Sentences with phrase «to improve attainment»

The pupil premium is extra money given to schools to help improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.
All the evidence shows that strong leadership and great teachers make the biggest difference in improving attainment in schools, particularly for disadvantaged children.
The freedom brought by becoming an academy is attractive and converting can help improve attainment and bring many other advantages.
Teachers are crucial in improving attainment outcomes for our young people, which is why we are reforming initial teacher training.
A culture of enjoyment Reading for enjoyment is key to encouraging pupils to adopt more positive attitudes towards literacy as well as improving their attainment.
This online course will share ways of teaching languages through the medium of short film that will inspire and motivate both teacher and learner, and improve attainment significantly.
It can also improve attainment in maths — and acts as a great «way in'to establishing wider engagement with fathers.
Published studies also show the positive effects of sport on education include improved attainment, with memory, attention and concentration all improving with more activity.
However, we are also interested in more general cognitive, as well as social and emotional learning, programmes, where a clear link can be made to improved attainment outcomes.
The Scottish government has pledged funding of # 4 million to improve attainment in Scottish schools.
Another solution to help bridge the gap is the introduction of more role models for boys, to help improve their attainment and behaviour.
The EEF funded this project to find out whether the approach could improve attainment for pupils in English primary schools.
Thanks to The JJ Charitable Trust and Oxfordshire County Council we will work with secondary schools to embed literacy as the driver for improving attainment at GCSE level.»
Education Secretary Angela Constance hailed the reforms as a «significant milestone for education», which includes the introduction of a National Improvement Framework, aimed at improving attainment through a more structured national testing system.
Alice Bradbury and Guy Roberts - Holmes, the study's authors, said previous research has confirmed that grouping does not improve attainment overall, while mixed - ability teaching produces higher attainment overall.
Behaviour interventions seek to improve attainment by reducing challenging behaviour.
The Pupil Premium offers a great opportunity to focus on improving father - involvement as a route towards improved attainment — and engaging effectively with dads can also help schools achieve better Ofsted ratings.
Arts and culture bring huge benefits to young people: studying creative subjects triples the chance children from low income backgrounds will get a degree, whilst taking up a musical instrument improves attainment across all core subjects.
The State of the Nation report advises that, despite a «welcome focus on improving attainment in schools», the link between social demography and educational destiny has «not been broken».
This has helped deliver improved attainment and has better rewarded and motivated staff,» says Ros McMullen, executive principal of David Young Community Academy, in Leeds.
The most effective approaches to improving attainment identified by the Toolkit remain feedback, meta - cognition and self - regulation and peer tutoring.
, or «Does your approach to developing teachers» classroom strategies lead to more effective teaching and learning and therefore improved attainment and smaller attainment gaps?»
«We will however make available information on best practice and «what works» for improving the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and I am clear that a valuable use of the premium would be schools investing in ways to encourage parents, including of course fathers, to engage in the education of their children.»
«As well as improving the attainment of pupil premium pupils, there are some heartwarming stories of the way in which schools have used pupil premium to turn around the life chances of disadvantaged children.
«GCSEPod is a powerful tool to improve attainment through study and revision and to promote out of hours learning.
It also found that proposals to increase the number of grammar school places in England were unlikely to improve attainment overall.
The EEF and J.P. Morgan are seeking proposals from colleges and schools, training providers, local authorities, charities, networks, research institutions, universities, employers or other organisations who are interested in improving attainment outcomes and employment prospects of disadvantaged 16 - 18 year old students.
«Some schools will no doubt use the money effectively to improve attainment for children from poorer backgrounds.
The package includes a # 1.5 million innovation fund to help schools improve attainment in areas such as literacy and numeracy for children from deprived backgrounds.
Further research has also shown that the potential benefits of the programme go wider than pupil health, with FFL schools «consistently reporting that FFL had contributed to their school improvement agendas, helping improve attainment, behaviour and school environments» and that the experiential learning resulting from Food for Life activity «appears to have been particularly effective at helping engage or re-engage pupils with learning issues and challenges.»
Good food provision in schools has been shown to lead not only to healthier children, but to improved attainment.
This recognition is a tribute to all of the people who work hard every day to provide health, pleasure and improved attainment to our children.
Aled Roberts claimed the news as a vindication of his party's decision to prioritise the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) in budget negotiations with the Welsh Government, a policy that targets resources at pupils from deprived backgrounds to improve their attainment.
Painting a wholly critical picture of grammar schools ability to improve attainment, the EPI suggests that the sponsored academies programme has «had a more positive impact on the attainment of disadvantaged pupils compared with the present grammar school system».
«The planning and resources group will consider the impact of lesson planning and use of resources in schools to see how effective practice can improve attainment and reduce workload.
The research suggests that using teaching assistants in substitute roles will not help to improve attainment, but when used to head structured sessions for small groups, teaching assistants have a positive impact.
Speech Link helps to support speech and language in the classroom and improves attainment for those pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).
The EEF has released new research which they claim provides «compelling evidence» to suggest that teaching assistants can have a positive impact on learning and improve the attainment of pupils they work with.
Global learning has been shown to improve attainment and skills.
«We will improve attainment of children in poverty only by supporting the whole family.
«We want every child to reach their potential and healthy meals and activities can contribute to their development and improved attainment
What's clear is that the wellbeing of students is a long - term project that is vital to improving attainment.
There's no doubt in my mind that it improves attainment, establishes deeper understanding of subject and topics, and tests that all important information recall.
There is simply nothing in the data to suggest that individual schools that diminish achievement are improving attainment.
The union said concerns about workload reflected the introduction of new school qualifications, with Education Secretary John Swinney saying he will reduce teacher workload to improve attainment in schools.
«An important impact of flipped learning for some students appeared to be faster progress and improved attainment.
This has the advantage of showing how the benefits can be assured over time in terms of improved attainment and more efficient use of resources as much of this takes two or three school years to work through, with noticeable improvements year on year.»
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