Sentences with phrase «to improve the test»

This school - based work has resulted in improved test scores in reading, writing, and math for A3 students and the expansion of the program to other campuses across the district.
Perhaps the big economic gains made by blacks in the 1990s didn't show up in improved test scores until the 2000s.
Previously, districts had strong incentives to resist high proficiency standards, as they feared their schools might be subject to increasingly severe penalties for not producing improved test results.
Principals have supervisors to hold them accountable for improved test scores and student outcomes.
Supporters say the new charter - granting entity is needed to spur innovation, especially in the area of improving test scores for minority and low - income students.
There is a big problem with all the pressure put on improving test scores without any reflection on school climate to see whether the school is healthy or not.
Four of those five have been on the list since 2010, and have received extra money to help improve their test scores.
Programs are almost always associated with improved test scores in affected public schools.
This has resulted in improved test performance and overall school achievement.
If you helped a school improve its test scores by a specific percentage or worked with a large volume of teachers, mention these achievements naturally throughout your resume.
Unfortunately, the questions often prevent us from nurturing the components of a strong school culture from which improved test scores can grow.
They have been shown to help struggling students improve their test scores.
Additional steps will be taken if the plan doesn't improve test participation.
In response, states worked to improve their testing practices by shortening or eliminating tests and limiting test preparation.
Focus on developing people not just improving test scores.
The harm is that Common Core standards are not about improved learning; they are about improved test - taking.
If the states that had not done annual testing improve their test scores more than the states that did annual testing, the findings suggest annual testing causes higher test scores.
The use of graphic organizers can also improve test scores, providing they're used effectively, consistently and as an integral part of the problem solving process.
Understand and use statistical analyses of student test data to diagnose learning difficulties and improve test items.
The five year study, found that those taught genetics first improved their test scores by an average of seven per cent more than those taught evolution first.
The study also used different statistical methods than previous investigations, critically analyzing the animal and human data together, which improved test sensitivity across the two species.
In addition, we have a growing body of rigorous research showing a disconnect between improving test scores and improving later - life outcomes.
I am certainly going to go to great lengths to avoid arguing about whether using computers improves test scores, or increases literacy, or boosts mathematics achievement.
With this foundation laid, it's time to improve our testing program to reflect this new, shared standard for college and career readiness.
But you got ta admit, it sure improves those test scores!
In high - poverty districts, children often arrive at school needing things that more affluent districts simply don't have to provide — but providing them won't necessarily improve test scores.
Technically inclined with strong understanding of new test setups and providing insightful analysis on improving test plans.
Provided technical assistance identifying, investigating and resolving customer problems, and incorporated customer feedback to improve test coverage.
Adding social — emotional learning curriculum improves test scores by an average of 11 %.
History of improving test scores in reading and math.
Plus, it can help improve your test scores, grades and overall academic performance.
What the authors tested was... whether having students write down their thoughts about an upcoming test could improve test performance.
Do you think the new laws will help charter schools improve test scores?
A prescription for light In schools, specific lighting solutions can significantly improve concentration and cognitive performance and lead to improved test results.
What's more, the changes that states have made to improve their testing practices and to reduce pressure typically stemming from these tests have slowed down the movement to opt out of testing.
• Successfully applied new learning techniques and programs, which improved test scores and performance of at - risk students by 99 %.
Studies show that digital games can improve test scores for students, especially in the field of science, math, engineering and technology.
Managed high profile project spanning multiple Business Groups comprised of WebSphere Portal Infrastructure and custom coding, while improving testing processes and conducted follow up on Security Certificates.
Has more robust compliance provisions including improved test procedures, enhanced enforcement audits, and protection against defeat devices;
ERA's research shows that these interventions dramatically improved test scores in New Orleans.
«By helping our teachers with training they can apply directly in their classrooms, we not only improved our test results, we changed the entire culture of our school.
In general, we found no evidence that vouchers significantly improved the test scores of ethnic groups other than African - Americans, most notably Latinos in New York and whites in Dayton.
States are also leading the way on improving test quality, building assessments that move beyond bubble tests and measure critical thinking skills and writing; the Education Department has provided $ 360 million to two consortia of states to support that work.
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