Sentences with phrase «to improve diversity»

Lately, scientists have begun to apply the scientific method to understand how to improve the diversity of people participating in research.
It simply acknowledges that the status quo is not working and, absent intentional measures, unconscious bias will continue to inhibit efforts to improve diversity in law firm partnerships.
The call for improved diversity goes well beyond the real estate industry, and the movement continues to gain momentum.
She spoke with us about several ways companies should stop thinking about improving diversity and inclusion.
Each point is important, but the third is particularly relevant for law firms, because law firms can do very little, if anything, to improve the diversity pipeline.
The leaders of corporations and other organizations who want to improve their diversity efforts have taken deliberate steps to push the needle, and law firms could do the same thing.
It turns out that opening a window and increasing natural airflow in your indoor space has been shown to improve the diversity of healthy microbes in your space.
They proposed lowering the pass score to match the national average and claim that lowering the pass score will improve access to justice in underserved areas and improve diversity in the profession.
I've seen firsthand how passionate people at all levels of a company are about improving diversity and inclusion — and how effective they can be as advocates if they're given a platform.
CHINATOWN — The Department of Defense should improve its diversity training in response to the suspected bullying death of Pvt. Danny Chen, City Councilwoman Margaret Chin wrote in a Council resolution she plans to introduce Wednesday.
On top of that, he mentioned the quality of her work and her efforts to improve diversity on her sets, including her decision to hire all - woman directors and ladies for her important creative roles for season one of her OWN Network show Queen Sugar, something she plans to continue in season two.
«So to improve diversity firms here have to fight against those circumstances as well as the lack of inclusion that's been inherent in the practice of law for so long.»
Toronto may be hosting World Pride next week, but Canadian businesses need to improve their diversity practices, according to a new survey by food services and facilities management firm Sodexo Canada.
It was clear the Rooney Rule didn't go far enough, says Caren Ulrich Stacy, the CEO of Diversity Lab, a research outfit that is experimenting with ways to improve diversity ratios in the legal profession.
The organization behind the Academy Awards took a seemingly small, but significant, step toward improving the diversity of its membership by welcoming in by far its largest and most diverse class of new members ever.
It will also consider the expertise, experience and nationality of candidates when appointing outside directors, thereby improving diversity.
With Warner Bros. releasing the first female - led superhero blockbuster in Wonder Woman this past summer, at least we can say that Hollywood is somewhat trying to improve its diversity issues.
The finalists for the CEO position at Lycée Français de la Nouvelle - Orléans were asked as part of the application process to detail their thoughts on critical issues ahead for the school, such as improving diversity within the student body, reaching special - education students while in a full - immersion foreign - language environment, and aligning the French national standards with those set by the state of Louisiana.
Adding a new account type improves the diversity of tradelines appearing on your consumer report.
Ranging from a simple double - jump advantage to a ring of fire surrounding the player as they take damage, scrolls greatly improve diversity of gameplay which is crucial in an arcade shooter unreliant on depth of a plot or engaging characters.
However, the good intentions do not seem to have made much impact on those currently vying for partnership, with only 1 % of survey respondents stating they are very confident that steps being taken to improve diversity through schemes such as PRIME will be effective and a 54 % majority stating that such schemes will «probably not» be effective.
Without them, yet another blow may be struck against improving diversity among the most senior practitioners at the Criminal Bar.
While firms can always improve their diversity hiring and retention initiatives, these efforts already receive a great deal of attention, so law firms have access to a lot of guidance on how to address these two areas.
Explores the improvements that have been made with respect to women's participation in the law, analyzes problems that continue to affect diversity initiatives, and suggests possible ways to improve those diversity initiatives
However, while of course they can statistically improve the diversity of your business, they won't get to the heart of resolving the real issue — an authentic business culture and personality of trust, openness and a clear understanding of the benefits to be secured from a more diverse and inclusive organisation.
However, Lloyds Banking Group could be set to change all that - it became the first FTSE 100 firm to make a commitment to improving diversity across its workforce.
Many Children, Many Voices: A Manual for Increasing Diversity in CASA Programs Center for Community Alternatives Manual to help Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) programs improve their diversity at all organizational and programmatic levels.
These agencies published The Joint Standards that provide five areas that a regulated firm may assess to improve its diversity policies and practices:
Made up mostly of volunteers from the pool of existing employees, these boards advise company leaderships on how to improve diversity outreach.
AGU hopes to serve as a leader of and advocate for improving diversity in these fields, with the overarching vision that AGU reflect diversity in all of its own activities and programs.
Each year, the company donates more than $ 1 million to the nation's pharmacy schools to improve diversity among pharmacy students.
Besides helping to lead one of Silicon Valley's biggest technology companies, James was also known for her work to improve diversity within Intel.
Aardvark Swift talks to nDreams» Tamsin O'Luanaigh about improving diversity in the games industry
The NYT looks at de Blasio's appointments, and finds he is fulfilling his pledge to improve diversity at City Hall.
This article will help you learning about Cultural Intelligence and how to use mobile microlearning to improve your diversity training.
David Cameron's attempts to improve the diversity of Conservative MPs have come under fire after a white man was picked to stand in Michael Howard's constituency.
At the end of his speech he challenged the audience to contemplate boldness, and take bold action when they witnessed opportunity to improve the diversity and equality at their own companies.
This latest move follows Intel's earlier plan to spend $ 300 million over the next five years to improve diversity.
Chipmaker Intel, which at the start of the year said it would spend $ 300 million over five years to improve diversity, ranked No. 48.
Among its other efforts to improve diversity, Uber in February said CEO Travis Kalanick would meet with civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson.
The company is also bringing on outside strategy firm Paradigm to establish Inclusion Labs at Pinterest to uncover innovative new ways to improve diversity.
Also on the agenda: The need to improve diversity and inclusion across the board in Silicon Valley.
If trying to improve diversity and inclusion is the norm, even if the results aren't perfect, it confirms a commitment and concern about these issues.
This lesson can be gleamed from the company's outreach program following the EGM as well as its concerted effort to improve its diversity and refresh its board.
Importantly, Rachel was way ahead of the game when it came to many of the changes we needed to make as a company to ensure our future success — from promoting cross-functional teamwork to improving diversity and inclusion.
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