Sentences with phrase «to increase fuel costs»

This is primarily because of the greater distance from the island to the most popular dive sites, which means increased fuel costs and time spent on each trip for dive operators.
Today's increased fuel costs continue to drive up the price of supermarket goods.
Turbo - charging was not preferred initially as the engines were perceived to be less reliable, however the method won a decisive victory by the mid-1970s as the 1973 oil crisis increased fuel costs.
Meanwhile, we hear continually about carbon capture and storage which is notable mainly for the fact it produces no energy and increases the fuel cost per MWH.
Supporters of the provision, however, note that current law prohibits the Defense Department from buying crude produced from Canada's oil sands, potentially increasing fuel costs to the military — and its reliance on more far - flung foreign suppliers.
«This effect will increase the fuel costs to airlines, potentially raising ticket prices, and it will worsen the environmental impacts of aviation.»
They have warned that some airfields may become too hot to permit takeoff: they have warned that more atmospheric turbulence promises bumpier flights; and that stronger headwinds could increase fuel costs.
According to Sohbet Karbuz, a military energy analyst and former International Energy Agency official, there are multiple factors pushing the Department of Defense (DoD) to go green, including «increasing fuel costs, logistics pains and the delicate fuel distribution network.»
In addition to potentially limiting consumer choice by jeopardizing availability of lower ethanol blends, the RFS could lead to increased fuel costs.
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