Sentences with phrase «to increase air pollution»

Many communities burn their trash, leading to increased air pollution as toxic chemicals are released into the air.
Increased air pollution in turn is linked to premature death by heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.
A UHI is also characterised by increased air pollution and decreased relative humidity.
However, at least two of the state's nuclear reactors are in danger of closing within the next few years and would significantly increase air pollution because they would be replaced by fossil - fuel burning power plants in the near future.
Insulin resistance levels tended to increase with increasing air pollution exposure, and this observation remained robust after adjustment for several confounding factors, including socioeconomic status, BMI and passive smoking.»
«Increased air pollution cuts victims» lifespan by a decade, costing billions: But different calculations mean estimated cost is 3 times lower in EU than with US methodology.»
«Moving from a polluted neighbourhood to a clean area and vice versa would allow us to explore the persistence of the effect related to perinatal exposure and to evaluate the impact of exposure to increased air pollution concentration later in life,» says Heinrich.
Results: Increased air pollution changes clouds in ways that both worsen drought and increase storm intensity, according to new research published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Last June, Pacific Gas and Electric announced it would close California's last nuclear power plant, a decision that will increase air pollution for poor communities near fossil fuel power plants, and increase global warming.
As such, EDF, NRDC, and Sierra Club have revealed themselves to be utterly unconcerned about increasing air pollution — and totally obsessed with killing our largest source of clean energy.
But skies are never as blue as in earlier times, a phenomenon Neuberger attributes to both the «hazy» atmospheric effects caused by short brush strokes favored by impressionists and to increased air pollution resulting from the Industrial Revolution, which diminished the blueness of European skies.»
The study found that CO2 domes increase air pollution deaths by 50 - 100 per year in California, with most occurring in Los Angeles.
And there is the reality that — in the name of protecting the environment — closing nuclear plants in every case, from Germany and Vermont to California and Japan, directly and instantly harms the environment by drastically increasing air pollution and promoting the expansion of mining and development for energy production.
The Guardian (2014/07/30) has reported that China has ordered coal power plants to close down in response to increasing air pollution problems.
Many of the same warnings Mario Cuomo heard in the 1980s about Shoreham are the same ones his son hears today from supporters of Indian Point: Closing a nuclear plant will result in blackouts, a less reliable electric grid and increased air pollution as fossil fuels are burned to replace the lost emissions - free nuclear power; customers could face higher bills; more than 1,000 jobs will be lost, and tax revenue for schools and towns will dissipate.
The plaintiffs «have shown irreparable injury caused by the waste of publicly owned natural gas, increased air pollution and associated health impacts, and exacerbated climate impacts,» Orrick said.
Everyone, the researchers say, is already starting to feel the effects of a warming planet, via heat waves, increased air pollution, drought, or more intense storms.
That makes them especially vulnerable to increasing air pollution.
Still missing from consideration are the cost differences between electric vehicles and those with internal combustion engines, as well as other possible environmental effects of biofuel technology such as increased air pollution and water use.
Fueling the automobile fleet primarily with ethanol rather than gasoline might increase air pollution, a new study finds
«Keeping cool in the summer leads to increased air pollution
The authors speculate about the possible explanations for the figures, including increased job stress, but this would not affect older people, and increased air pollution, which is known to go up when economies are thriving, but which doesn't explain the gender differences in the figures.
He then simulated the effect of long - term exposure to increased air pollution (of 10 micrograms of small particles per cubic meter) on mortality.
«The increased air pollution that typically accompanies heat waves can especially harm children, who have a higher risk of developing asthma, have lungs that are still developing and growing, and have higher exposure because they breathe at a higher rate than adults and spend more time outdoors engaging in vigorous physical activity.»
It has to cope with a complex meteorology, unreliable climate prognoses, and increasing air pollution.
Officials say plan will boost jobs, but green groups warn scheme will lead to increased air pollution
Climate change is already contributing to increased air pollution, more wildfires, droughts and sea - level rise.
«The world is facing serious challenges such as climate change, traffic congestion, road fatalities and increasing air pollution.
Nissan Intelligent Mobility — building on global progress As the world is facing serious challenges such as climate change, traffic congestion, road fatalities and increasing air pollution, Nissan is committed to addressing these challenges by making transportation safer, smarter, and more enjoyable.
Climate change is already contributing to increased air pollution, more wildfires, droughts and sea - level rise.
It may increase air pollution — More expensive energy in America will force companies, particularly those in manufacturing and energy - intensive industries, to shift business operations and the jobs they support overseas.
Further, the coal train traffic generated by this proposal will increase air pollution, which will impact the lung health of adults and children in Montana and globally.
Stronger and longer heat waves, more frequent extreme weather events such as flooding and tropical cyclones, rises in sea level, and increased air pollution will become more the rule than the exception.
Increased air pollution is the major cause of thousands of premature deaths every year as well as related health problems for tens of thousands of others.
Given the intermittency of solar and wind, and South Korea's land scarcity, replacing the nation's nuclear plants would require a significant increase in coal and / or natural gas, which would increase air pollution in Seoul and prevent South Korea from meeting its Paris climate commitments.
Rising temperatures will likely lead to increased air pollution, a longer and more intense allergy season, the spread of insect - borne diseases, more frequent and dangerous heat waves, and heavier rainstorms and flooding.
If different tims of day are responding differently that suggest multiple factors at work when the sun is shining and not - warming due to CO2 over the entire day counteracted by daytime cooling due to increased air pollution is a possible explanation.
Other health hazards include respiratory illnesses due to increased air pollution and heart problems associated with stress are on the rise as well.
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