Sentences with phrase «to impose a structure»

The phrase "to impose a structure" means to create or establish a clear system or organization in something that may not have had a specific order before. Full definition
Since my entrepreneurial life style doesn't impose structure on me, I have to impose it on myself, which daily habits do.
I personally believe that a church should never impose a structure of change on another.
An externally imposed structure, that dictates the nature of women's involvement in that structure, is likely to have limited success.
These minimums impose a structure on your rate negotiations.
But it's also better for people who are self - motivated and able to impose structure on themselves, which isn't always the case for people seeking therapy.
Built in 1930, the magnificent Serrallés Castle is the largest and most imposing structure in Ponce.
This approach does not impose any structure on the covariances within a school.
Most of our grandparents» worlds imposed structure on them with 9 to 5 jobs and public institutions that our world has caused to crumble.
«The whole imposing structure of Thomist ethics is in one of its aspects, no more than a religious sanctification of the relativities of the feudal social system as it flowered in the thirteenth century.»
It seemed much more likely that Bailey was trying to impose a structure upon 1 Corinthians that was not really there.
Inside the statue, it is easy to spot how thin the outwardly imposing structure actually is.
The grid definitely imposes a structure on movement and that bleeds into how you shoot, dodge, bait, use your abilities and get around.
Although they borrowed formal devices from minimalist sculpture, Chicago's modular industrial blocks and imposing structures softened and dissipated, offering an ephemeral and enveloping sensory experience.
«I often find it can be creatively stimulating to set certain structures or limitations for myself when writing, and I viewed this self - imposed structure in the same way a poet might choose to write in haiku or sonnet form,» commented Hauck.
«There can be no doubt that local government has the commitment and expertise required to turn around struggling services, without the need for externally imposed structures or operating models.
If you don't take steps early on to impose some structure on how your estate will be handled when you die, you might end up leaving behind a mess that you never intended.
Challenges work best when you impose structure.
Then, listing the cosmic ascriptions with which orthodoxy loved to embellish the might of God, he poses the troublesome query: «Where is the objective evidence on which this imposing structure of faith (or credulity) is reared?»
Marvel at life and how our bodies work, when time began (infinite), where space ends (infinite) and before long it becomes apparent that for all that our rationale minds want to impose structure, order and a conviction that we have it all together, we understand surprisingly little.
By the way, when you impose a structure on after - school time, don't forget that free time should be built into it.
So when Mimiko returned to the PDP, he imposed his structure in the Labour Party on the structure that was on ground in the PDP.
«The evolutionary changes required to build the giraffe's imposing structure and to equip it with the necessary modifications for its high - speed sprinting and powerful cardiovascular functions have remained a source of scientific mystery since the 1800s, when Charles Darwin first puzzled over the giraffe's evolutionary origins,» said Cavener, a professor of biology and the Verne M. Willaman Dean of the Eberly College of Science at Penn State.
This imposing structure is one of the best modern art museums in the country, featuring exhibitions of established and emerging artists from Thailand and around the world.
Spanning a total area of 32,467 square metres, Burj Khalifa's LED Façade holds the Guinness record as the «World's Largest LED - Illuminated Façade» and brought to life the Jaguar display using 70,000 LED bulbs synchronised across the imposing structure which stands at an impressive 828 metres.
Surrounding the imposing structures are the names of the nearly 3,000 victims inscribed on bronze parapets surrounding the pools.
Known as the Temple of Dawn, the imposing structure with its 230 ft spire is one of the city's most recognizable landmarks, and is especially beautiful at night when floodlights highlight the tiered carvings.
This imposing structure covers an incredible 6700 km and was built over 2000 years ago to protect the Chinese states and empires from marauders from the North.
The imposing structure, built in 1857 as the Kingdom's first palace, has monks in residence and can be visited throughout the year
Strange and magical tools, cute and unique clothing, and bizarre and imposing structures are just a few of the new additions players will be able to experience.
Her work mimics the urban environment in both materiality and the nature of the imposing structures that swallow — or impede upon — the viewer.
The imposing structure is the mechanical foundation of Bray's debate with orderly form.
Using striking images and imposing structures, often imbued with surrealist absurdity and irony, they represent and perform this pervasive sense of global chaos and disorder.
At the press preview, it was as thrilling as ever to step inside this imposing structure with its grandiose spaces and peculiar kind of mid-sixties glamour.
Erin Sweeny explores flexibility and self - imposed structure in the lives of artists and in recent artworks on view at SITE Santa Fe.
Abstract, spontaneous compositions, void of imposing structures, but still harmonious and fluid — Jazz!
The imposing structure is made up of writhing, silvery arms from which steel utensils hang like fruit.
Created with industrial metal and agricultural fabric and punctuated by holes and passageways, the imposing structure will both invite and obstruct movement.
In recording behavior as a way of describing the position we occupy between awe for the earth and a tendency to impose structure on it, Gursky employs different vantage points from bird's eye to squirrel's eye views.
Those imposing structures seem to just fall in on you and make such a nice visual shape that I can't resist doing them.»
Jonathan Glancey talks to the architect about the imposing structure ahead of its opening
You can answer questions in essay form but the problem with trying to write an essay is we immediately try to impose a structure.
«Straight parallel lines are created by stacking up slices of various colored clays but in the manipulation of the resulting soft block of clay, the lines become undulating or are perhaps made to taper down to hair's breadth... I think of my patterns as being a collaboration between my imposed structure and the clay's wise alteration of that structure.»
Created by manually rolling and shaping the clay into hundreds of rolls or balls, the basic shapes used in ceramics, the installation refers to everyday tasks, to the individual, society and language; each piece retaining distinctive marks of its manufacture and collectively creating an imposing structure.
For Joseph a similar vision can initially be seen in his work of the 1960s with common interest in self - imposed structures and parameters, colour and geometry.
Odd grids assemble and disassemble themselves before our eyes, blatantly lacking the energy to impose a structure that will channel or dominate the canvas.
With nods to the imposing structures of masculine modernists and rugged Land artists of the past fifty years, here a twenty - first - century female counterpart reengages the dialogue with her uniquely powerful, raw, and intuitive constellation of process and form.
Being an artist affords a lifestyle that is liberating in its flexibility; the need for self - imposed structure can also be overwhelming.
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