Sentences with phrase «to impact one's quality of life»

The impacts range from mild depression to severe neurological disorders which can significantly impact quality of life.
Behavioral problems can be dangerous, frustrating and can negatively impact quality of life for a pet as well as for their owner.
Not only does it seriously impact quality of life and longevity for older dogs, its late onset means it is impossible to prevent dogs that will become affected from being bred.
You will directly impact the quality of life of an animal waiting in a shelter who would otherwise be sleeping on a tile floor or newspaper in a cage.
A number of dogs may have some permanent disability, but this is usually manageable and in most cases won't severely impact quality of life.
She is passionate about the power of our relationships with dogs and our ability to positively impact quality of life as dogs age by engaging in higher quality of care along the way.
This isn't for buying the property, but for ensuring that its secured and not impacting the quality of life of your home negatively by its proximity to your home.
Not enough practice can lead to surgical errors, which regardless of the method can lead to devastating consequences for patients, which could greatly impact their quality of life.
It promotes a culture of abuse and destruction that impacts the quality of our lives on every level.
A minor oversight, but it did impact my quality of life with the game.
Perhaps the central agenda of the black churches in the years ahead is accurately to assess their corporate potential for impacting the quality of life available to their constituencies.
Any developmental toxicity capable of affecting optimal development can have life - long consequences; minimal dysfunction can negatively impact quality of life by increasing the risk of health problems and socioeconomic achievements.
Of course, this is also an option when the condition impacts quality of life.
For some dogs, it can hugely impact their quality of life, making it difficult or impossible to climb stairs, run, play or even go for a walk.
No one denies that workplace policies impact the quality of life at any office.
In fact, since both your mind and body impact the quality of your life, the two are connected and should be considered parts of a larger picture.
Knee arthritis, the most common form, is characterized by pain and swelling of the knee joint that reduces range of motion and can significantly impact your quality of life.
As retirees will have to support themselves for an unknown period with only their accumulated capital, this decision can seriously impact their quality of life.
Trauma can lead to a wide range of debilitating symptoms which negatively impact quality of life.
It can severely impact quality of life and can be life - threatening.
He has also used acupuncture and herbs to stabilize dogs with kidney failure, and positively impact their quality of life, so their families could enjoy a few more months with them.
Not all are life threatening, but may impact the quality of life of your pet.
«There have been reports of businesses being threatened and complaints about noise and unsanitary conditions that have seriously impacted the quality of life for residents and businesses in this now - thriving neighborhood.
The stereotypic behaviors are defined as abnormal because they seem to lack a true purpose, are frequent, repetitive and can impact the quality of life in a negative way.
Immediate attention must be paid to reason and common sense with regard to these topics as the predictable resultant effects directly impact our quality of life on earth for the human race and all other species on the planet.
Hamsters are naturally nearsighted, so the slow decrease in vision due to cataracts does not impact the quality of their lives much.
Develop and fund nutrition and wellness research projects which impact the quality of life and longevity of our companion animals
For us, making the world a sweeter place is not just about selling products but also about making positive changes to impact the quality of lives from farm to table.»
Skeletal diseases can drastically impact the quality of life of affected individuals.
Although pericarditis is usually benign, says Dr. Arain, it can really impact your quality of life.
If low T and weight loss are problems for you, consider that TRT could help with your weight problems and reduce the possibility of these other health issues impacting your quality of life — in addition to improving your appearance.
Continually choosing healthy options can significantly impact your quality of life long - term.
Both can significantly impact the quality of your life if misdiagnosed and mistreated.
Health is certainly far more important than health in this world, so I do hope that your health concerns aren't negatively impacting your quality of life too much.
Interest rates will make those gifts more expensive than they're worth, and the increased credit card payments in the new year will undoubtedly impact your quality of life, since you'll be spending more on paying credit card bills and less on everything else.
I found it surprising that my skin issues, not nausea and sickness, are what ultimately impacted my quality of life.
I carefully reviewed the list of accomplishments from the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and I certainly do not wish to diminish it in any way, but years before Dr. Couto's heart murmur study, I knew that most greyhounds had heart murmurs and it hardly ever impacted their quality of life.
While this study was designed to measure the impact of treatment for diabetes on cats, nine of the top ten factors impacting quality of life impacted the humans rather than the diabetic cats.
Some of the most common symptoms that impact quality of life include:
With that in mind, it's important that your career planning take into account just how your new position will impact the quality of life outside the office, for you and for your family.
Stable Life After Separation and Divorce: From the moment you begin the Alpha Center Divorce Mediation program, you will be focused on how every decision you make will impact the quality of your life after separation and divorce.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints, severely impacting quality of life.
We are eager to continue our partnership with the AG's office to address blighted and abandoned properties that are dragging down property values and negatively impacting quality of life for surrounding neighbors.
Kristen's love for ophthalmology involves both a passion for science and medicine as well as a desire to positively impact the quality of life of companion animals.
Indeed, the damage resulting from impairment of drinking water services would seriously impact the quality of life of many people not only by directly harming them but also making water systems unusable for a long period of time with a risk of societal disorder (similar situation as with any accidental contamination events or natural disasters).»
I am eternally grateful for Food Matters as the content you have provided has greatly impacted the quality of my life and the lives of so many others.
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