Sentences with phrase «to improve education for all children»

Most researchers say the biggest factor was that in the late 1990s, states began to implement policies holding schools accountable for improving education for children.
Like many modern challenges, improving education for all children requires key leaders to collaborate in new and powerful ways.
After the experience in Newark, Zuckerberg and his wife plan to focus on improving education for children in low - income communities in the San Francisco Bay area.
«Our mayor doesn't seem to care about improving education for children like mine,» said Jean Holybrice.
«Councils have been clear from the outset that the proposals within the Bill focussed too heavily on structures, when our shared ambition is on improving education for all children.
«More people would [run for school boards] if they could focus on education issues aimed at improving education for all children,» commented Goodman.
Accountability systems have worked well with other reforms — such as effective choice policies, the expansion of early - childhood - education and other school - readiness programs, and efforts to improve the teaching force through evaluation and tenure reform — to improve education for children around the country.
As someone for whom English was a second language, she is passionate about improving education for children who are English language learners and being a constant learner herself.
While there are sharp disagreements on the best way to improve education for children from low - income homes, most Americans accept that doing so is an important societal objective.
The Institute for Effective Education (IEE) is an independent charity working to improve education for all children by promoting the use of evidence in education policy and practice.
These key areas are critical to improve education for children across the United States.
On this week's Dropout Nation Podcast, I advise parents and other caregivers on how to improve education for their children through a few simple questions.
During site council deliberations, for example, we observed that teachers began discussing broader issues such as improving education for all children in their schools, not just for their own students.
She is eager to build on her experiences to improve education for the children of Milwaukee.
Walter F. Mondale has stepped down as the chairman of the board for the Secaucus, N.J. - based Panasonic Foundation, which aims to improve education for children in poverty.
The end result of the McCleary case was not so much about improving education for children, but in expanding the power and money of the union within the system.
«Throughout that we will continue to be guided by the big changes we want - tax reform, improving education for all children, sorting out the banks and building a new economy from the rubble of the old, and extensive fundamental political reform.»
31 percent say they trust Cuomo to improve education for their children.
Reform's Academy chains unlocked report brings together results from the first survey of academy chain chief executives and recommends reforms to the funding and oversight of academy chains to raise standards and achieve the original goal of improving education for all children.
That is how we improve education for every child, in every classroom,» he said.
The move, outlined in a White Paper last month, is designed to improve education for children but has prompted a backlash.
The only requirement is that you serve, or have served, on a school board and have tried to improve education for all children.
Without a willingness to look past party with an eye toward the goal of improving education for our children, none of this would have been possible.
Commenting on the Education Select Committee's report on the Government's case for creating new grammar schools, Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), said: «The Government has failed to provide evidence that more selection in schools will improve education for all children and not harm the majority.
And if charters opened up that avenue so that the traditional school down the street can use those same practices and innovations to improve education for every child, be they in a charter or not, we have succeeded.
Instead of looking to improve education for all children, he parroted failed voucher and privatization schemes that have not improved student learning.
The redundancy and fragmented structure of the governance of teacher training is handcuffing the effort to improve education for children.
«As state leaders, we recognize the federal funding process requires Congress to make difficult decisions about our country's priorities, but eliminating programs like those funded by Title II will inhibit the ability of states to improve education for all children and fully implement the Every Student Succeeds Act as envisioned by Congress.
Effective working between those leading and those governing schools is vital to improving education for children and young people.
Since starting out as a primary teacher in the East End of London, I've been privileged to work with many fantastic organisations and people dedicated to improving education for children and young people.
We need to do everything we can to improve education for the children of Houston and all of Texas.
Asking the right questions will give caring adults the ability to improve education for their child and for all children — and further sustain school reform.
Parents Across America is pleased to stand with our nation's schoolteachers in efforts to improve education for all children — efforts that range from the issues raised in the Chicago teachers» strike to the Seattle teachers» boycott of wasteful standardized tests.
The Choices in Education video competition shares stories about how school choice is improving education for children and families across the country.
I recently went to a public forum for educators hosted by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America where the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League moderated a panel titled, «The Role of the Community in Improving Education for All Children
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