Sentences with phrase «to improve adherence»

The researchers suggest that the study offers a design that should be used to improve adherence of food advertising aimed at children to regulatory standards using a pattern of practice approach.
Provide meaningful feedback on hand hygiene performance with clear targets and an action plan for improving adherence.
Alternatively, these 2 exercises could also be used for something «fun» that might help improve adherence — curls, for example.
The feedback group improved their adherence rate from 95 percent to 98 percent.
Family focused therapy improved adherence with drug therapy compared with crisis management (mean adherence score: 2.77 with family focused therapy v 2.56 with crisis management; p = 0.04).
Improving Adherence In Type 2 Diabetes By Communication Training: Evaluation of a CME Initiative Mila Kostic Director, Continuing Medical Education, The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Suzanne Murray President & Founder, AXDEV Group, Maja Drenovac, PharmD Associate Director, Educational Programs, Vemco MedEd, Originally presented at the Global Alliance for Medical Education Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, June 2011
Studies aimed at improving adherence to follow - up care19 20 using skills development, family therapy and staff training approaches, have shown modest results overall.
«While financial issues are certainly part of the problem, a more complete answer will be needed to further improve adherence and patient outcomes.»
Ten Years of Improvement Innovation in Cystic Fibrosis Care includes reports on a range of improvement initiatives, ranging from the impact of patient education on improving adherence to critical daily treatments, and strategies for boosting nutritional status.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends FDCs to facilitate the optimal drug treatment of TB by improving adherence, possibly reducing prescribing errors, and improving drug supply efficiency.
Cognitive behaviour therapy administered by telephone for the treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis significantly improved adherence to treatment and clinical outcomes.13 Management and follow up care by telephone of people with depression improves outcomes at modest cost.14 w46
A depression relapse prevention programme improved adherence to medication and depressive symptoms but did not decrease relapses
A-2 Improving Adherence to Colposcopy Recommendations: Recommendations from Interviews with Individuals Advised to Receive Colposcopy
Through the use of short self - report questionnaires, attachment theory can inform clinical care by providing a framework by which clinicians can potentially improve adherence to treatment in disengaged patients.
Other findings for the person with the condition include improved adherence with medication, reduced symptoms and improved social functioning and vocational activity.1 In addition, these interventions have been shown to reduce distress and burden in primary carers and improve family functioning.7
«We use enzymes that improve the adherence of the particles, and biopolymers that improve the antibacterial effect,» explains Tzanov.
Another area reviewed by Stein et al92 involved psychosocial interventions for improved adherence.
United States and Canada About Blog Fit4D is a diabetes coaching solution that combines the human touch of a Certified Diabetes Educator with technology to improve adherence and health outcomes.
The most important aspect is to improve adherence to the rehabilitation plan and maintain it over time, and this system does just that,» explains Álvaro Martínez, researcher at the ITACA Institute of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
Using an effective 2 - dose regimen entailing fewer visits could improve adherence to HPV vaccination programs.
«Our study among insured patients suggests that more needs to be done to improve adherence to newly prescribed medications among Latino patients at all levels of English proficiency,» the study concludes.
«The ability to make doses less frequent stands to improve adherence and make a significant impact at the patient level.»
She hopes her study provides evidence that the long - term cost savings generated from less need for follow - up health care, along with the drug's effectiveness and patients» improved adherence, outweigh the initial higher cost of fixed - dose combination.
Studies have consistently shown that providing the primary care physician with a team - based infrastructure of specialized, non-physician caregivers whose role is to provide a continuous framework of monitoring and management, improves adherence to quality measures and yields superior outcomes, cost, and patient satisfaction.
The researchers conclude that in the setting of tiered copayments in typical pharmacy benefit designs, initiating generic versus name - brand statins seems to be associated with lower out - of - pocket costs, improved adherence to therapy and improved clinical outcomes.
Behavioral Science provides research - driven clinical care to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage changes to reduce cancer risk, improve adherence to cancer treatment, enhance survivors» coping with long - term consequences of cancer treatment and provide a model of optimal care for cancer - related psychosocial and behavioral issues.
To improve adherence, keep your child's inhaler next to their toothbrush as a reminder to use the inhaler each morning and night.
And then there are the intangibles to eating higher calories — reduced hunger and cravings, improved mood, additional nutrients, and improved adherence to your plan.
To improve adherence to the diet, the participants had a meeting with a dietitian twice a week and recieved a phone call every weekday.
And it can help reduce feelings of restriction and improve adherence.
The accelerated reduction in headache after day 63 in the L6H3 group suggests some kind of a positive feedback cycle, likely due either to improved adherence to the diet as the symptoms improved, or due to reduced inflammation in the brain due to clearance of omega - 6 over time allowing for the same amount of dietary omega - 3 to have greater and greater beneficial effects.
Aim for 1 pound a week to maintain lean body mass and improve adherence.
Doing this puts in your head that you are «eating as if you are training», which will improve your adherence.
Moreover medical experts are already required to sign a statement of truth, Practice Direction 35, and the MedCo portal does not do anything to improve adherence to these directions.
Improved adherence to budget with payroll oversight, cross-referencing bookkeeping and monitoring expenses.
United States and Canada About Blog Fit4D is a diabetes coaching solution that combines the human touch of a Certified Diabetes Educator with technology to improve adherence and health outcomes.
Home visitors can be partners with pediatricians and other clinicians, working in the home setting to provide essential education and supportive services to at - risk children and families and to improve adherence to medical prevention and treatment regimens.
They can be partners with pediatricians and other clinicians, working in the home setting to provide essential education and supportive services to at - risk children and families and to improve adherence to medical preventive and treatment regimens.
Improving adherence and effectiveness of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy without support for depression: a qualitative study on patient experiences
Interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in health research: a scoping review protocol
OpenUrlCrossRefPubMedWeb of Science Q For outpatients with a recent bipolar episode, does family focused therapy reduce relapse and improve adherence to drug treatment compared with a less intensive crisis management intervention?
An intervention trial to improve adherence to community treatment by adolescents after a suicide attempt
Currently, in collaboration with Dr. Sonja K. Schoenwald, Dr. Chapman is PI of a NIMH - funded R21 / R33 that aims to measure and improve the adherence and competence of supervisors of an evidence - based treatment delivered in community - based settings.
This approach can lead to a very fruitful collaboration between patient and clinician which, together with a clear explanation of the benefits and risks of medicines, promises to improve adherence and outcomes.
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