooter.
Now immortalised in Disneyland's Magic Kingdom theme park, the elaborate design delights visitors from all over the world.
The trip takes us up the Worth Valley to Oxenhope, passing the rugged hills, rustic stone cottages and wild farmland immortalised in the 1970 film The Railway Children, which was filmed here.
Every UK pilot that manages to beat this score and submit their pictorial proof via Twitter, using the hashtags #StarFoxZero and #AcePilot, before 12th June 2016 will receive a limited edition certificate and have their name immortalised here on!
With his homage to the 90s animated film starring Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny, LA artist Devin Troy Strother joins the canon of pop art greats who immortalise funny objects
Instead it feels like more of a chore instead of immortalising itself in gaming folklore.
Feelings of humbleness and pride are at the forefront of Kenny Dalglish's mind on the eve of his name being immortalised at Anfield.
So, even though it all sounds very promising, it is not yet time to throw away existing technologies, like, for example, transfecting DNA into immortalised cell lines using lipofectamine or viruses.
The pair were immortalised recently on film by Arthur Penn (Bonnie And Clyde, 1967), and Allen actually had lunch with Penn shortly before production.
Since 2009, Rocksteady Studios has provided us with an incredible trilogy, revolving around the ever immortalised dark knight, Batman, in the Arkham series.
From there we went east, crossing the Massachusetts state line into the Berkshires, in search of the America immortalised by American painter Norman Rockwell.
As a result, Monolith and Warner Bros Games announced that he will be immortalised within the game Middle - Earth: Shadow of War as a downloadable comrade.
Image Space Incorporated is giving 20 sim racers the chance to get their name immortalised into the...
Let us know the games you'd like to see immortalised with their own PlayStation Home museum space by writing in the comments section below...
The Whitechapel Gallery is proud to exhibit the most ambitious art commissions of our age, and to have selected Chantal Joffe as an artist for Whitechapel Station where her sequence of monumental and vibrant portraits will immortalise East Enders.»
Pius was the only living Pope that Bacon would ever try to capture, and by hinting at the transience of a figure immortalised through the camera lens, Bacon lifts the veil on his humanity.
The Troubles that Hamilton immortalised in art seem to belong to the past now, mercifully.
Dotted throughout the piece are the heroic football figures immortalised by this masculine culture.
What makes them uniquely hers is the filter they passed through; the panic of a childhood trapped in abuse; the guilt of an upstairs - downstairs housewife - artist as anxious to turn out the perfect roast for her sons as to get down to the plaster in her studio below; the ambiguity of a hostess entertaining a haloed intelligentsia who was first savaged, then immortalised by the dybbuk that invaded her body and ultimately her materials.
This body of work captures and immortalises what will — or already has — faded into the past.
-- a line immortalised by Tommy Wiseau, arguably the worst director ever to helm a multimillion - dollar film.
This immense still photographer immortalised the shooting of over a hundred films in a 30 - year career that began in 1960 with Jacques Rivette, Alain Resnais and Louis Malle.
Dark, empty and void of any human activity — through his ongoing project, London Falling, Tamas Olajos has been capturing the city using a 28 mm camera by immortalising abstract, dystopian and surreal cityscapes.
Instead, he entered the 400 metres and won the gold medal, an achievement immortalised in the film Chariots of Fire.
Every year at the Japanese Grand Prix, teams and drivers get immortalised with unique artwork, incredible hats costumes and, occasionally, they get given some bizarre gifts too.
You may have heard of Robert Nesbitt, an avid Newcastle Supporter, who had a large elaborate tattoo of Andy Cole immortalised on his thigh only to be confronted with his departure 2 days later to Manchester United.
Here, we look at a selection of the most questionable efforts to immortalise stars in recent years.
The man whose statue is immortalised outside the Emirates for the rest of time struck an impressive 175 goals in 258 games for the club, including one in four in his short second spell in 2012.
Their treble immortalised, the luck forgotten.
Commissioner for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mr. Steve Ayorinde in a statement, said the remodelling of the magnificent Gani Fawehinmi statue was part of the State's strategy to enhance the aesthetic beauty of open public spaces and parks across the state and to celebrate and immortalise worthy icons that contributed immensely to the development of Lagos State.
And while I suspect that Marx and Engels might have something to say about that, neither they nor any of the other contenders can boast the dubious distinction of being immortalised unfavourably in both literature, in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta, and in language, with that far - from - complimentary adjective.
The Central Regional Minister, Mr Kwamena Duncan, told the Daily Graphic in an interview on Wednesday that «this facility is purely a private enterprise to immortalise President Mills, so government can not commit funds to its running.»
But he never became one of those social dropouts immortalised by Evelyn Waugh.
A member of the Oyo State House of Assembly, Hon. Bimbo Olawumi Oladeji, on Thursday called on the Federal Government to further immortalise a one time Premier of the defunct Western region, Late Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola.
That is the only way to truly immortalise Saro - Wiwa and what he stood for.
The fact that the other leaders seemed to defer so readily to him - the catchphrase of the evening «I agree with Nick» was soon immortalised on Lib Dem campaign T - shirts - cemented the impression of an exciting new force bursting onto Britain's tired and discredited political scene.
Unfortunately that was too late for the owners of the Palais de la Découverte in Paris, who had immortalised Shanks's number in large wooden digits on the domed ceiling of their building's cupola.
Another form results in people having trouble recognising and naming objects, as experienced by the agnosic immortalised in the title of Oliver Sacks's 1985 best - seller The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat.
Obtained from EBV - immortalised peripheral blood Mononuclear cells from HIV - seropositive individuals.This antibody is anti-p24, and reacts with HIV lysate In ELISA.
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