Sentences with phrase «to improve the quality of education for all students»

Worse still, vouchers have not been shown to improve the quality of education for the students who use them.
In a statement, Stefan Pryor, the state education commissioner, defended the law as a way to improve the quality of education for all students in Greenwich.
Governor Bush maintains his passion for improving the quality of education for students across the country by serving as the Chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a national nonprofit education reform organization he founded to transform education in America.
Yesterday, education reform leader, Chiefs for Change, argued that a blanket waiver could produce «uncertainty for states and potentially threaten the progress that has been made by many states to improve the quality of education for students across America.»
Simmons Lettre is an education consultant, entrepreneur, and nonprofit leader committed to significantly improving the quality of education for all students.
In the brief, the NEA writes, «proactive early intervention, professional development, and full funding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are the best ways to improve the quality of education for students with disabilities, reduce the number of children inappropriately referred for special education services, and provide great public schools for all children, including those with special needs.
Data from school choice programs in Milwaukee, New Orleans, and Ohio show that a school choice plan does not always improve the quality of education for all students.
The three - year grant from the Kellogg Foundation will enable NCTR to improve the quality of education for students in elementary schools in select regions across the nation.
Tony's stance on key issues such as job creation (bringing jobs back to the New York State), access to affordable and quality health care for all, improving the quality of education for students, and holding state officials accountable for how they spend taxpayers» money is aligned with the Coalition's point of views.
By converting the whole of the educational system to digitization, the use of various techniques like online courses, online exams, digital textbooks, quizzes, and e-notes are improving the quality of education for the students.
I joined Nashville Rise because I wanted to be a part of a team working to improve the quality of education for students in my community.
«State and local boards of education, operating under pressure to run schools efficiently and meet national and state performance goals, must consider administrative options such as consolidation or the coordination of services to reduce operating costs and improve the quality of education for all students,» Shakrani concludes.
The government funding and the small tuition families pay can't cover all the things Duval would like to do to improve the quality of education for his students.
Evaluating educator effectiveness is crucial to improving the quality of education for students — and educators, too.
She has also been a data / instructional coach, working with teachers to improve the quality of education for all students.
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