Sentences with phrase «to increase arousal»

Similarly, exercise increases arousal in regions of the brain that control movement.
It is argued that identity blaming in these thematic domains increases the arousal level of the partners, since disloyalty, unfaithfulness and irresponsible parenting threaten the stability of the relationship.
And Ratner and Zhu were also able to change people's decision making by inducing arousal: When surveys had bright background colors (which increase arousal), the polarizing effect increased.
Why it helps: Stretches hips, glutes, and hamstrings; relieves sore or tight pelvis for increased arousal and sensitivity.
Based on the simultaneous analysis of all three measurements, NREM sleep is classified into four stages that are characterized by increasing arousal thresholds.
The scientists speculate that, «walking at the fixed speed, which was considerably slower than the preferred speed in both age groups, might simply not have been fast enough to increase arousal sufficiently to achieve an effect,» or that the need to «pay some attention to adjusting one's walking speed to the speed of the treadmill» interfered with the main memory task.
In addition, there must be the following symptoms: 1) frequent re-experiencing of the event via nightmares or intrusive thoughts, 2) numbing or lack of responsiveness to or avoidance of current events, and 3) persistent symptoms of increased arousal including jumpiness, sleep disturbance or poor concentration 7.
In humans, yawning has been thought to do various things, including cooling the brain, increasing arousal when you're sleepy and, possibly, helping to synchronize group behavior.
As mentioned, the ability of caffeine to increase arousal even in a drunk person may contribute to the false impression that an individual is either not impaired or intoxicated, when in reality the result is an alert drunk.
Alcohol decreases deep sleep and increases arousals from sleep, says John E. Brown, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland.
This includes yelling at the dog, squeezing it's muzzle, hitting the dog, or shoving fingers down into their throats.Often times this just increases the arousal level in the dog and can actually entice further aggression.
The recent study found increased arousal / frustration to be the most frequent trigger among tail chasing Bull Terriers [26], whereas boredom was described as a trigger by one third of the owners in our study.
Judgment increases arousal which produces more judgment and leads to inaccurate and ineffective expression of emotions and desires.
Increased arousal such as difficulty sleeping and concentrating, feeling jumpy, and being easily irritated and angered.
During this stage you will likely benefit from a state of increased arousal and alertness.
If you have increased enrichment because your dog was previously very aroused, the last thing you want is for enrichment activities themselves to increase arousal level!
Finally, a year ago this month, researchers found evidence that androstadienone, a component of male armpit sweat, increases arousal in women who smell it.
As Watson notes, these sessions might well «be too brief to allow for adequate emotional processing, may increase arousal and anxiety levels or may inadvertently decrease the likelihood that individuals will pursue more intense interventions.
External stimulation of the brain has been shown to increase arousal, awareness and aspects of cognition in healthy people.
Rafael Wlodarski explains: «There are three main theories about the role that kissing plays in sexual relationships: that it somehow helps assess the genetic quality of potential mates; that it is used to increase arousal (to initiate sex for example); and that it is useful in keeping relationships together.
Here's another great approach: Start by stimulating your clitoris and increasing arousal.
This is a great way to tease and delay gratification, which helps to build sexual tension and increase your arousal.
Some also say there are physiological causes, where the exerciser relies on exercise to increase their arousal to an optimal level.
Explore non-penetrative sex to increase arousal and allow the uterus to elevate to make room for your partner.
Caffeine increases neuron firing, leading to increased arousal and tension in muscles which ultimately helps athletes train harder and longer.
According to LiveScience, «the warm weather and fewer clothes - could increase arousal
increases the arousal of the observer and, therefore, the speed of herhis.
Another study, published in 2005 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinal Metabolism, showed that «light directly influences physiology and increases arousal
Researchers found that «light directly influences physiology and increases arousal
Over time, handlers work to increase the arousal of their dogs so the bite is harder and more intense.
As he noted the pain activity triggers ongoing anxiety symptoms, while at the same time, the pain activity is worsened by the increased arousal pattern secondary to her anxiety.
This means that many of the suggestions in the popular media for improving couples» sex lives focuses on incorporating sex toys or lingerie to increase arousal and pleasure.
An international survey of over 900 males and females aged 18 - 63 found that kissing serves a greater purpose and is more than a way to increase arousal.
Therefore, the premise of the general arousal theory of criminality is that individuals inherit a nervous system that is unresponsive to low levels of stimulation and as a consequence, these individuals have to seek out the proper stimulation to increase their arousal.
It dispels myths held by both sexes and includes topics such as how to discuss sexuality with your partner without blame or embarrassment, what you can do to increase arousal for both yourself and your partner, what women want sexually, and current medical treatments available for sexual problems.
The former view purports that rejection causes a state of alertness to social stress, which is supported by results showing worse mood, increased arousal, and lowered self - esteem in response to rejection [74 — 80].
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