Sentences with phrase «to improve living standards»

We were tasked to establish a strong economy, which would generate jobs and improve the living standards for our people.
It is vital that the billions of dollars that governments provide for international development are used to greatest effect to improve living standards in developing countries.
We would actually be able to improve our living standards because we would have less waste to manage.
The report outlines how current and future investments can change the economy works without sacrificing improved living standards.
In other cases, we are financing projects that can improve living standards within traditionally underserved communities.
Their hope of improving living standards depends on political and economic reforms that are essential for economic development and authentic democracy.
They are against change that would required increased inspections, improved living standards for the dogs that include increased space, exercise, etc..
To evaluate what is the best way to improve living standards in poorer urban areas of low income countries.
Or, alternatively, vigilant riot police stood guard as the French government sought to improve living standards by moving refugees to converted shipping containers or other accommodation centers.
Policymakers and environmentalists alike find the idea attractive because it could help fight climate change at a low cost while improving living standards for some of the world's poorest people and preserving biodiversity and other ecosystem services.
That's the conclusion of the New Climate Economy report, which concludes that if investment goes into advanced technologies, there need not be a trade - off between improving living standards around the world and the health of the climate.
The late Bob Carter, former professor and head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University in Australia, explained, «Climate change is a moral issue, and there is nothing quite so immoral as the sight of well - fed, well - housed Westerners assuaging their consciences by wasting huge amounts of money on futile anti-global warming policies, using money that could instead be spent on improving the living standards in developing countries.»
The centre's research programme is focused on how countries succeed in achieving key economic objectives such as improving living standards, raising productivity, and maintaining international competitiveness, which are central to the economic wellbeing of their citizens.
Without this investment, Asia can't improve living standards in the world's most economically - dynamic region.
The movement toward improving living standards for chickens builds on the cage - free eggs trend, which led to a slew of restaurant chains and grocery stores in recent years promising to ditch cages to improve the lives of hens.
But rather than passing judgment on whether globalization is a wonderful or a terrible thing, Easterbrook accepts it as a mixed bag, foreseeing «an endless tumult of improved living standards wrapped with ribbons of stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction.
Nicaragua, nonaligned and successfully improving the living standards of the poor within the framework of a mixed economy and political pluralism, posed a far greater threat to U.S. interests than a Soviet puppet state ever could.
In the case of Nicaragua, U.S. - managed terrorism was meant to punish a nation that had freed itself from the empire and had begun improving the living standards of its people.
She stated that, there are many issues within the Muslim community that need to be attended to, adding that Education, entrepreneurship, skills development are among other key areas that need to be addressed due to the dichotomy they have with Development of the Zango people and as well improve their living standards.
According to the chiefs, they fully support the work of Exton Cubic Limited and are happy the indigenous Ghanaian company, has the bauxite concession, because the company is credible and they are of the firm believe that, when it is allowed to go ahead, the youth in the area, will be employed to help improve living their standards.
We are very confident that the implementation of the one village one dam and the one district one factory policies will not only create numerous jobs for the youth but also improve the living standards of majority of people in the Northern region who are predominantly farmers.
It was at this period Ghanaians saw so many social intervention programs which improved their living standards among them are the NHIS, School Feeding program, Capitation and many more.
He argues that the abolition of our capital gains tax «could encourage productivity growth in Canada, which would in turn improve the living standards of all Canadians.»
As technology's pace accelerates, exponentially improving our living standards or interfering with nature's rhythms, it is clear that each new generation will exist in a city more complex and intense than the last.
The Africa Inspires project is just the beginning of a long term programme which will, «Create opportunities for trade relationships with communities which could significantly improve living standards, increase access to market, and break cycles of poverty.»
That is the way to get the deficit down while improving living standards»
Those countries have made it clear that they will not sacrifice improved living standards for assertions that we can stabilize global temperatures by keeping atmospheric CO2 levels below 0.035 - 0.045 % (350 - 450 ppm).
We are a company, providing service that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the Community.
John Redwood blogged earlier this morning, urging the Coalition to focus on improving living standards:
Nkrumah used Ghana's share of our trade and production for improving the living standards of many.
«Integration pays off in terms of improving living standards, improving job opportunities, improving welfare,» Padoan said.
By being at the global table, Canada has a chance to advance AI policies that improve living standards, promote inclusivity, and advocate for transparent data collection and unbiased algorithms.
The controversial Perth Freight Link has been put on Infrastructure Australia's list of high priority projects that would improve living standards and productivity, as part of a 15 - year national plan released today.
«A decline in investment will have negative effects on the economy, as investment is critical to making workers more productive, increasing wages and improving living standards»
More than 60 percent say federal efforts to improve living standards either make things worse or have little impact.
This was something of a «golden age» for the U.S. in terms of improved living standards.
The CETA represents a key milestone in Canada's pursuit of open markets and the improved living standards that invariably result.
His professional experience has taken him to Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, China, Canada, and the United States to witness firsthand economic developments, trade relations, market opportunities, and initiatives to create employment and improve living standards.
During those three years substantial progress was made in improving living standards.
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