Sentences with phrase «to improve education for all students»

Successful essays are thoughtful, provocative, and serve to stir productive conversation with the goal of improving education for all students.
That if implemented carefully and with the needed supports and resources, these new standards will help improve education for all students.
This agenda won't do anything to improve education for our students who have the greatest needs.
Second, my close friends reminded me daily of our purpose to continue improving education for all students.
Our findings suggest that competition improves education for all students, including the vast majority who remain in district schools.
To cite just one example, New Schools For Phoenix is taking on the challenging of improving education for students in the urban core of our nation's sixth - largest city.
The recipient of the 2017 MRA Advocacy Award has been a tireless advocate for improving education for the students of Michigan.
CPER - funded groups seek to improve education for all students by building the power of low - income and minority communities to influence educational policies at the local and state levels.
In a news release announcing Castrejón's appointment as GPSN's executive director — just 48 hours after the school board voted to oppose the early draft plan for charter expansion — Castrejón said she was looking forward to working with King «as we seek to improve education for all students throughout the district.»
Xiong believes the key to improving education for students learning English is additional training and education available for teachers with these students in their classroom.
America Achieves cites Common Core standards as a move in the right direction, but adds that the U.S. needs «a deeper cultural shift» toward improving education for all students regardless of their background and must include parents, business and communities in preparing students to be critical thinkers.
There are numerous benefits of MTSS, most notably improving education for all students.
North Carolina must dramatically improve education for students with disabilities Officials from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will present an alarming report on the educational performance of students with disabilities at today's State Board of Education...
These subsidies have not only improved education for the students who attend the schools of choice, but study after study has shown that kids who remain in public school also benefit when a voucher system is instituted and schools are forced to compete for students.
«We looked at how we could move forward with improving education for all students while still keeping union values.»
After 7 incredible (and challenging) years spent growing Yammer, I wanted to apply what I'd learned about technology, culture, and scale to help improve education for students around the country.
Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said the governor's office was still reviewing the proposal Monday, but remained «hopeful the waiver will clearly and fairly contain accountability measures that will ultimately help improve education for students all across Wisconsin.»
WASHINGTON — Rachelle Moore, a Board - certified first - grade teacher from Seattle, Wash., urged Congress to take a broad view of what is needed to improve education for all students in reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Steven initially joined the Department through the Department's Teaching Ambassador Fellowship program, a nonpartisan program designed to improve education for students by involving teachers in the development and implementation of national education policy.
«I look forward to building a strong working relationship with our new Superintendent Michelle King at LAUSD, as we seek to improve education for all students throughout the District.»
In New York City alone, 44 low - performing high schools were closed between 2000 and 2014 as part of efforts by then - Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the city's schools chancellor, Joel Klein, to eliminate so - called dropout factories and improve education for students who would typically attend a failing school because they lived nearby.
«It is only through such learning that we all can continue to help improve education for all students, especially those presently most underserved.»
By understanding your needs as a provider of improved education for every student, member of staff and visitors, we are not only flexible in our delivery, but we «build» the training sessions around your business.
A long - running complaint has been that the process of producing annual performance reports and state performance plans was burdensome and focused too much on procedural compliance and not the most important goal — improved education for students with disabilities.
Given the trust that the public has in public school educators, these educators have the potential to move public opinion, and they should take advantage of it, both to improve education for students and to advance their own causes with policymakers.
This is an excellent example of how schools and colleges in the Middle East can embrace powerful, easy to manage desktop virtualisation to widen access to information technology and improve education for students and teachers alike.»
«Its two doctoral programs draw on expertise from across the university, and through projects such as edX and the Harvard Innovation Lab, its faculty and students are working collaboratively to improve education for all students.
«Principals and teachers just want to make sure the education system is as good as it can be and I think that we can get closer to that with the Commonwealth taking some steps back and handing the reins to the states and territories because the they have the track record and the relationships that make them in a better position to improve education for the students
PIE Network connects 72 education reform organizations in 34 states and Washington, D.C. Together, Network members are connected, think bigger, work smarter, and give back — all in the service of improving education for every student.
«Gene Bottoms is a giant in the world of improving education for all students,» said SREB President Dave Spence.
On the one hand, there can be no conclusion that the «education reformers» have a monopoly on ideas that work to improve education for students.
The group talked about ways to elevate the teaching profession and improve education for students.
SEAs and LEAs are planning for and working to fulfill the law's requirements, as well as seizing upon new opportunities to partner with stakeholders to improve education for all students.
Ultimately, this cycle will help elevate the entire profession and improve education for all students
Voucher opponents are correct when they say that the state needs to improve education for all students.
Why am I not more of a generalist, attempting to improve education for all students?
We are proud to advocate for and support our 18 charter public schools, which are working every day to improve education for all students.
On behalf of the nation's educator preparation programs, we stand ready to collaborate with her to improve education for every student in America.
«It is clear states are leading to improve education for all students.
Teachers are tired of policy change which often appears to be more about grabbing headlines than improving education for all students
The Los Angeles Times» new editorial «Charter Schools - a report card» discusses how charter schools are improving education for students and the importance of accountability for California charter schools.
«The educators at Alliance involved in the organizing campaign are dedicated to their students and their profession; they want to work together through a union to improve education for students and improve retention of teaching staff, but rather than being heard they were harassed,» Caputo - Pearl said in a statement.
What is one of the most impactful things we can do to improve education for all students?
During his long and remarkable career, Sam strove to improve education for all students, but especially those considered at risk due to their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or disabilities.
Although two principals don't agree on many aspects of the Common Core and the way it's been rolled out, they both have a deep commitment to improving education for their students.
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